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CBN NewsWatch AM: September 19, 2018

CBN NewsWatch AM: September 19, 2018 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN NewsWatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us.

I'm Efrem Graham.

On today's program, stillmore twists and turns

in the Brett Kavanaugh controversy,

as his accuser now saysshe will not testify

in Washington until the FBIinvestigates her claims.

President Donald Trump headsto North Carolina today

to see the devastation leftbehind by Hurricane Florence.

And we'll hear fromevangelist Franklin Graham

on relief efforts in the wake of Florence.

Plus, we'll take a look at how the

transgender trend is affecting children.

We begin with the battleover the president's

nomination for the US Supreme Court.

Republicans delayed a committee vote

on Judge Brett Kavanaugh this week

to take Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

up on her offer to shareallegations against the nominee.

Then late Tuesday, she said she doesn't

want to appear until theFBI looks into her claims.

- If she is not going tobe part of the hearing,

that would be a very interesting

and unfortunate turn of events.

- Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley

responded to the letter from her attorneys

by saying the invitationon Monday still stands,

and nothing the FBI doeswould have any bearing

on what she tells the committee.

So if she does notcome, there is no reason

to delay the vote any further.

Our Capitol Hill correspondent

Abigail Robertson joinsus now from Washington.

So, Abigail, how are lawmakers responding

to this latest developmentfrom Kavanaugh's accuser?

- Well, Democrats are sayingthat they agree with Dr. Ford

and are calling forthis FBI investigation.

But Republicans say thatthat's not necessary,

and President Trump said yesterday

he doesn't think that theFBI could really do anything.

And Chairman Chuck Grassleysaid yesterday morning

that the FBI case isclosed on this matter.

And two key Republican senators,

Bob Corker and Jeff Flake, they came out

last night after this letter was sent

from her lawyers toChairman Grassley's office,

and they said that if she's not willing

to come testify onMonday, they've indicated

that they're comfortableproceeding to a vote.

They think that Chairman Grassley

has made a lot of great attempts

to get her to come tellher story to senators,

and if she's not willing to do that,

either privately or publiclyafter making this accusation,

it looks like the Senate willjust proceed and move forward.

- So if she doesn't come on Monday,

the vote proceeds, you believe?

- Yes, that's what Chairman Grassley

has indicated yesterday in his letter.

He said that he doesn'tthink the FBI investigation

would have any bearing on whatDr. Ford tells the committee,

so he sees no reason for afurther delay on this vote.

- How does the president feel

about what's happening thus far?

- Well, President Trump saidthat he feels very sorry

for Judge Kavanaughand for what his family

and what his wife and hischildren have gone through.

And he tweeted late lastnight after this news broke

that the Supreme Court is one of the

main reasons I got elected president.

I hope Republican votersand others are watching

and studying the Democrats' playbook.

- All right, CBN Capitol Hill

Correspondent Abigail Robertson.

Again, thank you so much for joining

us and for following this story.

- Thank you.

- People outside of Washington are also

speaking their minds aboutthe Kavanaugh controversy.

Evangelist Franklin Graham is

questioning this 11th-hour discovery.

He raised the issue in a Facebookpost asking, how far back

do you go in a person'slife in cases like this?

- There's a lot of things that I've done

when I was a teenager that I certainly

am ashamed of and not proud of.

And if we're gonna hold people accountable

for things that they did 40 years ago

and say whether that'srelevant or not relevant,

this is a tactic by the left to try

to keep conservatives off the bench.

- Franklin Graham is calling for prayer

for Judge Kavanaugh, Mrs.Ford, their families,

and for the wisdom anddiscernment for Senate leaders.

He's asking the nationto pray for all involved.

President Donald Trumptravels to North Carolina

to see the damage from Hurricane Florence.

What you're seeing rightthere is not a river.

That's Interstate 40.

Rivers continue to riseafter Hurricane Florence

dumped more than eighttrillion gallons of water.

Record flooding has triggered thousands

of water rescues, with Coast Guard crews

working around the clockairlifting families to safety.

Meanwhile, in Wilmington,residents are cautioned

to stay in shelters as utility workers

try to restore power tomore than 300,000 homes.

More than 10,000 people arestill in disaster shelters,

and many could find themselvesessentially homeless

after the floodwaters do recede.

One of the nation's most well-known

humanitarian groups is Samaritan's Purse.

It's located in North Carolina,

where Florence did most of her damage.

Franklin Graham spokewith our Heather Sells

about how it's helping in theplace the ministry calls home.

- Tell us about North Carolina right now.

I was just there myself over the weekend.

And we know that rivers are cresting

or are about to crest there.

Have you been able to getinto the hard-hit areas

like Wilmington, whereaccess is extremely limited?

- We are, we are in Wilmington.

We got in there yesterday morning.

We're in Jacksonville.

And we're also in NewBern, North Carolina.

So we have three sites that are set up.

And some areas are stillvery difficult to get to.

As you mentioned, some of thoserivers have not crested yet.

So, it's gonna take maybeanother three or four days

for us to be able to get intosome of the harder-hit areas.

But we're there.

And as communities open up,we're gonna be in there.

- And in those hard-hit areas like

Wilmington, New Bern, where you are able

to be right now, howare you helping people?

What are you finding is going on?

- Well, first of all, we set up

a place for where people can come.

Or they can call in andask for us for help.

And what we do is wefill out a work order.

'Cause we can't go on a person's

property without their permission.

And so they give us a work order

of what they want accomplished.

If it's a tree that isblown over on their house,

we'll come in with chainsaws and a team

of people and cut that tree off.

If it's a hole in the roof that,

they want us to repair that hole,

we can't do the permanent repair,

but we could do a temporaryrepair to keep the house dry.

And we'll put tarps in there.

We also, for peoplethat have been flooded,

we'll come in with a team ofpeople and mud out their home.

Let's actually take themud out of the house,

wash the house, and then take down

the Sheetrock that is wetand expose the studding

of the house so that wecan spray it with bleach,

and then let the house dry out.

The problem any time youhave a flood is mold.

And we're just gonna help thehomeowners save their house.

- Yeah, so many practical needs

and so much nitty-gritty work.

You and other faith-based organizations

are recruiting volunteers, I know,

to help with rebuilding andall of this remediation work.

And, of course, we know FEMA and other

government agencies will be involved.

But how important arevolunteers in this effort?

- Oh, they're the spearhead.

We would not be able to dothis without the volunteers.

And, of course, Samaritan'sPurse needs volunteers.

And as you mentioned,other faith-based groups,

when they come in, they'regonna need volunteers.

And if a person wouldlike to be a part of it,

they could go to ourwebsite,,

and they can click on the link there

and they can see how theycould be a part of this

and how they can come and, if they wanna

spend a day or two days or a week.

We just needs hands and feet.

'Cause this is thespearhead of the recovery.

Without volunteers, many of these people

will not be able to get out of this hole

that they'll find themselves in.

- How is this for you responding

to this disaster in your own backyard?

- Well, it's always difficult to respond

to any disaster, whetherit's our backyard,

or whether it's somebody else's backyard.

The needs are the same.

One of the things we do, Heather,

of course, our focus isalways the spiritual.

We take teams of chaplainsfrom the Billy Graham

Evangelistic Association,and as our Samaritan's Purse

teams are helping to mud out a home,

we've got chaplainstalking to the homeowner,

praying with them, askingwhat their prayer needs are.

But the same time, many ofthem don't know Jesus Christ.

And we want them to knowthat God loves them,

He hasn't turned His back on them,

and that God sent His son Jesus Christ

from Heaven to thisEarth to take our sins,

and He died on a cross,and God raised Him to life.

And Jesus can come into any heart

that's willing to inviteHim and to trust Him.

And so part of our work, of course,

is mudding out the homes and helping

to clean the debris from a person's lot.

But the most important partof it is the spiritual part

that we will be doing at the same time.

- Well, we are out of time, but we

appreciate your message and your work.

Thank you so much, Reverend Graham.

- Thank you.

- Here's a look now at someof the other major stories

we're following for you todayinside the CBN Newsroom.

(dramatic music)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

and South Korean President Moon Jae-in

have signed an agreement to establish

peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Both sides say they are working

to free the peninsula ofnuclear weapons and threats.

North Korea has agreed to take

further steps towards denuclearization,

including shutting down amissile engine test site.

President Donald Trump iscalling the developments

between the two nations,quote, very exciting.

President Trump says exposingthe, quote, "corrupt" FBI

would be the "crowningachievement" of his presidency.

The president told TheHill he wants to show

the public the Russiacollusion probe is just a hoax.

And that's why he's ordered the

release of classified documents.

He also criticized the FBIfor leaking information

to create a false narrative against him.

Disturbing news out of Kenya.

Two Christians were murdered for refusing

to recite the Islamic statement of faith,

that is, according toInternational Christian Concern.

A group of militants stopped a bus

headed to the city of Garissa.

The terrorists ordered passengers

off the bus and thenseparated three believers.

But when two of them refused to recite

the edict, they immediately killed them.

The Islamic terrorist group al-Shabaab

is claiming responsibilityfor that attack.

Coming up, it has becomeone of the hottest trends

supported by the lesbian, gay,

bisexual, and transgender movement,

blurring the lines between the genders.

And a key target of this trend?


Changing their ideas of the differences,

if there are any, between male and female.

We've got the story.

It's coming up next.

(dramatic music)

Welcome back.

Bruce Jenner's gender transition in 2015

was just the tip of the iceberg.

Since then, a new push to blur the lines

between the genders hasbeen sweeping the nation.

And as our Charlene Aaron reports,

critics say children are the main targets.

- [Charlene] In NewYork, a bill in the House

gives people the right tobypass gender all together

and simply label themselvesX on their birth certificate.

Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio says

the change will allow transgender

and non-gender-conforming New Yorkers

to live with the dignityand respect they deserve.

- Why are we legitimizingon birth certificates

something that is a mental disorder,

something that makes you 20 times

more likely to commit suicide?

Dr. McHugh, who is the distinguished

professor of psychiatry atJohn Hopkins University,

who hasn't yet drunk theprogressive, PC Kool-Aid,

maintains that this gender dysphoria,

this desire to mutilate yourself,

to amputee yourself because you don't feel

like you are the biological sex

that you really are, is a mental disorder.

- [Charlene] Now comes a shocking trend:

parents raising so-calledtheybies instead of babies.

Theybies are supposedly genderless kids

who are addressed as they or them,

rather than he or she, giving them

the option to choose their own gender.

Elizabeth Johnston, alsoknown as The Activist Mommy,

describes this push as the latest effort

by LGBT activists tonormalize gender confusion.

- There's been an agendaunderfoot for years

to erase gender distinctions,to confuse the clear

distinction that our Creator has

given us between man and woman.

- [Charlene] Johnstonsays the LGBT community

actively targets childrenthrough various projects.

- And now we have this indoctrination

and confusion taking placein our school systems

with transgender puppetsand drag queen story hours

in public libraries, where our taxpayer

funds are going, to confuse children.

- [Charlene] It's notjust happening in America.

North of the border, atransgender curriculum

called SOGI is taught in Canadian schools.

It stands for sexual orientationand gender identification.

And one group has createda transgender puppet

named Julia to teach school-aged children

about transgenderism and gender fluidity.

Author and speakerLaura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

is an outspoken critic.

- It is an indoctrinationof all the children.

What's happening is thatparents are actually

finding out it's been implemented.

It's like, we didn'tknow, like they put it

in underground without parental knowledge.

They say that they consulted parents.

But they consulted theLGBTQ community and some

selected parents that theyknew might be on their side.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile,she says Christians

are becoming bold and are taking a stand.

- There's a big war going on up here.

We're very upset.

The rise is happening.

- The word was this, this battleis not yours, Jehoshaphat.

This battle is the Lord's.

- And Charlene joins usnow with more on this.

So, what are some other examples

of the push to normalize transgenderism?

- Efrem, we're seeing itall over the spectrum.

First of all, a group of doctors

are actually giving 13-year-old teen girls

double mastectomies because they feel

like they're boys and theywant to be identified as a boy.

Giving them double mastectomies.

This is something that is outrageous.

We're also seeing,Netflix earlier this year

released a trailer for something known

as Drag Queen, I'm sorry,Super Drags, a new series

that's gonna be talkingabout drag queen superheroes.

Kids are gonna be watching this.

Not to mention the whole bathroom debacle

with the whole transgender bathroom issue.

It's just, all over theplace we're seeing this.

- Continues to unfold.

What can parents do toprotect their children

in light of all that'shappening around us?

- Parents need to be informed.

They need to be involved in what

their kids are watching onTV, what kind of curriculum

is being taught in theirchildren's schools.

They need to know, and not only know,

but be vocal about what they're seeing.

Give pushback to what's happening.

Write letters to schools.

Write letters to your school boards.

Speak up about what your kids are

learning and be involved about it.

- How are Christians speaking out

about what we're seeing in this trend?

- You know, when CBNNews did this wonderful

story by our colleague Wendy Griffith

out of Canada, the whole SOGI,

the push to normalizetransgenderism there,

the Philippines heard about that.

Christians in the Philippines,40,000 Christians,

we heard, rallied against SOGIcoming to the Philippines.

And they began to pray,they began to fast,

and they began to speak out and push back.

And SOGI was rejected in the Philippines

because Christians said, we'renot gonna take this anymore.

We're gonna not be silent.

And it's time for Christians to rise up.

Call your local schools.

If you have to, homeschool your children.

There's a trend right nowwhere grandparents can actually

homeschool their grandkidsif their parents are busy.

So there's ways to protect your

kids and speak out about this.

- All right, thank you so much.

Charlene Aaron reporting for us.

Eye-opening report, indeed.

(dramatic music)

Coming up, it is the holiest day

on the Jewish calendar: Yom Kippur.

Jews have just celebrated.

We're gonna have a look at the meaning

behind this important holiday.

That's coming up right after this.

And welcome back to CBN NewsWatch.

Jews around the world havejust celebrated Yom Kippur,

the holiest day of the Jewish year.

They observe this day withfasting and a special prayer

that has significance forboth Jews and Christians.

Chris Mitchell explains.

(praying in a foreign language)

- [Chris] It's called the Viddui,

a prayer of repentance anda plea for forgiveness.

- The Viddui is a centralprayer of confession

and for forgiveness of theJewish people on Yom Kippur.

And it's a prayer that they pray

not only on behalf of themselves,

but on behalf of all theJewish people around the world.

- [Chris] Reverend David Pileggi

serves as the rector of Christ Church

in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City.

He studied the Jewish roots

of Christianity for nearly 30 years.

He says the Viddui recognizes, as Jeremiah

the prophet wrote, that theheart is deceitful above

all things and that deedsneed to follow repentance.

- One thing that we learnfrom the Jewish people,

something quite important,especially about Yom Kippur,

that it's not enough to say you're sorry.

You have to confess, say you're sorry,

and then at the same time, take practical

steps to change your behavior.

- [Chris] The Viddui contains sections

to be said both corporatelyand prayed by the individual.

The group repeats confessionslike: We sinned before you.

We betrayed you.

We spoke falsely.

Now we want to repentand ask your forgiveness.

The individual prays inpart: O God and Father,

maker of Heaven and Earth, Ipenitently acknowledge my sins,

desiring to learn what is your will

concerning me andresolving to devote myself

more faithfully to your holy service.

Pileggi says Christianscan find a parallel

between Yom Kippur andthe teachings of Jesus.

- Now, we have a sayingof Jesus, don't we,

that says, if you bringyour gift to the altar

and your brother hassomething against you,

leave your gift at the altar and go

and be reconciled with your brother.

Jewish tradition says, go get your

relationship right with your neighbor,

with your brother, withyour family member.

Forgive and be reconciled.

And then on the day of atonement,

when you begin to fastand pray and to confess,

God will hear your prayer and forgive

you as you have forgiven others.

It's a teaching of Jesus.

And it's also something that's

part and parcel of Jewish tradition.

And here the two line up very nicely.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- The UN celebrated Yom Kippur this year

for the third straightyear, and you can find out

about the spiritual significanceof that at

We'll be right back with much more

of today's CBN NewsWatch, and we'll have

an encouraging word for youtoday, right after this.

(dramatic music)

Time now for your Wednesday's Word.

And today's word is joy.

When I think of thatword, I think of the word.

Scripture reminds us, the joyof the Lord is our strength.

And that joy has nothing to do with what's

happening in the world around you.

The spirit of God, the HolySpirit living inside you,

brings joy, and your joy is indeed full.

With that word, I encourage you

to make this a wonderful Wednesday.

That is gonna do it for thishalf hour of CBN NewsWatch.

Remember, you can find moreof our exclusive coverage

of the issues you caremost about at

We'd love to hear what you think about

the stories you've seen here today.

And you can do that byemailing

You can also talk to us onFacebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you'll join us againright here next time.

Make this a wonderful Wednesday.

We'll see you rightback here come tomorrow.

Goodbye, God bless, and remember,

the news continues 24/7 at

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] This is CBN NewsWatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this second halfhour of CBN NewsWatch.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Today, we're taking a look at what's ahead

in the Brett Kavanaugh controversy.

We're gonna hear a public policy expert's

take on the Christian response.

Plus, Hurricane Florence isgone, but the storm left behind

a huge amount of rain and flooding.

We're gonna look at how one man

is working to bring the gospel to Haiti.

And then how archeology in Israel

is supporting and bringingto life Bible stories.

Up first, the battle overthe president's nominee

for the United States Supreme Court.

Republicans delayed a committee vote

on Judge Brett Kavanaugh this week

to take Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

up on her offer to shareallegations against the nominee.

Then late Tuesday, herattorney said she does not

want to appear until theFBI looks into her claims.

- If she is not going tobe part of the hearing,

that would be a very interesting

and unfortunate turn of events.

- Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley

responded to the letter from her lawyers

by saying the invitationon Monday still stands.

Nothing the FBI doeswould have any bearing

on what she tells the committee.

So if she does notcome, there is no reason

to delay the vote any further.

I spoke with Jenna Ellis ofJames Dobson Family Institute

Tuesday for her take on the situation.

She talked about the Christian response,

and she had some advice for Kavanaugh.

Jenna, Franklin Graham questions

this 11th-hour accusation here.

What do you think?

- I would agree with FranklinGraham that this does

appear to be a politicaltactic from the left.

And they're not reallyinterested in truth-seeking here.

But further, I think that he had

a very valid point that if we're looking

so far into the past,even if this allegation

were to be true, this is something,

the statue of limitations is for a reason.

And so in the criminal law context,

in the juvenile law context, this is why

the FBI has declined to investigate.

Because something thatwas nearly 40 years ago

really does not have a rational

or legitimate bearing ona person's life today.

And so for the left to be accusing

Brett Kavanaugh of something like this

and saying that this bears weight

on his confirmation processis really disheartening.

- With the Me Toomovement, victims of sexual

abuse are getting more attention.

And there's a move acrossthe country to respect those

who are often dismissedin situations like this.

As a woman, a constitutionallawyer, and a Christian,

how would you like to seethis situation handled?

- As Christians, we shouldalways be truth seekers.

And I think we can be pro-women,

we can be pro-men, andwe can be pro-truth.

And truth really should be the bottom line

of anything that a Christian does,

in our actions and in pursuing our faith.

And so when we look at something like this

that really does appear tobe politically motivated,

we should be askingourselves, is this really

in the best interest of truth?

Is this in the best interest of justice?

And so as the Senate moves forward,

what should happen is that the Senate

should recognize that notonly are these allegations

almost 40 years ago, andreally, there's no way

to actually understandand get to the truth here,

but is this really the proper forum

to litigate this type of accusation?

A criminal trial, if that were to happen,

and again, the statute oflimitations has certainly run,

the Senate confirmation process

is not the time or theplace or the context

for these types ofallegations to be litigated.

And so as a Christian, as aconstitutional law attorney,

and certainly as a woman, we should always

be concerned about truth,and also in preserving

and protecting our ruleof law and due process.

A fundamental due process always says

that there is a presumption of innocence.

And unless we can get to the truth

beyond any and all reasonable doubt,

this shouldn't mar JudgeKavanaugh's ability,

fitness, his character, and integrity

to have a seat on the Supreme Court.

- What do you think of the way Democrats

and Republicans have handledthis matter thus far?

- Well, certainly theDemocrats have appeared

to be using this as a political tactic.

It was absolutely inappropriate

for Senator Feinstein towithhold this information

since apparently this past July.

If we look at how the Democrats behaved

during the confirmation process,

we should have betterprocedures in place and better

integrity for our senatorsin that type of the process.

The Republicans really need to look

at being truth seekers and making sure

that they are upholding the standards

of procedure and process and not allowing

this kind of politicaltactic to get in the way

to not confirm someonewho is absolutely fit

and has proven that fitness through

the confirmation processand the hearings already.

- Real quickly, what advicewould you give Kavanaugh?

- I would just say, definitely pray.

I would encourage all ofthe Christians to be praying

that the truth is reached,that we can continue

to further the truth, thathe should stay strong.

He's absolutely denied these allegations.

And for him to remain strong and firm

that he is qualified and to continue

to maintain that integrityand to seek confirmation.

- All right, Jenna Ellis,

thank you so much for your insight.

We much appreciate it.

- Thank you.

- President Trump travelsto North Carolina today

to inspect the damagefrom Hurricane Florence.

Take a look at this.

What you're seeing there isnot a river, but Interstate 40.

Rivers continue to riseafter Hurricane Florence

dumped more than eighttrillion gallons of water.

Record flooding has triggeredthousands of water rescues,

with Coast Guard crewsworking around the clock

airlifting families to safety.

Meanwhile, in Wilmington,residents are cautioned

to stay in shelters as utility workers

try to restore power tomore than 300,000 homes.

More than 10,000 people arestill in disaster shelters.

Many of them could findthemselves essentially homeless

after the floodwaters do finally recede.

Here now is a look at someof the other major stories

we're following for you inthe CBN news room today.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

and South Korean President Moon Jae-in

have signed an agreement to establish

peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Both sides say they are working

to free the peninsula ofnuclear weapons and threats.

North Korea has agreed to take

further steps toward denuclearization,

including shutting down amissile engine test site.

President Donald Trump iscalling the developments

between the two nations,quote, very exciting.

President Donald Trump says exposing the,

quote, "corrupt" FBI would be the

"crowning achievement" of his presidency.

The president told The Hillhe wants to show the public

the Russia collusion probe is just a hoax.

And that's why he's ordered the

release of classified documents.

He also criticized the FBIfor leaking information

to create a false narrative against him.

Disturbing news out of Kenya.

Two Christians were murdered for refusing

to recite the Islamic statement of faith.

According to the InternationalChristian Concern,

a group of militants stopped a bus

headed to the city of Garissa.

The terrorists orderedpassengers off the bus

and then separated three believers.

But when two of them refused to recite

the edict, they immediately killed them.

The Islamic terrorist group al-Shabaab

is claiming responsibility for the attack.

Coming up, how one man has been working

to bring the gospel and the spirit

of self-sufficiency tothe people of Haiti.

We've got that story when we come back.

(dramatic music)

Haiti is an incredibly poor country,

with more than half the peopleliving on less than $2 a day.

But as Erik Rosales shows us in this story

from earlier this year, one man has worked

to bring the gospel to Haiti,and to empower its people.

- It's been more than eightyears since the country

of Haiti was hit by a7.0-magnitude earthquake.

And despite billions in humanitarian aid,

corruption has forced much of the country

to continue to live indeplorable conditions.

And while organizations work to treat

the consequences of extreme poverty,

they haven't provided solutions

to reduce Haiti'sdependence on foreign aid.

One man's hope to change that?

By building builders.

- It's one of the most difficult,

frustrating, rewardingthings I've ever done.

And I think for me,because of my personality,

the frustration is, I wantthings to move faster and stuff.

And I love building things, but we have

to invest in the people first.

- [Erik] Sherman Balch,a commercial contractor,

first came here just months after

the massive quake as part of a mission

by Cornerstone FellowshipChurch in Livermore, California.

He and his wife, Cheryl, were struck

by how poor construction standards

contributed to so much of the devastation.

- So, my husband being a builder,

we thought, let's go help rebuild.

But then it became evident that there

were many Haitians who were not working,

didn't have hope in their daily lives,

so why not teach themhow to build properly?

- [Erik] That desire, combined with help

from their local church,helped create Extollo,

which means raise up in Latin.

They started by using Haitian workers

to help build several orphanages.

- We have to build a construction

industry and invest in the workers.

And we use the apprenticeshipapproach of learning by doing

and earning and learning at the same time.

- And I'd been looking for jobs,

but I didn't have any skill.

But I'd been looking for someone

to teach me how to do things.

- [Erik] As part of theorphanage construction crew,

Alto Jean Baptiste learned basic masonry,

carpentry, electrical,and plumbing skills.

The Balches are quick to add,

this isn't just about learning a trade.

It's also learning about Godand living a life like Jesus.

- A great leader is not the

person who is good at everything.

- [Erik] Part of the training includes

leadership classes forthe Haitian apprentices.

During our visit, Cornerstonepastor Steve Madsen

talked about living a lifeof integrity and respect.

We then traveled to one of the orphanages.

After a quick flight to La Gonave,

a small island about 50miles from Port-au-Prince,

and a white-knuckledlanding on a dirt runway,

(plane engine whirring)

we saw the Jesus Home for Children village

providing a new life formore than 150 orphans.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Translator] Extollo has built

a beautiful village for the kids.

It's more than I could ask for.

God has answered our prayers.

- We're inside the orphanage.

And you can see behind me this patio.

This is where the kidshave their Sunday service.

And around the courtyard are 10 homes,

inside each home anywherefrom 10 to 15 orphans.

The kids also have a home mom.

Madam Soliette doesn't wannamake this an institution.

She wants to be able to have the kids

interact with their homemom and also each other,

this way that they'll grow in spirit.

You may not realize it, but more than half

of the people here liveon less than $2 a day.

Some 70% are underemployed,or simply have no job.

Most can't afford even basic housing,

so parents often give up their kids.

To help keep families together,

Madame Soliette opens her doors daily

to feed some 300 neighborhood kids,

and also allows them to attend school.

- She always says, Iwanna raise these kids up

to love the Lord and notadopt them out of our country,

but be the change in our country,

to be the leaders and thepeople, that this country needs

the next generation tochange things around.

- [Erik] Leaders like Jean Baptiste,

who's currently building his own home

helping neighbors with repairsand providing for his family.

- But most of my family arepracticing a lot of voodoo.

And when I met Extollo, andevery morning, people start

to pray, talking about Godand giving people Bible.

- [Erik] More importantly, he's accepted

the Lord and now leads Bible classes.

His dream is to run hisown construction company,

create buildings with universal standards

to withstand any future quakes,

and provide a good livingfor fellow Haitians.

- We care about them.

We love them.

Jesus loves us.

He's blessed us.

So we in turn want to be a blessing

to the wonderful people of Haiti.

And they're so appreciative.

It's so fun.

- Just as Jesus built disciples,

Extollo officials are building

the next generation ofChristian leaders and builders

to bring positive changeto the country of Haiti.

Erik Rosales, CBN News.

- Coming up, we'retaking a trip to Israel,

where archeologists arefinding more evidence

that supports the biblical record.

And we're gonna see howthose archeological digs

can make the Bible come alive.

That beautiful story's comingup next, right after this.

(dramatic music)

Those who say science and the Bible

don't go together shouldtake a trip to Israel,

where archeologists are routinely

verifying biblical history.

Chris Mitchell takes us to one dig

that's uncovering one ofthe most important locations

from the events of the Old Testament.

- You're looking at theheart of biblical Israel

along the route known asthe Way of the Patriarchs.

This is ancient Shiloh, theplace where the Bible says

Joshua divided the PromisedLand between the 12 tribes,

and where the tabernacle of the Lord

stood for more than 300 years.

- Welcome to ancient Shiloh.

This is the first capitalof ancient Israel.

And it's a sacred spotbecause the Mishkan was here,

the tabernacle, where peoplecame to connect with God.

- [Chris] Scott Striplingdirects the excavation here.

And along with dozens of volunteers,

they're digging into history.

- We're dealing with realpeople, real places, real events.

This is not mythology.

The coins that we excavated today,

we're talking aboutcoins of Herod the Great,

Pontius Pilate, Festus,Felix, Agrippa I, Agrippa II.

The Bible talks about these people.

We've got the image right there.

- [Chris] That image includes a fortified

wall built by the Canaanites.

They're finding a treasuretrove of artifacts,

including coins and 2,000pieces of pottery a day.

- Now, this one was from yesterday.

It's been washed already.

So, you see the same formright out of the ground,

and yesterday, and these are those

handles from the stone vessels.

Remember Jesus's first miracle at Cana.

There were stone jars full of water.

That's that ritual purityculture of the first century.

- [Chris] An archeologist looks

at these shards as a fine time piece.

- Just like yourgreat-grandmother's pottery

is different from your potterythat you're using today.

And once we learn the pottery,

then we can use it as ourprimary means of dating.

- [Chris] Stripling says literally digging

into the Bible can change your life.

- You can read the Bible,you can walk the Bible,

but the ultimate is to dig the Bible.

When we actually get into the soil,

like these students from Lee University,

they're literally, it'sunder their fingernails

and in their nose andtheir mouth and their ears,

and they're exposing this ancient culture.

It becomes one with you.

And sorta we came out of the soil,

and as we dig into thesoil, we connect with God

and with each other I thinkin a very important way.

- I love getting my hands dirty.

I love digging in the dirt.

It's my favorite thing.

- [Chris] People fromall ages man the dig,

with the main drivers beingstudents like Abigail.

- It's tiring and exhausting.

But it's really rewarding.

It's exciting to find ancient things,

things that have been laying in the dirt

just waiting for usfor thousands of years.

- [Chris] She says the Biblecomes alive in the dirt.

- I read the Bible totally differently

than I did before I came here.

And when I read theBible, I know the places.

I know what's going on.

I understand it moredeeply, especially where,

previous archeologists have claimed

that the archeology disproves the Bible.

But when we dig here, wefind that everything matches.

You read it in the Bible,

you dig in the dirt, and there it is.

- Archeology doesn't set outto prove or disprove the Bible.

What we wanna do is toilluminate the biblical text,

the background of the text, so to set it

in a real-world culture, towhat we call verisimilitude.

So, we get an ancientliterary description.

Now we have a materialculture that matches that.

Chris, you're sitting where Samuel

and Eli and Hannah and thesepeople that we have read about,

they came just like us, needing answers,

needing to connect withGod, needing forgiveness.

- [Chris] He says they dig into the past

and find lessons for the present.

- One of the faith lessons for us

is that God is the potterand we are the clay.

And even if our lives are broken

like these vessels are, God told Jeremiah

after He told him to go to Shiloh

and see what He had done, He told him

to go to the potter's house and look

at a flawed vessel and see how the potter

puts it back on the wheel andworks out the imperfections.

So, my faith lesson is this,that yes, we're imperfect.

But if we'll allow God,He wants to put us on His

potter's wheel, and He wantsto make us a vessel of honor.

- [Chris] Stripling oftencites Psalm 102 that says:

O Zion, your servants take delight

in its stones and favor its dust.

- Ultimately, Chris, if the Bible is true,

then the God of the Bible hasa moral claim on our lives.

And as we establish the veracity

of the biblical text, I hope that everyone

watching will just think about that,

that God loves us, and He hasa moral claim on our lives.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News,

Shiloh, biblical Samaria.

- Always exciting to see the Bible

come to life in the Holy Land.

We'll be back with another encouraging

word for you today, right after this.

(dramatic music)

Time now for your Wednesday Word.

And today, two words actuallycome to mind: answered prayer.

Consider this.

You are the answer to someone's prayer.

Make yourself accessible andavailable for God to use.

Being an answer to someone's prayer

is part of God's divinepurpose for creating you.

Think on that for just a moment

and make this a wonderful Wednesday.

And that is gonna do it forthis edition of CBN NewsWatch.

Remember that you can findmore of our exclusive coverage

of the issues you caremost about at

And, of course, we love hearing from you.

We like to know what you think

about the stories you've seen here today.

You can do that byemailing

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This concludes this news half hour,

but the news continues24/7 at

Make it a wonderful Wednesday.

We'll see you tomorrow.

(dramatic music)


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