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'10 Children Were Sleeping in One Bed': Christian Worker Risks Life to Free Children from Traffickers

'10 Children Were Sleeping in One Bed': Christian Worker Risks Life to Free Children from Traffickers Read Transcript

(dramatic electronic music)

- On July 30th, the world will recognize

a day against human trafficking.

That's because globally,

more than 21 million people

are subjected to forced labor.

Many of them are traffickedfor sexual exploitation,

and over the years, CBNNews has brought you stories

of some of the victims.

We've reported how Christian groups

are trying to make a difference.

Tellasia is one such group,

helping to rescue humantrafficking victims in Nepal.

And joining us fromKatmandu is Brother Amar.

He's just returned from the field

following a recent rescue effort.

Amar, tell us about your recent rescues.

So, what did you do to help save children?

- It's the offroads, andit's really difficult

for us because we don't have

the police even, we don't have security.

And when we are going to in there,

and we are most recent there.

This is a mountain,

and when we are going to there,

and lots of people are came to there,

and I am also scared in myself.

And when I am going to inside,

and the childrens, they're all living in.

10 childrens are sleeping in one bed.

And when I am going to inside,

and I am asking the childrens,

I'm trying to call them,"Please come here."

I'm trying to, talkingwith my Nepal language,

and I'm just saying,

"I am here to rescue you.

"Please go with me."

But childrens are, they arenot eager to come with me.

Even they are crying, crying, crying,

it's still six hour I am in inside,

and after that they alldecided to came with me.

We can put the restaurant,

and they are talking,and they are dancing,

they knows, actually, I am a Nepali guy.

And when we are rescue the childrens,

and we arrested.

Now they are in there,

and when we back to Nepaland we can go to hometown,

and everybody parents are came,

they are welcoming us,

and here is the big news also,

there is two childrens are,

they believes in Jesus Christ.

- Amar, what were they doingwith the children there,

that you rescued?

- [Amar] The owner guys,

they already send a lots ofkids in the, different country.

To the girls and boys.

But, when we rescue the kids,

and we'll hand over their parents,

and now the kids are going to the school,

and Tellasia are providingthe boarding schools,

Tellasia will send the boarding schools

and they have now,

they have good educations.

And now they are in okay.

- [Presenter] So how extensiveis sex trafficking in Nepal?

Using children and women for sex.

- [Amar] It's lots, lots of.

Because lots of girls,they are going to India.

Because it's easy to go to India

because we don't need to passport,

we don't need to any ID.

We can go easily.

- Finally, what can our viewers do

to make a difference?

How can they help?

- [Amar] Please, pray for our lesson,

and this remote area,

because there is the lack of education,

lack of transportation, lack of road,

and we need to, just pray for me,

we need to a good schoolin this remote area.

- [Presenter] So if theyget into school there is

less likelihood thatthey will be trafficked.

- [Amar] Yeah.

Because they're near to the education,

they're near to the education.

Because there is no school.

- So Christians, in our country,

can support schoolsand education in Nepal,

and that will go a long way.

So Brother Amar from Katmandu, Nepal,

thanks so much for joining us.

- Thank you very much.


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