NARRATOR: It's not your
grandmother's women's
Propel Activate is a day
of worship, fun, and truth.
And on this day, it
brought hundreds of women
from 19 states and 300 churches
to Woodbridge, Virginia,
seeking to tap into
their passion, purpose,
and potential.
If you take a
look behind me, you
see women are lining up in
large crowds of every age,
every different background.
And they're here for two
simple reasons, to be inspired,
and to learn God's
calling for their life,
right here and right now.
We are in a fight.
We do not battle
against flesh and blood,
but we fight against
powers and principalities.
We need to elevate
this fight off people,
and get it onto the devil.
And begin to wield the
weapon of our warfare, which
is the word of God.
Activate conferences
are popping up all over the US.
It is not only for
inspirational messages
from leaders like Sarah Jakes
Roberts, Beth Moore, and Lisa
It's also to hear from
ladies just like them--
from home-schooling
mothers, to artists,
to record company executives.
Propel co-founder
Christine Cain says
the idea formed when she noticed
a generation of women slipping
And I began to see
that we were starting
to hemorrhage a generation of
young women out of the church,
because we weren't really
speaking to where they were at.
We were speaking to
only predominantly
a stay-at-home mother.
And yet, there were young women
that were going to college,
and were educated, and were
single for a lot longer--
women that were single again.
And I just started
to think, you know
what, we've got to not
hemorrhage a generation
to secular feminism.
But we need to raise
up a generation.
NARRATOR: She says there's
a whole group of women
uniquely positioned to
do good in God's kingdom.
And the Lord spoke to me
out of Matthew Chapter 9,
where he said pray to the Lord
of-- the harvest is plentiful,
but the laborers are few.
Pray to the Lord of the
harvest to send forth laborers
into the harvest.
And that word "send forth"
in the Greek is [INAUDIBLE]----
And I felt just a prompting.
And during my quiet time--
Christine, I want you to propel
women into the harvest field.
And so many-- they're in
college and university.
They're in the political sphere.
They're doctors,
and they're lawyers.
And they're teachers, and
they're entrepreneurs.
They're out there
in the harvest.
You need to equip them to be
salt and light in the harvest
NARRATOR: Propel women
are greeted online
and on social media with
inspirational verses, videos,
and articles.
Cain hopes all Propel
women, stay-at-home mom
and corporate CEO
alike, come away
with a sense of unity and vigor
for what they can accomplish.
Let's tear down walls
and build bridges.
And whether you are a
stay-at-home, home-schooling
mother of five kids, or
you're a corporate CEO,
or an entrepreneur, or
anything in between,
let us cheer each other on.
And say, God has gifted us all
uniquely to reach our world,
in our generation.
And let's be one anothers'
greatest cheerleaders.
NARRATOR: That message of
passion, purpose, potential,
and unity is
spreading-- one city
at a time, one woman at a time.
Amber Strong, CBN News
in Woodbridge, Virginia.