Mollie Tibbits murder goes viral on social. What to do about illegal immigration; Why are motorists paying more to fill up at the pump? America divided. Bringing healing to the people; Why Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed.
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- Today, from the Global Lane,
the murder of Mollie Tibbettsgone viral on social media.
It is fueled a new debateon what to do about
illegal immigration in the USA.
Summer and the Labor Day holiday weekend.
Why are motorists payingmore to fill up at the pump?
America divided.
Bringing healing to the people.
An Australian evangelist has some answers.
And I'll drive it homeon Supreme Court nominee,
Brett Kavanaugh.
And it's all right here, rightnow, from the Global Lane.
The murder of a co-ed in Iowa
is stirring national debate again
on the issue of immigration.
20-year-old Mollie Tibbettswent missing in mid-July.
Her body was recentlyfound in a corn field.
Police charged illegalimmigrant Cristhian Rivera
with that murder.
The 24-year-old Rivera
has lived in the United States illegally
for at least seven years.
Conservatives say Tibbetts' death shows
the need for tougher immigration laws.
And even Texas governor Greg Abbott says
the death of citizens like Tibbetts
is one reason his state hasbanned sanctuary cities.
Joining us with more fromWashington is Maria Espinoza.
She's National Director ofThe Remembrance Project.
Maria, it's good to see youagain, but what a tragedy.
Mollie was a young American woman
about to enter her junior year in college,
I'm sure full of hope for the future.
So how do you respond to people who say,
unfortunately, murders occurregularly in our society.
It's no reason to single out immigrants
or ban sanctuary cities
or prevent people fromcoming into our country.
What do you say?
How do you respond to them?
- Hello, Gary.
First of all, our deep condolences
go out to Mollie's entire family.
There are so many otherangel families also
that are hurting right now
and, as a result of Mollie's murder,
they're feeling sort ofa PTSD from all of this.
They're reliving thedeaths of their children
and understand that, if onlyour current laws were enforced,
just like Governor Abbott is trying to do,
like you mentioned,
their loved ones will still be here
and Mollie Tibbett would still be here
if laws were enforced, ifour borders were controlled,
and if our politicianshad the best interest
of American safety first and foremost.
- Yes, what a tragedy this was.
I can't imagine, as aparent, losing a child,
any child in any way, let alone by murder.
So our condolences dogo out to that family
and our prayers, Maria.
But the President'scritics say he overreacts.
Crimes of illegal immigrants
are not as extensive as he suggests,
that he's a racist against latinos
and other people of color.
So tell us, what is your experience
with The Remembrance Project?
- Well, Gary, The RemembranceProject began in 2009
in Houston because ofsanctuary city policies
that my husband, TimLyng, and I discovered.
And this was after the deathsof Officer Henry Canales
and Officer Rodney Johnson.
And Officer Johnson's wife, Joslyn,
filed a lawsuit againstthe City of Houston,
and that is what caught our attention.
And we quickly realizedthat the mainstream media
was not doing its job.
If we had not heard about the killings,
these preventable killingsthat permanently separate
American families, thenthe rest of the country
had not heard of it.
We created the Stolen Lives Quilt banners
in a way to honor andmemorialize Americans
that have been forgotten for so very long.
- [Gary] Okay then, Maria,what needs to be done, then,
that is not being doneto protect young women
like Mollie Tibbetts and others?
- Yes, Gary, it's very simple.
We don't need to reformthe immigration system.
We have a good system.
In fact, my father, born inMexico, came here the right way,
as millions of Americansand legal residents
enter the country.
We ask for permissionand we obey the laws.
We are in a dangerous situation here.
Our communities are riddledwith crime, MS-13 gang members,
and President Trump did notsay that every single latino
was a bad person.
He said that Mexico was notsending their very best.
And we need to enforce current laws.
And President Trump,
he needs to do all hecan within his power:
send troops to the border,double the enforcement,
double his force with ICEagents along the border,
and also, let's increase their pay
because they are puttingtheir lives on the line
every single day, not sure
if they would return totheir families safely.
- [Gary] Now tell me, Maria,are congressional candidates
calling for tougher immigration,
or are they shying away from it
as they begin their campaigns this fall?
What are the constituents telling them?
- Well, I believe thatconstituents are telling them
exactly what we are, whichis enforce current laws
and place Americans first,
follow Donald Trump'sAmerica First agenda,
and make sure that they'redoing as they promised.
And right now, there areso many elected officials
on every level of government.
As you see, there aresanctuary city policies
in cities and also states.
Those sanctuary cities need to be removed.
We do not need to be fundingsanctuary city policies
that are very dangerous.
And it's very difficultfor the American public
to run a business when there's chaos
within their communities.
- Is this an important issue
in this campaign coming up mid-term?
- Number one issue, Gary,
and it has been a numberone issue for America.
And the more that webring to the attention
of these very preventable killings
and a permanent separationof our families,
through The Remembrance Project,
we're going to do all wecan to keep it out there.
We're beginning a campaignwhere we're going to print,
unfortunately, moreStolen Lives Quilt banners
to honor and remember innocent Americans
who are no longer here in our country,
able to live out their dreams.
- And they will not havea voice this November,
but you can be their voice, I guess.
Maria Espinoza.- We are.
- The Remembrance Project.
We thank you for joiningus from Washington.
- Thank you so much, Gary,
and God bless you and all your viewers.
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- Gasoline prices are still going up.
This summer, US motoristsare paying more at the pump,
at least 50 cents higherthan last year at this time.
The national average thismonth is $2.83 per gallon.
That's compared to $2.33 one year ago.
Will we pay even more atthe pump in the days ahead
and, if so, why?
Well, joining us with some insights
on the price of gas and oil
and the potential impactof sanctions on Iran
is market watcher, trader Lane Mendelsohn.
Mr. Mendelsohn is presidentat Market Technologies.
He's an expert on tradingand trading software.
So Lane, tell us, why arewe paying more at the pump
this summer compared to last year?
- Well, Gary, you've gotseveral different factors
that are coming into play.
Obviously, you've gotthe sanctions with Iran.
You have the recent changesand shifts with OPEC.
And I think what's happened recently
has caught a lot of people offguard because Saudi Arabia,
which is obviously the dominant force,
decided in July they were goingto cut back on production,
which should've reallyincreased prices even more,
but it didn't at that time.
So you've got that, you've gotthe concern about trade wars,
and there are just a lot offactors at play right now,
which is making it difficult to see
what the true outlookfor the long term is.
But there are definite, someinsights on the short term
that we can pick up oncertain clues there.
- So really, what is going to happen,
isn't affecting things right now,
but may happen or affectthem in the future.
Prices are expected to increase, I think,
just before the Labor Day holiday weekend,
so are you expecting afterthat we'll even be paying more?
- Well, you know, it's hard to say.
The further out you try to forecast,
the less accurate you can get.
Now, I can tell you about five days ago,
we got some very strong indications
that the crude oil marketwas gonna start going up,
and if you look at what's happened,
that's exactly what's happened.
And I think that is going to continue
as we move into the LaborDay weekend and beyond.
- Now a whole new setof US economic sanctions
caused Iran to take its case
to the International Court ofJustice in the Netherlands.
Here's the law advisorto President Rouhani.
- This policy is nothing butnaked economic aggression
against my country.
- How might that affectthe price of oil and gas?
- Well, I think it's going to continue
to affect the oil and gas markets.
You also have to realizethat, for the first time,
Texas was able to exportmore oil than they imported,
which is a definitesign that there has been
a lot of progress made when it comes to
becoming more energy independent
as it relates to foreign oil.
And so that is a bigmarker, a big milestone.
I think it's gonna continue.
And the reason that that's happened, Gary,
is because of new technology
that's making it easierfor us to extract oil.
And obviously, with oiland gas being a commodity,
it really comes back to supply and demand
as a major driving forcefor the price action.
- And Lane, how do you seethat impacting the world, then?
What will be the impact on theworld with the US, shortly,
becoming the largest oilproducer in the world?
- I think, ultimately,it's gonna drive prices
down significantly.
You know, we've seen oil prices
at much higher levels in the past.
They've been coming down.
Short term, we're gonna see fluctuations
and there are gonna be some tremendous
trading opportunities,both to the long side
and the short side.
But if you fast forward,
as the US becomes amuch more dominant force
in the energy arena, yes,it's going to drive oil prices
down significantly, and I thinkthat's gonna have an impact
not only on energy producing countries,
but it's gonna affect currency prices,
it's gonna affect interest rate prices,
it's gonna affect the stock market
because energy prices are aworld nucleus commodity market,
and so the fluctuations thathappen in the energy markets
will have a ripple effect andaffect all parts of the world
and all markets around the world.
- So more good news for theUS economy in the days ahead.
Your software now.
It uses artificial intelligence.
You told me before we did this interview
that you've been doingthat for a long time.
So how do you expectAI will affect trading,
market tracking, andso forth in the future?
- Well, artificial intelligence
is something that mycompany's been involved with
going to the late 1980s.
My father's been been apioneer in this field of AI,
specifically, applied tofinancial market forecasting
and stocks, commodities, and so on.
The whole key is that AI isnot gonna replace humans.
People think, oh, we're gonnabe taken over by robots.
That's not gonna happen.
What's gonna happen isAI is gonna be able to do
tasks that humans can't do
and deliver to us informationthat we can utilize
to make more intelligent decisions.
So, for example, someone who's trading
in the crude oil market,they now will be able to,
through the use of our VantagePoint
artificial intelligence technology,
yes, they can watchwhat crude oil's doing,
but the real driving forceof crude oil is going to be
what's happening in other markets.
And we're using patternrecognition to mine, like I said,
currency data, interestrate data, stock data,
other commodities, all forthe purpose of determining
how the shifts and the impacts
that those other markets are having
will ultimately drive the price of oil.
You're talking about thousandsand thousands of data points
being analyzed every single day.
A human could not do this.
It's humanly impossible.
But through the use of AI,
it can mine using machine learning,
mine this data and then deliver to us
here's where crude oil's going to go,
and we're able to do thisnow with up to 86% accuracy,
here's where crude oil is going to go
because of the impactsof these other markets.
And for the human, tohave that information,
you're gonna be able to makemuch more intelligent decisions
and, ultimately, be more profitable.
- Yes, I was gonna say, youcan make a lot more money
that way if you know what's coming.
Well, Lane Mendelsohn,- Absolutely.
- President of Market Technologies,
we appreciate you beingon top of it for us.
Thanks for being with us.
- Thanks so much, Gary.
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- Most Americans would likely agree,
our country seems more divided right now
than it has been in many years.
So what should be done to bring healing
and unity to the nation?
Australian evangelist Katherine Ruonala
has some ideas.
- We believe that theFather is wanting to bring
hope and healing.
His love is so intense and so wonderful
and we know that its perfectlove that casts out fear.
It is perfect love that is the answer.
And I really believe thatthe Father has much more hope
and optimism about thisnation than we ever could.
- He loves it very much, doesn't he?
So why now, Katherine?
Why at this time?
- I believe that God is moving.
The Bible talks about askingfor rain in the time of rain.
People, when you focus on the negative,
you can become overwhelmed
with the things that are going on.
But I believe the Lord is actually moving.
We're seeing, in Australia,a remarkable revival,
particularly among young adults
as the Holy Spirit ismoving on their hearts,
people being saved on the streets.
More people are being healed and saved
on the street than in the meeting,
and a lot of people have been healed
and saved in the meeting.
So I know that this isn'tjust an isolated thing
that He's doing in Australia.
I believe, globally, the HolySpirit is awakening His church
to take the good news ofthe gospel and to preach it,
not with just persuasivewords of men's wisdom,
but with demonstrationsof the Spirit's power.
And I've been amazed.
We've had the opportunityto be ministering
these past couple of weeks here in the US
and the words of knowledge
and that healings thathave been happening,
there's an unusual grace for it in that
I'm just seeing it's such ahunger amongst the people.
- I know in your ministry,
you've seen many, manymiracles and healings.
What do you say to people who say
I've prayed, I've prayed.
People have prayed over me.
I just haven't been healed.
What do you say to them?
Well, you know, when Jesusgave a difficult teaching
to the disciples and manyof them were leaving,
he said to them, "Are you gonna go too?"
And Peter turned around and said,
"Where else am I gonna go?
"You alone have the words of life."
The reality is this iswhat the Word of God says.
If we focus on the whyGod why, when God when,
how God how, we can get bogged down
in what we don't understand.
But I tell people let's focus on who.
Who is the right question.
Rather than trying to trouble ourselves,
trying to figure out or baseour beliefs on experience,
we need to build our theology,
we need to build our hope on Jesus Christ,
who's the same yesterday,today, and forever.
And then, lean on the faithfulness of God.
Really celebrate the greatthings that He has done,
the things that you've seenHim do in your own life
or in other people's lives.
Feeding on the testimonies ofthose that have been healed
so that our hope is fixed on the one
who can do something about the situation.
We love our medical profession.
My own father's a doctor.
My daughter's a nurse.
And they can do things, butGod can do what no man can do.
And we have seen Him touch and heal
people who have been at end stage cancer.
We've seen the deaf ears opening.
We've seen God touch and heal those
that have been written offby the medical profession
as being people who'd have to suffer
with those conditions forthe rest of their lives.
And so, I believe weneed to take this hope
and the healing power of God
to show people that Godis alive and well today,
moving in the same way that He did
when Jesus walked theearth and wanting to touch
and bring healing andmiracles into people's lives.
Well, I would really encourage them
to really begin to lookthrough the gospels,
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
and study the life of Jesus,
to read them afresh tothink who is this Jesus
because who Jesus is,as he's revealed to us
in the Word of God, is who he wants to be
to our hearts and our nations today.
We're also focusing onan incredible opportunity
that we've had as theLord's opening doors for us
in the nation of Vietnam.
And I know just recentlyhas been the anniversary
of the Vietnam War, andthere are still so many
that have a lot of pain aboutwhat went on in that time.
Vietnam suffered so much
and so many of our Vietnamveterans suffered so much.
But we now have the opportunityat the end of this year
to go in and do a Christmas festival
to preach the gospel to thousandsand thousands of people,
with demonstrations ofthe Holy Spirit's power,
to show the love of God.
We're gonna take teams in 10 days prior
doing house building and medical
and just loving on the people.
And then, with the support ofall the major denominations
and the government, we havebeen given the opportunity
to take this good news,the message of Jesus
as Americans andAustralians partner together
to bring the good newsof the gospel to Vietnam.
We have a way, also,of seeing healing come
to the hurts that were caused.
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- Grab your seatbelts and buckle up
because Democrats are getting ready
for another nasty, drag-out fight
over a Republican Supreme Court nominee.
Chuck Schumer pledges to do all he can
to stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh
from replacing retiringJustice Anthony Kennedy
on the Supreme Court.
- I'm going to fight this nomination
with everything I've got.
- But the only thing thatSenator Schumer's got
against this nominee arepolitical differences,
nothing of substance toprevent his confirmation.
Lack of experience on the bench?
Kavanaugh has served for 12 years
on the US Court of Appeals in DC,
making 300 decisions there.
Lack of understanding of the Constitution
and the judiciary?
He's a Yale Law School graduate.
He clerked for Justice Kennedy.
And like Justice Kagan, he'staught at Harvard Law School.
He's a devout Catholicwho coaches basketball.
He serves up meals to the homeless.
Too political, you say?
Well, his time serving atthe George Bush White House
and with Special CounselKenneth Starr are pluses.
They've given him a better understanding
of how the Executive Branch of government
and the Justice Department function.
So here's the real reason
Schumer and otherDemocrats oppose Kavanaugh.
- My judicial philosophyis straightforward.
A judge must be independent
and must interpret thelaw, not make the law;
a judge must interpretstatutes as written;
and a judge must interpretthe Constitution as written,
informed by history andtradition and precedent.
- Judge Kavanaugh is an originalist.
He does not believe theConstitution has changed over time.
He doesn't think Supreme Court justices
should legislate from the bench.
When American voters andlegislators reject left-wing ideas,
liberals often judge shop.
They find a court thatshares their political views,
they present their legalcase before the judge,
the court rules in their favor.
You suddenly have a federally imposed law
delivered from the bench.
And often, only one or twopeople make that decision
for the entire nation.
Such was the case withthe President's travel ban
and the Colorado same-sexmarriage wedding cake cases.
Thankfully, the Supreme Courtoverturned those decisions.
No, Senator Schumer, theresponsibility to legislate
belongs to you and your colleagues,
not the Supreme Courtor our federal judges.
You win some, you lose some.
I guess you're just tired of losing.
The spoils go to the victor.
This time, Donald Trump won the presidency
and the right to make another pick.
And like he did with NeilGorsuch, he's made a good one.
We all pray we won't see a repeat
of the viciousness and thecharacter assassination
that we witnessed duringthe confirmation hearings
of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.
Remember that?
- I am a victim of this process.
My name has been harmed.
My integrity has been harmed.
My character has been harmed.
My family has been harmed.
My friends have been harmed.
There is nothing thiscommittee, this body,
or this country can do togive me my good name back.
- Justice Thomas, you'veserved this nation
and the Supreme Court honorably.
And you do have your good name back.
Now, join us in prayingthat Judge Brett Kavanaugh
will endure and keep his.
Well, that's it from theGlobal Lane this week.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube,
SoundCloud, iTunes, and Twitter.
And until next time, be blessed.
(light dramatic music)