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Create Homemade Kimchi

Create Homemade Kimchi Read Transcript

- [Narrator] To make kimchistart by chopping one napa

cabbage and one bunch of green onions.

Add a tablespoon each of fresh ginger

and red pepper flakes.

Four cloves of minced garlic,

and two tablespoons of sea salt.

Let that sit for an hourto release the water.

Then squeeze the mixtureto release even more.

Press it into a jar pushingdown so it's covered

by at least one inch of liquid.

Cap it with a cabbage leafor place a weight on it

to keep the mixture submerged, then cover.

Let it sit on the countermaking sure to burp it

every day to allow thebuild up of gases to escape.

After four days it's ready to eat.

Store it in the refrigerator.


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