- [Announcer] This is CBN NewsWatch.
- Thanks for joining us for CBN NewsWatch.
I'm Mark Martin.
Firefighters from aroundthe world continue fighting
a number of record-breakingfires in California.
The blazes have claimedlives and torn through
more than 1,000 homes andtoday, the man charged
with starting one of thosefires is due in court.
Jennifer Wishon has more.
(plane sounds)
- [Jennifer] In southern California,
planes roar over the Holy Fire.
It's named for the townHoly Jim where it started,
but for residents, it's of the devil.
- This shouldn't becalled the Holy Jim Fire,
this should be called the Holy Hell Fire.
- [Jennifer] It's drivenat least 20,000 people
from their homes andtoday, the man charged
with starting it, ForrestClark, is due in court.
Before the blaze began, hereportedly sent an email
that said, "This place will burn."
As the Holy Fire rages, firefighters
continue battling two others.
- Mother Nature is undefeated.
- [Jennifer] The Mendocinofire, the largest
in state history, is now 51% contained,
but it's already burned anarea the size of Los Angeles.
And the Carr fire, whichhas killed six people,
including two firefighters, andburned more than 1,000 homes
is now moving into remote forestlands
where drought conditions have officials
worried the fire will grow.
For the tens of thousands of Californians
who've evacuated, the wait is torture.
- I don't really knowhow I'm doing really yet
because I just don't know.
I don't think it'simpacting me completely.
- [Jennifer] Whippingwinds, recordbreaking heat,
and drought-plagued brush have combined
to fuel the historic fires.
Now a smoky haze hoversover much of the state,
creating unsafe breathing conditions
and the months that are historically
the most dangerous forfires have yet to come.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
- The governor of Virginia hasissued a state of emergency
as thousands rally to markthe one-year anniversary
of deadly protests in Charlottesville.
This year, instead ofmarching in Charlottesville,
the Unite the Right movement plans
to demonstrate in the nation's capitol.
Amber Strong shows us what DC police
and area churches aredoing to keep the peace.
(crowds yelling)
- [Amber] One year after violence between
white nationalists and counter-protestors
rocked the college town ofCharlottesville, Virginia,
DC police are tightening their defenses,
preparing for round two.
- I can assure you that the planning
and coordination amongst MPD and our local
and federal partners has been seamless.
- The organizer of thatCharlottesville Unite the Right
rally has requested permission to gather
here at Lafayette Park right across
from the White House this weekend
and counter-protestors like theDemocratic Socialists of DC,
well, they plan to hit the streets, too.
DC police chief Peter Newshamsays while his department
has a duty to preservethe right to free speech,
it must also protect citizens.
- The law allows for FirstAmendment assemblies of any kind.
The law does not allow for injury
to persons or destruction of property.
- This week, DC Metro assured to CBN News
they will work to keepthe ralliers separate,
a major factor leading to theviolence in Charlottesville.
They also tell us, "Ourspecial operations division
"is equipped to handledemonstrations of any stature."
And in Virginia, governorRalph Northam declaring
the state of emergency inpreparation for any demonstrations
particularly in Charlottesville.
Meanwhile, standing on the side of peace,
dozens of pastors who planto gather in both places.
- We're gonna worshipJesus and then intercede
for the peace of Charlottesville,
but also for the peace of the nation.
- [Amber] Bishop HarryJackson, who helped lead
a prayer march after lastyear's deadly events,
says a lot has happened since then.
Charlottesville churches are working
to close the doors of division.
- Jesus said in the lastdays that nation will rise up
against nation, ethnicgroup against ethnic group.
That's going to continue to happen.
Racial hatred will happen and will
be played out everywhere except
where the church has risenstrong as salt and light.
- Here in Washington, membersof the United Methodist Church
will host a Sunday serviceon the National Mall.
Reverend Doctor Stacey Cole told CBN News
the event will be "theexercise of MLK's observation
"that the church is called
"to be the conscience of a nation.
"In that spirit, we callpeople to come together
"and speak the truth in love."
Now the organizer of thatevent tells us they expect
more than 3,000 peoplefrom across denominations.
An event they are calling United for Love.
Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.
- Here's a look now at someof the other major headlines
we're following in the CBN newsroom today.
A dozen NFL preseason gameskicked off Thursday night
and it included morenational anthem protests.
Several players took a knee,raised fists, or did not
take to the field while thenational anthem was played.
The NFL said it won'tbe punishing the players
who took part in the protests on Thursday.
This as the league hastabled their new policy
regarding conduct and punishmentsurrounding the anthem.
Gaza's militants and Israelappear to be honoring
a ceasefire that ended twodays of intense violence.
Israel's military said norockets were fired from Gaza
at Israel overnight and theyconducted no airstrikes.
Israel and Hamas have come close
to Syria's conflict in recent weeks
after four months ofviolence along Gaza's border.
Five adults were arrestedafter authorities found
11 hungry children living in filth
in a remote compound in New Mexico.
Three of the suspectadults were the children
of a well-known imam in New York City
and nine of the malnourished children
were the imam's grandchildren.
Siraj Wahhaj says theallegations of child abuse
against his son and twodaughters are out of character.
He said he hasn't had direct contact
with them for nine months
and suggest a psychiatricdisorder was to blame.
Reports say the abusedchildren at the compound
were being trained tocarry out school shootings.
It is still under investigation.
For more on these and otherstories, visit CNBNews.com.
Day after day we see Christianity
under attack in the United States.
It's also taking on anugly and personal tone.
No one knows that more thanVice President Mike Pence
who became a targetthis week in a scathing
opinion piece in The New York Times.
CBN's Jenna Browder hasthe story from Washington.
- Just months after TheView's Joy Behar apologized
for her demeaning remarks aboutthe vice president's faith,
an even more vicious attackby columnist Frank Bruni.
The headline, "Mike Pence, Holy Terror."
In it, Bruni calls Pence self-infatuated,
a bigot, and a liar.
His argument, President Trump may be bad,
but Vice President Pencewould be even worse
because of his deeply held andpracticed religious beliefs.
What is your response to thiscolumn in The New York Times?
- It just shows youthe never-ending attack
on Christianity, Christians,and really people of faith
by the liberals and their namesake,
you know, leader in The New York Times.
- [Jenna] Marc Lotter, theVice President's former
Press Secretary, has knownPence for more than 25 years.
- They're attacking a man, a good man,
and the Vice Presidentof the United States
for primarily being a Christianand someone who believes.
- The piece claims Pence is determined
to "mold the entire nation inthe shape of his own faith...
"a regressive, repressiveversion of Christianity."
Are Pence's viewsregressive and repressive?
- No, absolutely not, he'sworried about the success
of our entire country and everyone in it.
- [Jenna] Franklin Grahamand other faith leaders
quickly jumped to the defense.
On Facebook, Grahamwrote, "I am disappointed
"that the New York Timeswould stoop so low.
"I've never seen such hatred poured out
"against such a good man."
Secretary of Energy RickPerry also took a stand
and says he's experiencedthe same kind of criticism.
- Mike lives his lifethrough his lens of faith
and again, I go backto, you know, what part
of the Ten Commandments, whichone of those you don't like.
And we argue in this country
about a lot of different things.
- So help me God.
- [Jenna] Lotter saysPence meant those words
and Americans should want a leader
who practices what he preaches.
- That's the kind of leaderwe should aspire to want
and as long as we're focusedon everyone's success,
on everyone's wellbeing, andthose words that are given
to us in the Constitution, theDeclaration of Independence.
That's where our focusshould be for elected leaders
and that's what we have inVice President Mike Pence.
- [Jenna] In Washington,Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Prison reform took centerstage during talks in New Jersey
between President Trump and state leaders.
Trump supports The First Step Act,
which just passed the House and aims
to give prison inmates a second chance
and even help them getback into the workforce.
Mississippi's governorjoined the commander in chief
and stressed the importanceof prison ministry.
- When we bring faith backin to the prison system
and prisoners have hope again.
- The First Step Act is nowbeing debated and modified
in the Senate before going to a vote.
Speaking from the Pentagon,Vice President Mike Pence
called for America to assertits dominance in space.
He made a direct appealfor a sixth military branch
by the year 2020, the U.S. Space Force.
Pence says it's needed toensure America's dominance
in space amid heightened completion
and threats from China and Russia.
The first step would be tocreate a U.S. space command
by the end of the year,a new combatant command
that would have dedicated resources be led
by a four-star general,a new Secretary of Space.
The Pentagon will alsobegin pulling space experts
from across the militaryand will set up a separate
acquisitions office dedicatedto buying satellites
and developing new technologylike lasers and other weapons.
- The space environment has fundamentally
changed in the last generation.
What was once peaceful and uncontested
is now crowded and adversarial.
Today, other nationsare seeking to disrupt
our space-based systems and challenge
American supremacy inspace as never before.
- He also said Moscow andBeijing are working to develop
cutting edge missiletechnology and other weapons
that could be used in space.
Any proposal to create a new service
would require congressional action.
Well coming up, very few people have known
what has been going on in the legal case
against American evangelicalpastor Andrew Brunson
who's being held in Turkey.
But now we can bring you aninside look at his trial.
We'll have that story right after this.
(intense music)
Despite high levelnegotiations between Turkish
and U.S. officials inWashington this week,
American pastor Andrew Brunson remains
under house arrest in Turkey.
He faces another hearing on
espionage-related charges in October.
Many call the proceedings akangaroo court and until now,
Brunson's supporters haveno idea what's happening.
Jennifer Wishon brings usthis first-hand account
from inside the court room.
- A court room designedto make Pastor Brunson
feel defeated, bogus witnesses bribed
by the prosecution, andthe power of forgiveness.
An eyewitness takes us inside
Pastor Brunson's persecution in Turkey.
- The court used to belike a basketball court
or some sort of sportscourt that has been turned
into a court room rightnext to a very large prison
and way up front there arethree judges on a raised dais
and very low is PastorAndrew Brunson, witnesses
for the prosecution andPastor Brunson's lawyer.
There are over 500 chairsbetween him and the area
where observers like me andhis wife are allowed to sit.
- [Jennifer] ChristinaArriaga of the U.S. Commission
on International Religious Liberty
attended Pastor Brunson'smost recent hearing.
Seated beside his wife Norine,she watched in disbelief.
- Because Pastor Brunson cannotsee very well from far away,
any time he looks back towardshis wife, she stands up
and puts her hand over her heartso he knows he's not alone.
Pastor Brunson sat therewhile he heard former
church members, peopleprobably that he baptized,
people that he had teawith, testify against him
and the judge at one pointturned to him around noontime
and asked Andrew Brunsonto speak for himself
and he said, "My faithteaches me to forgive
"so I forgive those whojust testified against me."
There was a chill in the room.
I know his wife who'sgraceful and extremely strong
probably found that tobe a natural answer,
but I was stunned and movedto tears when he said that.
- Why would his church members,
people that he was intimate with,
testify against him?
- I imagine these people wereunder tremendous pressure
to keep their jobs or feed their families.
We don't know what kind ofthreats they were under.
- [Jennifer] Brunson hasbeen transferred from prison
to house arrest, but Arriagafears that puts him at risk.
- Well he's in a terriblydangerous situation
because the Brunsons areportrayed in the Turkish press
as people who are againstthe state of Turkey
and I have great fearthere's gonna be an increase
of incitement to violence against them
and no one will be able to stop someone,
a mob that tries to go and kill him.
- [Jennifer] Armed with sanctionsand the power to withhold
F-35 fighter jets Turkey wantsto purchase, U.S. officials
from the White House toCongress continue to pressure
Turkey's president RecepErdoğan to release Brunson.
His next hearing is October 12th.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
- Up next, we'll turn to the lighter side
with a first look at anew movie coming out here
in America this week,it's called Dog Days.
That story is coming up right after this.
Thanks for staying with us.
It's often said that adog is man's best friend.
That bond plays out on the big screen
in the new film Dog Days.
It hits theaters today and ourStudio 5 has this first look.
- The human actors are outstandingand funny and wonderful.
- Ah, you're being mean to me now.
Now you're being mean to me and
I'm letting you stay in my house.
You have to get away from me.
(dog huffing)
- The dogs don't let thehuman actors upstage them.
They're also fabulous.
(dog breathing heavily)
- Get off of me.
You know, the dog doesn't want to sit
or it's late and youknow, things are moving
that you can't controland I think like that
was a new experience for meand I think it made me better.
- Oh hi.
Oh, oh my goodness, look at you.
It definitely took a bit longerto like get the dog on set,
make sure everything was ready,then have the dog on set,
and then make sure theyknow what they're doing.
It's OK, girl, there isno reason to be nervous.
(sparkling sounds)
- Hi, Dr. Mike.- Hey, oh I know.
I serve you coffee across the street.
I'm Tara.- Tara, right, yeah.
Tara who serves me coffee.
- That's me.- And I enjoy it every time.
How are you, it's good to see you.
- You too.
- Wow, by the looks of this little lady,
she's been on the street a long time.
- Well don't I relate.
- To being on the street?
- It was a joke.
The set was just fun and funny.
There was just always a lot of laughter.
I feel like people were really happy.
Having dogs around kind ofzens everyone out a little bit.
- Reset roll camera!
- [Cameraman] Resettingguys, here we go. Take three.
- I love directing and Ilove being around actors
and so every day was sort of special.
You know, what was niceabout this particular movie
is there's so many storylinesand so many actors in it.
Every day was a new surprise.
- Isn't that right, girl?
Wow, so many kids out here.
- [Elizabeth] All of my friendsare having kids right now.
- My own family ask me allthe time what the hold up is.
- Yeah, what is the hold up?
What's wrong with you?
- What's wrong with me?
What's wrong with you?
Comedian Bill Burr has abit where he talks about
he and his wife get a dog and she goes,
"Bill, it seems like youlove this dog more than me."
And he goes, "Well you neverwag your tail when I come home.
"This dog is happy to see me, you just sit
on the couch waiting onme to come in there."
And I think that's kinda what it is,
it's like it's that moment of like
the excitement of likereconnecting every day
and every time you see.
You know how it is.
So I think I'll give it another try.
- It's hard to competewith a lady like Brandy.
- This is still just a dog date, right?
- Yes.
Still just a dog date.
- The truth is is it was a lot of fun,
but it just takes a little time
to shoot dog scenes.
- [Ron] Well, hello.
- Do you think I'm ridiculous?
Throwing a party for my dog.
- No, I went to a doggywedding last weekend
and it was like surprisingly emotional.
♪ Good morning ♪
- [Elizabeth] Maybe it'sbecause dogs are the most
adorable creatures on the planet.
- [Tara] Her little face looks so angry
and happy at the same time!
(dog growling)
♪ Listen to me baby ♪
♪ That's all you gotta do ♪- [Tara] Whatever it is,
dogs mean the world to us.
- I wanna help you find your dog.
Hop on.- Are you out of your mind?
- I mean, they're dogs.
You can't help but love them.
- Charlie! (screaming)
- This is not our dog.
- This is our dog.
This dog has made us family.
- Every spot that you've sniffed
on this entire walk is the same.
Just pee anywhere!
♪ A, B, C, it's easy as one, two, three ♪
- Dogs open their hearts to us to love
and to be loved and I find that beautiful.
- Dog Days is in American theaters today
and when we come back,our friends at PluggedIn
will bring us a family friendly look
at another film coming out this weekend.
Stay with us.
The weekend is here and as we mentioned,
our friends at PluggedInOnline have a family friendly
review of a new movie coming out today.
It's called The Meg, take a look.
(electronic music)
(ominous music)
- What's that?
- In the movie The Meg,scientists at an ultra modern
underwater research facility go searching
for hidden away secretsof the Pacific Ocean.
They find a passageway to new depths
at the bottom of the Mariana Trench
and discover an ecosystemfilled with species
that have never been seen before.
However, they also findsomething big and dark and angry.
In fact, it's 75 feet of dark and angry.
- How big is that thing?
- [Suyin] It was the largestshark that ever existed.
- Thought to have been extinctover two million years.
- Wrong.
- This gigantic beastieleaves three researchers
trapped in a battered submersible
in the deepest waters ever explored.
With time running out, thescientists recruit an expert
deep sea rescue diver named Jonas Taylor.
It's up to this heroicguy to save the crew
and the ocean itself froman unstoppable prehistoric
threat known as the megalodon shark.
- It's the megalodon.
- He's kidding, right?
- This high action fish taleis for all intents and purposes
the movie Jaws on CGI steroids.
It's packed with heroicchoices and over-the-top
battle the monster exploits.
This isn't the most familyfriendly pick you're apt to see.
When a creature with a mouththe size of Eisenhower Tunnel
gobbles scores of vacationersand snaps at the hero's feet,
things can get veryscary and very intense.
So I'll give The Meg twoand a half devoured whales
out of five for family friendliness.
For more on the film, be sureto check out pluggedin.com.
Plugging you into themovies, I'm Bob Waliszewski
for Focus on the Family'sPluggedIn movie reviews.
- Thanks for joining us for CBN NewsWatch.
Have a great day.