'Jesus Will Bring Us Through It': NC Churches Move into Action as Florence Makes Landfall
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(waves crashing)
- [Erik Rosales] Hurricane Florence,
making its slow and ominous approach.
The giant storm, some 500 miles across,
already flooding coastal streets.
While the bands of rain haven't yet
reached inland cities and towns,
the preparation continues.
- Our main focus right now is make sure
everyone is prepared.
They have the supplies that they need,
water, flashlights, the basic necessities,
just to make it through the storm.
- [Erik Rosales] Thischurch pastor in Lumberton,
North Carolina, used towork as an electrician.
He's now using those talents to help
his church members keep the lights on.
- And I never realizedthat God would be able to
use those skills alongwith sharing the gospel
and making disciples.
And God has brought the two together,
and He's been able to use that skillset.
- He's pretty incredible,
and he's a great friend of ours as well,
and we know we can always count on him.
- Many Carolinans decided to wait out
the storm together inside shelters.
I'm in front of Lumberton High School.
It's one of four shelters in the area.
Inside, some 300 peoplehoping that they'll have
a home to come back to.
- I just thank God we're here and
pray to God will bringus through the storm.
- For me, I'm scared of the storm,
but when I'm serving a man called Jesus,
I know He'll bring us through it.
- It's our five loavesof bread and two fish,
and before long we're feeding thousands.
- [Erik Rosales] Meanwhile,leaders of other churches
are planning to hand out food and supplies
to whoever needs it.
- We had a meeting this pastweek with our deacon board,
and they all agreed todo it again this year.
So we'll do is transformthis building here
into a center of distribution.
- [Erik Rosales] Althoughtheir faith is tested,
people are keeping Jesusclose to their heart.
- God will take care of me,
even if I lose everythingagain it doesn't matter,
God's gonna bring it back. He does.
- [Erik Rosales] Atremendous amount of faith
is being shown here in the Carolinas.
Erik Rosales, CBN News.