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Anne Graham Lotz: Her Book, America, and Remembering Billy Graham (Extended)

Anne Graham Lotz discusses the death of her father, Rev. Billy Graham, and shares her new book, The Daniel Key. Read Transcript

- Not only are our sins forgiven.

Not only does he give us eternal life,

but we enter into a covenantrelationship with God.

- With a style strikingly reminiscent

of her famous father,

Anne Graham Lotz has powerfullyproclaimed the gospel

for 30 years.

On the personal side,

Anne is called Mom by three grown children

and Grandmother by three young ladies.

In 2015, her belovedhusband of nearly 50 years,

Danny, died unexpectedly.

These days Anne continuesto spur audiences

around the globe todeeper devotion to Christ.

Her newest book is "The Daniel Key."

- Great quote, I wrote it down.

"We don't want to get to heaven

and discover all the answers to prayer

for which we never bothered to ask you."


- Right. My mother told me that.

She said if they're areany tears in heaven,

they're gonna be overall the answers to prayer

which no one ever bothered to ask.

- Whoa.

- Yeah. Isn't that something?

- When prayers don't get answered,

Jesus says keep knocking, keep asking.

But you don't get an answer.

I've been at a couple of prayers

I can think about for many, many years.

Haven't heard a word. Don't know.

So keep doing it. Whatdo you do with that?

- Just what you are doing.

I have some like thaton my prayer list, too.

So, in fact I was talkingto somebody this morning

and another person last nightover major unanswered prayers

that they have and you justhave to wait on the Lord.

His timing is not ours,

but I love there's averse in The Old Testament

that says that when wecommit our way to the Lord,

that he is working. And, sowhile we pray, he is at work.

Even if we don't see evidence of it.

We just have to trust him.

One of the things I think we need to do

is to ask him to give us a promise

and I told both of thesepeople that I was talking to,

to ask God to confirmwhat they are praying for

with a promise from his word.

So that your faith is based on God's word

and not on what you want, what you wish,

what your hope so.

But it's what's beencalled reversed thunder.

Where we pray God's word back to Him

and we hold Him to his word.

In other words,

God I'm not just wantingyou to bring my child home,

but you said in your word thatif I would do such and such,

you would bring my child home,

so God keep your word.It's that kind of prayer.

- A number of years ago, mymother, who's with the Lord now,

but she was going througha very difficult time.

As I was with her as she aged.

And I said Lord Jesus, whydon't you just take her?

And he says, for you.

And I, what's that all about?

And the more I spent time with that,

he said you need to forgive your mother

for this, this, this, this, and this.

And it took me a little while,

but when it got clear what was going on,

it was me. I was the issue.

Then when I got those clearedup, the Lord took her.

So, forgiveness. A big word here.

How quick are we to forgive?

- I think as soon aswhatever it is that happened,

you know, forgiveness is a choice.

So, its a decision that we make.

We think forgiveness is a feeling.

That we have to feel forgivingand loving and whatever.

But, you know, when we aretold to forgive one another,

as God has forgiven us, that is a command.

And obedience to acommand involves a choice.

If it was our emotions, wecan't control our emotions,

we couldn't be obedient to that.

So, when he says to forgiveothers, we make the choice.

Then I think the feelings catch up.

But, when I choose to forgive someone,

because I've been forgiven, Imean, God or Jesus forgave me,

of things much worse that I've done to Him

than anyone's done to me.

So, when I choose to forgive,

then I want to reach out and do something

to bless that other person.

That helps to heal my wound.It helps to heal my hurts.

And so if I reach outand bless that person

and then regardless ofwhat their response is,

I have people right nowthat refuse to reconcile.

They refuse to meet me half way,

but I've done everything I can do.

- Right.

- So, I feel like theburden has been lifted

from my shoulders now.

The ball is now in their court.

But, I am free, ya know,I'm free to love them

and to get on with my life.

- But that is a choice.

- It's a choice to forgive.

- Big word.


We don't hear sin much anymore.

I don't know if you hear it preached.

I don't see it in thenewspaper very often.

And with sin, a wordthat is related to that.


And you say repent of my repentance.

What does repent of my repentance mean?

- I think sometimes our repentance,

what we think of asrepentance is just remorse.

And so we sin, we do somethingwrong, we get caught in it,

or the choice turns outto be not to our benefit

and so we say, God, we're sorry.

And you know, and wefeel sorry for ourselves.

But, we are not taking it deep

and turning away from our sin.

Biblical repentance is repudiation of sin.

It's crucifying the sin.It's putting the sin out.

It's turning away from it completely.

And I think sometimes ourrepentance is so shallow

that given another chance,

we'll go right back indoing the same thing,

which is not real repentance.

So, it was like I guessrepent a fake repentance.

- Right. You would beI what I would consider

a Baby Boomer category andthen you have millennials,

you have the X generation,et cetera, et cetera.

And then you look at thecondition of the country,

whatever else.

Is this, are we not passing the word on

like a baton like you describe it?

- I think some of us are,

but I think the culturehas become so secularized

and almost practical atheists

where they live and moveand have their being

as having almost no God at all.

And so that is probably wherea majority in our culture

and the majority in our nation,

but there are those who areseeking to live faithfully.

To pass it on to their children

and their grandchildren faithfully.

And I have met millennialsand generation X'ers

and people like that who aretotally committed to the Lord.

In fact, I think somein those generations,

they almost pay a higher price,

because they are so alone.

But, they are strong in faith

and seeking to really make a difference.

So, you know, God has aremnant in every generation,

doesn't he?

You know, so it'll neverbe a complete generation

until Jesus comes back andsets up his millennial reign.

But, until then, there is justa remnant in every generation

and I just want to bepart of that remnant.

- Right.

- So I believe my father'shome-going was a wake-up call,

it was a shot across thebough and Jesus saying,

I'm coming, it's timeto get right with me.

- Was he disappointed?

I mean from the 1940's,up through all the years

that he preached the gospelthroughout the world,

more than any individual to my knowledge,

was he disappointed about theway things have been going

in America or in the world?

- I don't want to put wordsin his mouth, you know,

but I think you would wish

it had made a greaterdifference corporately.

It has made a tremendousdifference in individual lives.

I mean, I meet them all over the world.

Their lives were radically changed

when they went for it at Daddy's meeting

or watched him on televisionand they are now in ministry.

They are now missionaries,pastors, leaders,

or just parents leading their children.

I mean I've seen that, butthe impact on our nation.

You know, something is missing, isn't it?

And it may go back towhere you are talking

about passing the baton,

where Christian parentshave not passed on the truth

that leads to faith to their children.

Maybe we left it up to thechurches or to the professionals

and we didn't do it ourselves,

but something is disconnected

because instead of thenation getting better,

we've gotten worse.

We have gotten fartheraway from God's word.

And it could be that inresponse to what my father did,

then the enemy talkingabout spiritual warfare,

he has just came in like a flood

to try to undo any impactfrom my father's ministry,

other peoples ministries or the church.

But we know in the end,that we will be triumphant.

- Okay.In the immediate future,what are you predicting?

What are you seeing? What are you hearing?

You are encouraged. You have hope,

because you know God is in charge of it.

- That's right.

- But the way we are going atthe moment, what do you think?

- Okay, well the nation,part of me is encouraged,

because I think theleadership of this president,

and I wasn't somebody earlywho saw what he could've been.

And I know we have issues withthe way he expresses himself,

but his policies havebeen stunningly supportive

of biblical values.

Right now he has myapplause and my prayers.

I can tell you,

and because I think he isin a very dangerous place.

You can feel the enemytrying to tear him to shreds,

including his policiesthat have taken a stand

on biblical values.

He has great councilors around him,

a lot of real believersaround him giving him input.

So, that's encouraging.

It really is a time to pray.

I believe God has given us alittle window of opportunity.

- Have we lost our fear of God?

- Yes. Yes. We have within the church

and outside the church.

It's stunning.

- Yup.

- You know, we live our livesas though he is not holy.

As though he is not almighty.

As though he is not pure.

And fear of God is justthat, of being afraid of God,

in a healthy sense.

So, that keeps us from sin,it keeps us right before Him.

Just like my father, I was ina sense, as a girl growing up,

afraid of my father.

I wouldn't have doneanything to displease him.

You don't want to provoke his wrath.

My father, I think he spankedme twice in all of my life.

Because my mother did allof the spanking. (laughing)

but I had healthy fear that was rooted

in my overwhelming love for my father.

I wouldn't have wanted to want to hurt him

or disappoint him or make him cross.

And so a fear of God isrooted in love for God.

We don't want to disappoint,

and not that you coulddisappoint God, because he knows.

But you don't want to hurt him,

you don't want to displease him

and then there is a reverence.

God is God and we are we.And that is a big difference.

- The book of Acts.

Fear of the Lord cameupon the whole church.

- Yeah, yeah.

- That would be healthy.

- It would be healthy andthat's where wisdom is found.

You know, the beginningof wisdom is fear of God.

So, we have this technology,all of this brainpower,

all of this knowledge, andwe do the dumbest things.

You know, because there is no wisdom.

If you don't have fear ofGod, then there is no wisdom.


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