Welcome to the 700 Club
Canada. I'm Brian Warren.
And I'm Laura-Lynn Tyler
Thompson. It's great to be
with you.
We've got a great show today
including two amazing stories.
That's right. A little
later in the program, we have
a story of a woman who was
finally set free from years of
struggling to overcome abuse.
If you're struggling with
an ongoing emotional issue,
this story is for you.
But first, an incredible
Jerusalem Dateline feature
Archeologists have actually
uncovered tiles from the second
temple in Jerusalem. It's an
incredible piece that shows
how today's modern technology
is actually bringing the
ancient past to life.
And the Bible as well.
Take a look.
Israeli archeologists
announce they discovered what
the floor of the second Jewish
temple looked like. It's an
amazing story of how the new
discoveries are bringing both
the past and the Bible to life.
This major find came as
archeologists reconstructed
two-thousand year old tiles
from the second Jewish temple
built by King Herod.
These are the very floors
upon which the high priests and
the-the priests and the
pilgrims who came to the Temple
Mount walked. And this is the
floor upon which Jesus walked
when He came to the Temple
This discovery resulted from
a controversy in 1999 when
tons of debris was illegally
removed from under the Temple
Mount to build an underground
Now we have the pieces of the
flooring tiles for the last
twelve years of work from the
soil of the Temple Mount.
We identified them already
some ten years ago, and we
understand that they belonged
to such floors.
The Temple Mount sifting
project began in 2004. For
more than a decade, volunteers
and staff from Israel and
around the world have been
examining the debris from the
Temple Mount and making
historic discoveries.
This is the first time that
we are able to restore one
of the elements of the
architecture of the second
temple in Jerusalem.
Archeologists confirm the
authenticity of these pieces
based on the very sizes,
materials, and technique by
which they were made.
I never thought that I will
be able to find something that
is so much connected to the
temple proper.
Project director,
archeologist, Gabi Barkay,
pointed out why this
achievement should be important
for Christians.
This is the very floor upon
which the coins were rolling
when Jesus turned the tables
of the moneychangers upside
down. This is the very floor
upon which those coins were
We have several different
stories where Jesus is sitting
with His disciples in the
porticos and He's teaching them
right there. They're standing,
they're sitting right here on
these floors.
Researcher and mathematician,
Frankie Snyder, played a key
role in putting the tile
patterns together.
This is the first Herodian
pattern I was actually able to
Snyder restored the ornate
patterns combining geometric
principles with comparisons to
designs at Herod's palaces.
You find that in the Herodian
patterns, the mathematics is
impeccable. The sizes, the
shapes, how they were putting
these things together is just
So far, about six hundred
colored stone floor tile pieces
have been discovered.
It's sort of like putting
together a puzzle but without
a box top. You don't know
what the picture is going to
look like, and you only have
about one percent of the tiles.
We're not out to try to prove
anything. The temple was
there. But we can show you
more clearly exactly-exactly
what was there.
For years, present day
visitors to the Temple Mount
imagine Herod's temple was
made from white stone. Now
Barkay says the restoration of
the floor tiles gives a deeper
understanding and appreciation
for the glory of the second
Jewish temple.
Laura-Lynn, there's a song
that says kings and kingdoms
will all pass away, but there's
something about that name.
The name of Jesus.
When you start looking at
Biblical integrity, you know,
you can anchor your faith
upon that, because
archeologically you can find
proof it's the very tiles that
Jesus walked on, historically
and also anthropologically
in that culture when Herod made
that second temple. It said
in the prophet and-and-and
this was Hosea the prophet,
he said the latter shall be
greater than the former. And
I think this is fantastic
because Jesus walked in that
temple. That's what made it
much greater than the temple
of Solomon.
You know, can you imagine
the commitment of these
people working on
Haggai. Excuse me. I said
Hosea, but Haggai the prophet.
Right. Right. The
commitment of these people
taking all those little rocks
that, you know, just, you know,
it was illegally all dug up.
You know, and-and having
the patience to just put those
together. How significant.
How beautiful.
Oh, it's just, you know.
But in our day that this
is being uncovered, and, you
know, that's amazing.
It is.
Six hundred different colors.
The proof.
That is-it's the proof.
I mean so many people are
looking for proof. You know,
you need to see this. But the
Bible said, "Faith is the
substance of things hoped for
and the evidence of things not
seen." Now we're getting
evidence and it's only proving
what we knew by faith.
And they keep digging up
new things.
New things.
I just heard from someone
who just got back from Israel
that they have found now
a-a-a signet of Isaiah.
Yes. And it's just like, you
know, everyone's all jazzed
about it because it took a lot
of digging to-to find this.
And just proof that the Bible
is true, that historically it's
an accurate account of what
happened, all of the prophecies
that predicted that there
would be a Savior that would
Yes. And it also proves that
Jerusalem was the capital city
of-of the-the Israel people,
The-the Israel nation, right?
The Israelites.
So I mean this is just such
a-a-a powerful discovery.
Mind boggling.
Mind boggling.
Oh, it's just wonderful.
Up next, a remarkable story
of light from one of the
darkest eras in world history.
911. What's your emergency?
We have a vehicle that is
upside down and on fire. These
people are trapped, and we
need the jaws of life.
My feet were on fire. The
car was filling up with smoke.
There was fire coming into
my left door. Steering wheel
was stuck to my chest. I
couldn't move.
Seatbelt. I kept trying to
release it, but it wouldn't
And I just screamed, "God,
send your angels now."
I saw a set of just white
hands. It was just a burst
of white light.
It was part of history that
no one can forget. During the
reign of Nazi dictator, Adolf
Hitler, Jews lived under daily
terror. Their synagogues were
burned, and millions were sent
to concentration camps. Six
million perished. Some nations
opened their doors to the
fleeing Jews. China was one
of them. Many Jewish families
applied for visas to come to
China. All of a sudden, cities
like Shanghai became home of
the Jewish refugees. Many
were relieved that China was
a safe place, a country that
changed their lives. Elizabeth
Linton was born in Austria.
She and her husband recently
visited Shanghai, China. Not
for sightseeing but in memory
of her deceased father, Michael
Weiss, who came to Shanghai
after fleeing the holocaust.
Weiss was born in Vienna,
Austria after Hitler overran
the country. As a Jew, he
realized that he couldn't
safely remain in the country.
After he came to Shanghai,
he was working as an engineer.
He had graduated from the
university in Vienna. He was
about twenty-five years old at
the time.
When I hear stories about how
the nations, many of the
nations, including America,
turned away Jewish people
seeking refuge, it-it really
is heartbreaking when you think
about it. But look at what
the Chinese people did. They
opened their arms to a
persecuted people. Some came
without visas. Some came
without passports, without
proper documentation.
Upon landing in China,
American missionary couple,
Theodore and Carol Sterns,
embraced Weiss.
And they introduced him to
Watchman Nee in the church
in Shanghai.
Watchmen Nee was a church
leader and Christian teacher
who worked in China at the
time. Exposed to many Chinese
Christians, Weiss was deeply
touched by their help and love
for him. He learned about the
Bible from the Chinese
I think it was 15th of
November 1939, he was
baptized by Watchman Nee.
Watchman Nee gave him the
name Johannes as his Christian
name. And Johannes stands for
Just when Weiss thought
things will get better, the
Japanese military invaded
Shanghai, and he was taken
prisoner and sent to a
concentration camp. During the
imprisonment, he was
threatened numerous times
with death; however, Weiss
only did two things-read the
Bible and pray. At the end of
World War II, Johannes Michael
Weiss stayed another eight
years in China before moving
back to Vienna. He immediately
started a new life.
And he prayed. I have many
prayers that he wrote down
for his children that we would
come to know God early in
life and embrace the faith in
God with all our hearts.
Today, as she walks around
the Shanghai Jewish refugee
museum, she was drawn to all
the memories here.
It made it real that he-he
was here, and especially the
name of John that was given
to him as his Christian name.
Johannes Michael Weiss passed
away in 1983 with a degree in
theology study. He never
stopped giving praises to
Jesus and thankfulness for the
Chinese who introduced him to
the Lord.
And my father told me that
the Word of God kept him alive.
Mengfei Li, CBN News.
Johannes Michael Weiss. You
know, what a-what a powerful
testimony of-of God's grace
and His mercy as well. You
know, Elizabeth when she said,
"It was the Word of God that
allowed my dad to survive."
And when you think about that
dark chapter in history where
over six million Jews died in
concentration camps. And
after the Sterns introduced
him to Watchman Nee, he
found that the Japanese came
and he was in prison. But the
Bible says something that's so
powerful. And I-I got this
and I-I pray that this hit
you, because I've got chills
all over my spirit. It says,
"And they overcame him by
the blood of the Lamb and by
the word of their testimony.
And they did not love their
lives to the death." They
didn't shrink from death.
You know, Johannes Michael
Weiss, he was able to witness
by his life. But it was the
Chinese people and Watchman
Nee that gave him that
understanding of the love of
God that gave him that-that
courage, that fortitude to-to
even stick with it and write
that in his diary for his
daughter to find. And that's
what witnessing is all about.
When you begin to share what
God has done in your life, it
gets stronger and stronger and
stronger. No matter what goes
on on the outside, you become
stronger. Because when we're
weak, we are strong. And this
is what we need in this
generation, in this first-this
21st Century Canadian Society.
And it's yours for the asking.
1-855-759-0700. But I want
to pray for you that God would
give you that testimony but
a legacy no matter what you're
going through. Father, in the
name of Jesus, we thank you
for your Johannes Michael
Weiss. And we ask you that
you would even now those that
are watching, Lord, we repent
not for the past but for the
future, cause we'll have
another opportunity. But
let us stand and let us have
that-that rock-solid faith,
Lord, when our time comes that
we must be a witness of your
goodness. May you bless those
that are listening now, and
may they leave a lasting
legacy. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Wow. Up next, Tina finally
walks in freedom after years
of suffering and torment from
abuse. You don't want to miss
It was always after something
horrible happened, I would say,
"I need to go play into the
woods," and she would know
or vice versa.
Tina Beauchamp and her twin
sister played their game of
make believe often. One
pretending to be lost, the
other coming to her rescue.
More than a game, it was an
escape from a sexually and
physically abusive sibling.
It was very confusing
because as a little kid you
have literally no idea what's
going on. As you get a little
older this-this-this isn't
right. Something's-something's
wrong here, and you start to
think that you are just trash
and that you're not worth
Tina grew up in a poor
neighborhood in California with
a single mother of five. She
hardly knew her father. Their
mother neglected them, and
the only attention she gave
came through harsh discipline.
I just remember just being
sad all the time. It's like
where is that love? You get
up every day and you're a shell
of a person. There's nothing
to look forward to.
The one time Tina worked up
the nerve to say something
about the abuse, her mother
did nothing about it.
It is the ultimate betrayal
and it is almost as though
that's it. If your own mother
won't defend your or try and
do something about it, it
confirms in your mind that
you are worthless.
The sexual abuse stopped
when Tina stood up to her
abuser at age ten. But the
chaos and physical abuse at
home continued. At thirteen,
she downed a bottle of aspirin
trying to escape the pain.
When that failed, she turned
to promiscuity, drugs, and
It was like oh, my gosh.
This thing is I'm numb when-
when I'm doing this. I was
much more free. I was able
to laugh. Things became
At sixteen with no ambitions
or hope for her future, she
dropped out of school. And at
eighteen, she married a
physically and verbally abusive
The day we got married,
something sort of broke in me,
and I-I remember just breaking
down and crying. And the
people that were there thought
oh, she's so happy. She's
crying. That's not why I was
crying. I was crying because
I felt like I had sealed my
fate, like well, this is the
best I can do. This is what
I'm good for is to be abused.
They moved to the east coast
to be closer to her husband's
family. After earning her
GED and landing a job in
banking, Tina poured herself
into her work.
I would go to work and I
would do an excellent job
because I wanted that praise.
My bosses always loved me.
So that became my new drug,
my new escapism.
Afraid her husband would
hurt her if she tried to leave,
she endured the marriage.
After nine years, two of her
sisters gave her the courage
and a plane ticket to leave
and fly back to California.
But soon she was back to
finding escape through drugs
and unhealthy relationships.
At this point, I'm still
trying to fill myself with
something. And all this other
stuff over here to the left is
not working. It works
temporarily, but it wears off.
In her thirties, Tina decided
to volunteer at a local
church's ministry, thinking
that helping others might fill
the void. She even began
attending Sunday services on
occasion. Then one morning,
she woke up feeling a darkness
she never felt before.
There was something that
came on me. It felt like an
oppression. And I had been
depressed before, so I knew
what that felt like. This was
very different. I woke up
with it. I was at work with
it. And it was-it-it really
is hard to describe because
it is such a dark place.
The feeling got worse, and
she decided to go to a woman's
Bible study. The study was on
the book of James.
Because this darkness, this
oppression was so severe,
I said, "I've got to try it.
I have to try something. I'm
desperate." This darkness is
on me, even though I'm
opening the Bible up. They
asked me to read. And I'm
thinking, oh, my gosh. Okay.
So as soon as I start reading
James, that oppression went
away. And that darkness never
came back.
Wanting to know more, she
started digging into the Bible
for answers. One night, she
arrived early to Bible study
and noticed a scripture
reference on the board.
Oh, Jeremiah 29:11. Okay.
And so I looked it up. And it
was like that was written for
me. "I know the plans that I
have for you declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, to give you a hope
and a future." And I thought,
oh, my gosh. You really are
pursuing me.
Finally, she understood that
her only hope would come
through salvation in Jesus
Christ. Soon after, she made
a decision.
All that stuff that happened
to me in the past, He's renewed
me as His daughter. And what
Jesus did on the cross, Him
going step by step, carrying
that cross for us, it hit me
in that moment, and I fell
down on my knees. Jesus,
no matter what happens in
this life and no matter what
has happened in this life,
you're it. You're it for me.
You're that thing that I've
been searching for for so long.
After giving her life to
Christ, she realized she still
needed to heal from her past.
She sought counseling from a
Christian therapist, and asked
God for help.
I remember my first
counseling appointment, and I
said, "Jesus, please come with
me." Well, He was already
there. "But hold my hand. I
need for you to hold my hand
going in here."
As she grew in her faith,
Tina overcame the hurt from
her past. She now works with
victims of human trafficking
and has plans to open a
women's shelter. She says
that Jesus took away all of
her pain and gave her purpose
He's using what I went
through to help women now
that don't know Him, that
don't feel that they have value
or worth. And I'm there to
say that you do. You
absolutely do.
That's a beautiful story.
You know, I can personally
testify to the goodness and
the power in the Word of God,
just like Tina did as she began
to read James. And as she
began to let the Word wash
over her, she felt healed.
And this is-this is what
Romans 8:25 says. "In the
same way, the Spirit helps us
in our weakness. We do not
know what we ought to pray
for, but the Spirit Himself
intercedes for us through
wordless groans." And it
talks again about our weakness
over in Second Corinthians 12,
verse 9. But-but he said to
me, "My grace is sufficient
for you, for my power is made
perfect in weakness. Therefore
I will boast all the more
gladly about my weaknesses so
that Christ's power may rest
on me." You know, when we
go through painful trauma in
our life and something happens,
people abuse us. Some of us
have experienced terrible,
terrible things. There is a
truth in the Word that we don't
have to feel strong in and of
ourselves. But that when we
are weak, God can make us
strong. Tina became strong
and powerful in her life, and
is now helping others that are
facing and have been through
some of the same situations
that she went through. Why?
Because Christ's strength
became her strength. And
that's all we have to rely on.
You might be sitting there
today and you're feeling like,
you know, very weak and
overtaken with all of the pain.
Emotional wounds can be very
deep, very painful. But the
Word of God, it is like a
healing salve to your life.
I-I challenge you today to
just get out the book. Go to
James like she did and begin
reading it, and let that Word
go deep into your heart. And
it will heal you. You know,
it's time for a new day.
Doesn't that sound good?
A new day. Let all that old
stuff, you know, be put away
from you and-and walk into
a new season in your life. We
have a resource for you.
1-855-759-0700. Absolutely
free. Just give us a call.
Well, we believe in prayer,
and we'll pray for your needs
right after the break. So stay
with us.
Too often we carry baggage
from our past. You know what
it's like. It affects
everything and everyone in
our lives. It's always there,
weighing us down and keeping
us from achieving true
happiness. But do you know
God never meant for us to be
trapped in the past? You can
be free of your baggage. Learn
how God's forgiveness leads
to changed lives and new
beginnings. Call the 700 Club.
Welcome back. In our latest
premium, Angels, discover how
these angelic messengers are
an important and fascinating
part of God's creation.
They sure are. You know,
this DVD also includes real
stories of people's encounters
with angelic forces as well as
Biblical insight that will help
you understand how angels
play an important role in
Now, if this topic interests
you, call us today. We'll get
it-get it to you right away.
And as you become a part of
the 700 Club Canada family,
it would be such an
encouragement to us. The
number is 1-855-759-0700.
Prayer partners are standing
by. And we want to thank you
for all of your praise reports
but also liking us on social
media. It's great to hear back
and forth from you. We really
are encouraged every time.
But would you put on your
prayer list, Barbara from
Barrie. She's asking for
salvation for Jessie.
And also Sherry from Coleman,
Alberta. Prayer for her
Let's agree.
Father, we just thank you
God, for who you are, for
your grace, for your goodness,
in our lives. We thank you
Lord, that you know exactly
what Sherry is dealing with.
We ask that you would
interject yourself, oh, God.
She is asking for your-your
guidance and your support,
Jesus. So we come into
agreement with her prayer,
and we ask that your presence
would be with her, that your
wisdom would be there,
that God, you would open
doors that are-are right for
her and that you would give
her discernment about that
which is not the right path
for her to take. We ask all
of this in your name.
In Jesus' name. And, Father,
with Barbara, we come into
agreement for the spirit of
adoption for Jessie. Lord, you
know the way that Jessie
travels. And we pray even
in this moment that his eyes
of understanding would open
and that he would have a divine
encounter with you that would
change his life and cause him
to be engrafted in the family
of God. We thank you for his
life. We thank-ooh, God, it
is so. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Amen. Amen.
Wow. You know, when we
were talking about the
holocaust, you know, I-I go
back to that moment, and I
thank God for Michael Weiss
and Elizabeth because of their
Because I see that as a
part of a-a real challenging
chapter. But there were bright
spots because people held onto
their faith.
And I believe that's what God
is calling us to do.
It is. It is. And, you
know, we can hang onto that
because we have a rock. We
have a foundation. And, you
know, Job came to that place
after all of his suffering in
his life.
We personally have not
experienced these atrocities,
but we can say in our lives
that, you know, Lord we trust
you so in-incredibly that
though you slay us, yet will
we trust you.
We have that kind of
committed faith to the Word
of God.
And in-in this current
environment where everyone
is so concerned about
prosperity and other things,
the real gift is salvation
and knowing that we have an
eternal security.
Yes, it is.
That's what Jesus came to
give us. You know, we want
to leave you with a power
verse, and hold onto this as
your love letter. "For I know
the plans that I have for you
declares the Lord."
"Plans to prosper you and not
to harm you."
"Plans to give you a hope and
a future." Jeremiah 29 and 11.
Until next time.
God bless.
To contact us, phone
1-855-759-0700. You can email
us at CBA@700Club.ca or write
to us at Christian Broadcasting
Associates, Incorporated.
That's 700 Club Canada,
P.O. Box 700, Scarborough,
Ontario M1S 4T4. You can
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