Operation Blessing Helping India's Flood-Ravaged Victims Get Back on their Feat
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- [Reporter] Kerala isslowly limping back to life.
For two weeks, the SouthIndian state got hammered
with catastrophic flooding
(crowd speaking in foreign language)
not seen in these parts in over 100 years.
- [Translator] I've livedhere for the past 10 years
and this is the first time suchan event has ever happened.
- [Reporter] All 14 districtsin the state got affected
causing widespread damage.
And officials say itwill take years to build.
So many families had no time
to save any of their possessions
as flood waters swept throughtheir homes and businesses.
- [Translator] At least we are alive
but it will take a very long time
before we can build our lives back
as we have to start from scratch.
- [Reporter] Officials have put initial
storm damage estimates atnearly three billion dollars.
445 people lost their lives,
more than 100,000buildings were destroyed.
The government says some7,000 miles of roads
have been destroyed or damaged.
Farmers have lost millionsof acres of crops.
- The water here went tothe level of the houses,
the tank which wee see behind me,
it was completely submerged.
And now the water is receding
and people are coming backfrom their relief camps.
- [Reporter] CBN'soperation blessing teams
are there to meet them.
Doctors, nurses, and aid workers
are deployed to some of thehardest hit areas of Kerala.
Bringing food, medicine, water,
and other essential supplies.
- [Translator] Here, as you can see,
there are a huge number ofpatients and people in distress.
The patients mainly have complaints
related to fungal infectionsand waterborne diseases.
- [Reporter] More thana million people were
displaced by the floods,
with many finding shelterin thousands of relief camps
across the southern state.
While doctors treat the sick and injured
at this medical camp,
Operation Blessing crews arehelping some 300 families,
as they wade through muck and mud
to clean houses and streetsthat were submerged for days
so they can return to their homes
and rebuild their lives.
George Thomas, CBN News.