4,000 Churches Devastated in Puerto Rico and Mexico: How Your Church Can Help
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Hi, everyone.
In Puerto Rico, one week
after Hurricane Maria struck,
conditions are not
getting better.
They're getting worse.
Not only is water, power,
and food scarce now,
money is scarce as well,
as the US territory
witnesses near total
shut down of its economy.
And here now with us,
to give us more insight
on what's going
on, is Tony Suarez
with the National Hispanic
Christian Leadership
Thank you for joining us, Tony.
Thank you for having me again.
And thanks for all of you for
joining us on Facebook Live.
Please feel free to let
us know that you're here
where you're listening from.
And if you have any questions
about what's going on in Puerto
Rico, we'd love to hear.
Tony, you are working
with 40,000 churches that
are affiliated with the National
Hispanic Christian Leadership
Conference and asking
them to get involved
with churches in Puerto Rico.
So tell us about what you
know about what's going on
in Puerto Rico, first of all.
Well, we know that there
is a 100% of the island
has been without electricity.
We know that there have been--
there's been distribution
brought to the island.
There are supplies
ready to be delivered,
but there's
complications in actually
getting the things that have
been sent to the people.
Then there's planes
that are ready to go.
There's boats ready to go from
the US that still can't make it
to Puerto Rico.
So it's chaos.
It's disorganization.
Now thankfully,
the president today
passed an order so
that it would hopefully
open up a little bit--
open up some of these
lines up supplies.
The shipping
Yeah, and the shipping
getting to Puerto Rico.
But there's so much more
that has to be done.
And a lot of it is going to
be solved with our finances
and supporting so many
organizations like CBN 700
Club's Operation
Blessing, Convoy
of Hope, the [INAUDIBLE]
you'll see so many
that are going to be
boots on the ground.
Some are already there.
And this is going to
be an ongoing effort.
This isn't, sadly,
it's not something
we're going to solve in a
week or even a few months.
We're going to have to be
there for the long haul
to restore and rebuild.
As Pastor Sam
said, this is going
to have to become
Puerto Rico 2.0.
It's so interesting,
I was reading
accounts today of people can't
get to their ATM machines.
They literally can't get money.
And/or their jobs
don't exist right now.
So economically speaking,
just even from a cash basis,
people are just struggling.
Yeah and if you
think here in the US,
if you think about
the lines that we saw
for gas in Florida, in Texas.
Think about now being on
an island where the oil has
to be shipped into this island.
They say that the lines for
gas right now in Puerto Rico
are over a mile long.
So I mean, even at
that point, I mean,
we really need a
long term solution.
And it's going to
take the government.
It's going to take the churches.
It's going to take
everybody coming together.
It won't be one organization
that solves this alone.
And that's why we've
announced a campaign that's
because we have to look at this.
We have to look at how
can we help this country,
speaking of Puerto
Rico, this territory.
How do we help it rise up,
collectively, together.
So many churches,
over 3,000 churches
have been lost in this tragedy.
As a former church--
The church buildings
themselves have been lost?
Yeah, absolutely.
And as a former church
planter, you know,
I planted a church in Virginia.
I think about those pastors who
have given their all to lift up
and plant a church.
And now buildings are gone.
Resources are gone.
But yet at the same time that
these buildings have been gone,
the church is that beacon
of light in Puerto Rico.
People are coming
to their pastors
and coming to churches once
they can find each other again
and asking, how can
we come together.
And I think it's impacting
and I think it's prophetic.
When we see all the divisiveness
that's going on right now, even
within our own country, to see
how people are coming together
in the midst of tragedy,
whether it was Houston
or Florida, and now
Puerto Rico and Mexico,
you see that there is this
prevailing spirit of unity
that when we need
each other, we don't
look at the color of skin.
We don't look at
our denomination.
We don't even really look at
what religion each one is.
We just come together.
And Mexicans are rebuilding
Mexico City and [INAUDIBLE]
And Puerto Ricans
are coming together.
And as soon as we
can get there, we're
going to be in
Puerto Rico helping
them rebuild that island for
the glory of the name of Jesus.
It's so interesting because all
the news accounts pretty much
right now are doom and gloom.
And I was struck reading
Samuel Rodriguez's op-ed piece
And he's talking about rebirth.
And he's talking about 2.0.
And I thought, wow.
You know, as Christians
we have a hope.
And we are called to see how
the Lord might be working
through these situations.
So what is the vision, the hope
for how churches can help lead
in Puerto Rico for what good
could come out of all of this?
Well, there's several
ways that we can help.
But pastor Sam or Reverend
Rodriguez's message of hope,
is that true Christian
message of restoration,
and a second chance,
and a second hope.
And that's what, I mean,
that's what we believe.
We're living in this proverbial
pursuit of the blessed hope.
And we believe that even
in the midst of tragedy,
God can bless.
He can heal.
He can reconcile, restore.
Puerto Rico is already
in an economic crisis.
All this did was make it worse.
But we believe that with
the church coming together
and us rebuilding, we believe
Puerto Rico can be a better
island post-hurricane
Maria than it was before.
One of the ways
we can do that is
by state side churches adopting
churches in Puerto Rico.
I might not be able
to go to Puerto Rico.
Well, in fact
pastor Sam and I are
going to Puerto Rico
in a matter of weeks.
But if you're not able
to go to Puerto Rico,
maybe your church can sponsor or
adopt a church in Puerto Rico,
or adopt a pastor.
They're going to need
finances for at least a year.
This is, again, this
is not something
that we can fix a one
time act to Puerto Rico.
So there's ways
that we can rise up.
There's ways we
can come together.
Just earlier this month, we
celebrated education Sunday
in the NHCLC.
And in Puerto Rico,
there were thousands
of churches that participated
in education Sunday
and encouraging kids, they're
going to go back to school.
They prayed over these children,
you're going to graduate.
And now some of
these kids might not
be able to go to school
the rest of the year.
So there's legislation
that we're--
legislative solutions
that we're looking
at where a child might be able
to graduate early if he can--
I mean, there's
different things.
But we need to just
look at the entire--
this is more than just,
we have to deliver food.
We have to deliver supplies.
We need resources and finances.
But how do we help kids
to continue their pathway
to education.
How many churches
are on the island?
What can you tell us about
believers on the island?
Well, I don't know the
exact number of churches.
I know the assembly--
I believe it's the
Assemblies of God,
and the Iglesia de Dios
MAE, Church of God, MI.
There's over 3,000,
4,000 churches alone.
I know that Texas--
I know the number of
Baptist churches, I think,
is well over 1,000.
I know that the Texas
Baptist Hispanic Baptist
Convention has already had boots
on the ground there as well.
So you're talking about
thousands of churches.
Puerto Rico is a very--
it's a place full of a lot
of faith, a lot of energy,
spiritually speaking.
So the church is the hope.
You know, we're
built on this promise
that at the end of the
day, the gates of hell
shall not prevail.
Jesus let us know, this
was the hope of the world.
And what better
place, especially
in the Latino community,
where a church is not just
a house of worship,
it's a point of contact.
It's where you meet your
friends, your family.
You go to church at 10:00
AM and you might not
leave till 3:00 PM.
Because it's where
you eat lunch.
That's where you play sports.
That's where you get crisis
counseling, et cetera,
et cetera.
So these churches are going to
be the beacon of hope in Puerto
Rico and it's where people
are looking to for their help
right now.
And that education piece
sound interesting, too,
if they can even
think creatively
about how to help kids move
on in the midst of all this.
I mean, just think about
that young person that
was about to go into
high school, who
had dreams of a scholarship.
And now they're going to
lose their senior year
in high school.
It's not their fault
that a hurricane hit.
So how can we help
them whether it's
through the government
or other ways.
How can we help them so that
their dreams aren't deterred?
We know that they need
to finish high school.
We know that they
need to go to college
for the proverbial
American dream.
So how can we help
them to make sure
that they reach their potential
and be able to fulfill
their dream of graduating?
I love that idea of a church
here adopting a church there,
That seems so
practical and way you
can get your arms
around a crisis
rather than just say, oh
my gosh, this is terrible.
I wanted to ask you, too,
about Mexico, because
two earthquakes there
in the last month.
And so that country is reeling.
What are you hearing
from partner churches
on the ground about how things
are at and what the needs are?
Mexico really needs supplies.
Now again, it's a little easier.
And you know, that's relative.
But it's a little easier
for us to send semi trucks
right now from Texas into
Mexico and get supplies.
It's much harder to Puerto Rico.
We're having to
send cargo planes.
A New York City councilman,
Fernando Cabrera,
who's also a NHCLC board
member is partnering with us.
We're sending charter
planes from New York
to get to Puerto Rico.
When it comes to Mexico, we have
semi trucks that we can send.
And we can fill
those with supplies.
There's pallets.
There's a church in
Houston named Life Church.
Pastor James Kilgore, who
already has over 20 pallets
of supplies that are ready to
be put on these semi trucks
and taken to Mexico City.
So the way we can most
effectively help in Puerto Rico
is to find a church that
might already be doing it
or maybe your church can
begin a supply drive and then
partner with Operation Blessing,
or convoy, or other groups,
or go to the NHCLC's website
and let us know where you are.
And then we can coordinate so
that we can take semi trucks.
Convoy had a report where
they said that for $6,000
they could fill a semi
truck with like $42,000
worth of supplies.
That's something that a church
could get behind and say,
you know what, we'll fill
one semi truck this month.
And I mean, just imagine
the blessing that is.
But I've been impressed,
especially in Mexico,
when we saw those buildings fall
and those school buildings that
fell on those children.
I was so impressed by
the Mexican people.
Seeing them rally
and come together.
And again, I hurt for them but
I see this unity of people.
Who knows who's Pentecostal
and who's Catholic
and who's white and black.
All those differences
that we're fighting about,
all the things
that we're arguing
about over social
media, they just
don't matter anymore
in a moment of tragedy.
And I think that it's that
spirit of unity that, you know,
Acts chapter 2--
forgive me for being preachy,
but when the day of Pentecost
has fully come, they
were all in one accord.
And I just, I see Puerto
Rico becoming unified.
I see Mexico becoming unified.
And even the United States, with
everything that's dividing us,
there is this spirit
of unity that's
wanting to come
forth and break out
within the Christian
church saying,
I'm going to forget
about football
right now because
there's hurting people
in Mexico and in Puerto
Rico that need my help.
And so I'm going to forget
about all the rhetoric
that people are arguing
about on social media.
And I'm going to find
out who I can partner
with to be literally be the
hands and the feet of Jesus
to hurting people.
Yeah, well there is a lot
we can focus on that is good
and a lot I think
we can leave behind.
We're going to
leave it at that.
Tony Suarez, thank you
so much for joining us.
Thanks to all of
you for joining us.
Please feel free to share
this with your friends
and please prayerfully
consider how.