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Never-Before-Seen Billy Graham Artifacts Reveal Personal Side of America's Pastor

Never-Before-Seen Billy Graham Artifacts Reveal Personal Side of America's Pastor Read Transcript

- [Reporter] Throughgiant pictures and quotes

the presence of BillyGraham looms large here,

much like in his life.

Now months after his death, this exhibit

brings a more intimate image into focus.

Books, bibles, and other belongings

display the pilgrim preacher's journey

from a young boy to aman who reached millions,

including this exhibit'sdesigner, Anthony Schmidt.

- This one is from his revivalcampaign in New York City.

- [Reporter] He rememberswatching Graham on TV

with his parents, and evenattended Graham's last crusade.

- Very early on he embracedtechnology and media.

And that's what set him apart.

- [Reporter] For more than60 years Graham used radio,

television, film, and mass crusades

to teach from the holy scriptures.

- We really wanted to explore how Graham

understood and interpreted the Bible,

and then how that shaped his ministry.

- [Reporter] From now through January

the exhibit containsnever before seen items

from the Billy Graham Library.

You can see everything from class notes

taken in bible schoolto a personal message

written to his mom anddad, and even a pair

of war-issue military bootshe wore in Korea in 1952.

The exhibit also highlights

his impact on culture and politics.

- He was the prayer warrior in the family.

- [Reporter] Earlierthis year Graham's son

and ministry successor told CBN News,

despite his father's prominence

he always understood his calling.

- My father never wantedto be a celebrity.

I mean, maybe that's why God used him.

- This is Billy Graham'spersonal New Testament Bible.

Now throughout his ministry Billy Graham

just wanted to be known as a preacher

of the gospel of Jesus Christ,

which is on his tombstonein North Carolina.

Throughout this exhibit you'llsee artifacts and images

that reinforce just howimportant the Bible was

from the beginning ofhis ministry to the end,

to the sermon that waspreached at his funeral.

(slow piano music)- Billy Graham--

- [John] John Jessop,CBN News, Washington.


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