Beauty from Ashes: 25 Bethel Church Staff Lose Everything, but Hope Rising After Carr Fire in Redding
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- The devastation herein Redding is historic,
but the tragedy is alsouniting the local community
and the church.
(inspirational playing and singing)
- [Heather] At BethelChurch Sunday morning
thousands lifted their handsand sang about God's love
in the flames.
You can still see the smoke here
from the nearby Carr Fire,
which destroyed entire neighborhoods
and seemed to cherry-pick homes in others,
leaving some to rejoice, others to mourn,
and everyone to question their safety.
Pastor Elizabeth Woningspent the last week
as a volunteer counselor at Bethel.
- Whether you're in the evacuation area
or you've lost a home,or whether your home
was completely safe, thewhole community is on edge.
- [Heather] The air quality here is poor
and churches are handingout breathing masks,
one of the many needs localchurches are working together
to meet in what they believeis a new chapter of unity.
- We've had over 30churches meeting together,
praying together, trying to problem-solve.
- [Heather] Five churches aresupporting a Red Cross shelter
at CrossPointe Community Church.
And Bethel is hosting a SalvationArmy distribution center.
Mercy Chefs offers meals.
And the center offers food and clothing
for those who've lost everything,
including at least 25 on Bethel's staff.
- We have people on our teams,they've lost their homes.
Most of us, lots of us were displaced.
Our own family was displaced.
- [Heather] Bethel member,Tony Stoltzfus lost his home,
which doubled as his office.
Three days after thefire started, he woke up
to evacuation orders.
- We threw our suitcases in the car.
We got the pets.
We got our computers.
- [Heather] Mary Lu Konkellost her home as well.
- Didn't even know what I was doing,
just throwing clothes in.
Then I began to grab my Bibles.
- [Heather] For these two,and thousands of others,
housing is the urgent need.
- They're piled up intheir friends' homes.
So every available couch,every available place
of floor space, people aremoving into those spaces.
- [Heather] The governmentshould allow victims
to start sifting through the wreckage
of their properties this week.
Many churches are sponsoring chaplains
who will escort and help families
during the painful process.
- That's very important.
The first time they see a home burned,
they just fall on their knees and cry.
And you have to be there, support them.
- [Heather] For Tony, thetears have already come.
But he's grateful for a handfulof mementos he still has
and his work as a personal coach,
which uniquely prepared him.
- A lot of what I do in my work
is teach people to detach their desires
from the things in the worldthat they think will fill them
and find the desire of theirheart in their relationship
with Jesus.
- [Heather] Mary Lu isholding fast to her faith
and a word she received from the Lord.
- Been an intercessor, I justwas praying in the Spirit.
I had no words, I had nothingother than just praying
in the Spirit.
And even before we leftthe house, I kept hearing,
new beginnings, newbeginnings, new beginnings.
- [Heather] Expertswarn it will take years
for Redding to rebuild.
But this city is hoping to set an example.
Pastor Kris is teaching fromhis life verse in Isaiah.
- It's only God who could take ashes
and make beauty out of it.
It's only God that can take a disaster
and create hope in the midst of it.
(inspirational playing and singing)
- [Heather] Reporting inRedding, Heather Sells, CBN News.
(inspirational singing)