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CBN’s Historical Relationship with Israel

CBN’s support of Israel goes all the way back to 1974, when founder, Pat Robertson, made a vow to God that he and all who were associated with CBN would stand with Israel. Today, CBN is continuing to fulfill this historical commitment. Read Transcript

(booming noise)

- [Narrator] In June of 1967Israel found itself fighting

for survival for the thirdtime in less than 20 years,

and now what's known as the six day war.

Israel's Arab enemiesfought with one purpose,

the destruction of the Jewish state.

- And half a world awayfrom the besieged nation,

God was raising up a friend.

- We dedicated the start of construction

of a new phase of ourbuilding in Portsmouth

and the ceremony was overwhen one of our board members

came and said, they juststarted war in Israel.

Something just responded within me.

I knew this had enormous significance

that we at CBN were linked with Israel

and that this had todo with the last time,

it had to do with thefulfillment of the prophecy

that Jesus made when he said

Jerusalem will be troddenunder the foot of the gentiles

until the times of thegentiles be fulfilled.

This was the war thatliberated east Jerusalem.

- [Narrator] The peacedid not last however.

In 1973 Egypt and Syria attacked again.

This time on Yom Kippur,Israel's holiest day of the year.

An unprepared Israel almost lost that war,

and the high casualty rate

left many in the country disillusioned.

A 1974 CBN specialbrought a message of hope

to a war weary nation.

- It became so obvious toeveryone of us in this country

that the threat was to the very existence

of the newly born Jewish state.

- Here was the general actually,

under Moshe Dayan whohad captured Jerusalem.

Now he'd become Prime Minister,

but I had a sense thatIsrael was so alone,

there was a sadness in his voice.

He asked America to bestrong and at that point

I mad a vow that whatever happened,

however unpopular it would be

that we and those associated with us

would stand with Israel,

that we would be the friendof Israel, regardless

and over these 30, 35years, I've kept that vow.

Three years later, CBN dedicated

it's satellite earth stationas a preview of things to come.

The first satellite image received came

from the Mount of Olives.

Since then, the alliance between CBN

and Israel has only grown stronger.

In 2001 a news bureau openedin the heart of Jerusalem

to bring a propheticunderstanding of in time events.

- The march of history is leading back

to the city of Jerusalem and it's vital

for CBN News to be herereporting on the events

before the return of Jesus Christ.

- [Narrator] At Pat Robertson's75th birthday celebration

in 2005, Benjamin Netanyahusent a stirring thank you

to Pat for his friendship to Israel.

- Pat Robertson has been amagnificent friend of Israel

and he's been a personal friend of mine.

I felt that we had nogreater friend in the world

and I mean that.

We have no greater friend inthe world than Pat Robertson.

- [Narrator] In August of2006 Pat traveled to Israel

during the war to demonstrate his support.

- I'm here among otherthings to tell your people

that the Evangelical Christians of America

are with you, we're praying for you.

We pray for the nation of Israel.

- [Narrator] CBN also has shownit's humanitarian commitment

to those living in Israelthrough Operation Blessing

and Eli Israel, CBN hashelped Israeli's in need

including survivors of the Holocaust.

CBN News now sends Jerusalem Dateline

and award winning half hour weekly program

around the world throughbroadcast and the internet

where it's translated intolanguages like Korean and Finnish

and In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem

is the most ambitious project of CBN's

middle east documentary team,with more specials on the way.

CBN's ties to Israelremain strong and steadfast

and we will be thereto report the prophetic

events that herald the dayof the Messiah's return.

- This is the land thatthe Lord is going to visit.

He's coming back again to Israel.



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