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Mustard Seed Faith

Jesus tells his disciples they can move mountains if there faith is the size of a mustard seed. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- He called us faithless, Peter.

- He was speaking to the others.

Weren't we the ones he chose to go

up the mountain with him to pray?

- Yes, and weren't wethe ones who fell asleep,

unable to stay awake, to pray, as he did?

(dramatic music)

- You have given our son, Master.

Please, stay and be ourguest as long as you wish.

- [Jesus] May peace be on this house.

- Peter, you must comespeak to Jesus with us.

- We tried to heal that boy today,

as we have done many times with others.

But the evil spirit would not leave him,

no matter how we commandedit, something is wrong.

- [Peter] Why not ask Jesus yourselves?

- Teacher, why couldn't wecast out that evil spirit?

- This kind can be castout only by prayer.

(crowd chatters)

You do not have enough faith.

I tell you the truth,

if you had faith even assmall as a mustard seed,

you could say to this mountain,

move from here to there,and it would move.

Nothing would be impossible.



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