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'Rise Up': Stories of Remarkable Faith and Relentless Courage

'Rise Up': Stories of Remarkable Faith and Relentless Courage Read Transcript

(pensive piano music)

- Where is God when yourworld is falling apart?

Do you feel like He's not listening

or doesn't care about yoursituation or circumstance?

In CBN's newest book, Rise Up

Stories of Remarkable Faithand Relentless Courage,

you'll read about ordinarypeople whose circumstances

cause them to fall into God's hands

and who were given faith and courage

to rise above their trials.

Joining me now to talk about the lives

of these ordinary people isone of the book's editors,

Abigail Robertson, so good to see you.

- Great to see you.- So what inspired you

to be a part of this?

- For decades, CBN has told these stories

of truly remarkable faithand relentless courage

and I was so excited about the idea

of putting that in a book form.

And we wrote this bookRise Up in coffee table.

It's built like a coffee table book.

So even if you justhave five to 10 minutes

the chapters are independent.

So we hope you pick up the book,

flip to a chapter that interests you

and just get inspired.

And the best part about this book

is its stories of real people.

I guarantee most people havenever heard of the stories

and the people in this book.

And what we want peopleto take away from that

is if God can move in theincredible ways that He did

in these peoples' lives, Hecan do the same in your life.

- Beautiful, a real livedevotional if you will.

- Yes.

- How does Rise Up stand outfrom other Christian books?

- I think it stands out

just because of the different stories.

We have people who were heroinaddicts who found Christ

because they were in prison

and all the sudden their guardjust gave them the Bible.

And they just started reading the Bible

and suddenly were justset free from addictions.

But then we also have, there's a story

of one of the top dogs atEnron who found himself

in financial ruin andovernight he lost everything.

But in return he foundGod and it saved his life

and saved his family.

So there's just somethingthat everybody can relate to.

We put Bible verses and discussionquestions in each chapter

so we really just wantpeople to be inspired

and just to see these stories

and know that this canhappen in their life, too.

- Amazing. Real quick, whatpart do you think prayer plays

in God doing miracles, orseeing his intervention

in these peoples' lives and your own life.

- Oh man, I can talk for hours about that.


In my own life personally,past three and a half years

I had unusual medical circumstances

that doctors did not have the answers to.

And they told me that theywould do some procedures

they did not know wouldwork and would have a result

I wanted, and so I recruitedan army of prayer warriors

and as a result I heard thedoctor say the word miracle

countless times to me.

And thankfully, by the grace of God,

two months ago my ordeal ended.

But as a result I personallygot to see God move

in incredible ways that myentire life as a Christian,

I had never really experienced before.

I know that the power of prayer is real.

That the power of prayerworks and I love it.

Because when we cry out toGod and we ask Him to help us,

He provides solutions that wewould never find on our own.

And solutions that wedon't even know exist.

And also just when we castour cares on the Lord,

it's just such a relief to me to know

that He's guiding our steps andHe has a plan for our lives.

And any situation we taketo Him, He is working

that situation in our lives andHe wants to bring us answers

and bring us results that only He can.

- Beautiful, Abigail soinspiring hearing from you.

Thank you so much foryour time and look forward

to reading Rise Up, it'savailable right now.

You can get your copywherever books are sold.

Stay with us, we're coming right back.

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