With us now from Washington to
talk about the president's tax
plan is Steve Moore.
Steve's an economist
with Freedom Works.
He was an economic advisor
to the Trump campaign.
Steve, it's good
to see you again.
Thanks for being here.
Might I ask you a quest--
I am in a very--
I'm in a very good
mood this morning.
I mean those numbers
that you recited--
3.1% growth, you know, that's
up from 1 and 1/2% growth
under Obama in his
last year in office.
So there is no
question about it.
This economy has
really ramped up,
and we're going to get 3%
growth in the third quarter.
And that's before we've
done this tax cut, you know.
So well if we get
this tax cut we
could get 3 and
1/2 to 4% growth.
Boy, will that feel good.
You know, Steve, let
me ask you a question.
I listened to a couple
of those Republicans--
I mean the Democrats--
talking about a tax
cut for the rich.
How can you have a
tax cut for somebody
that isn't paying taxes?
Great point.
So the poor people--
you know the democratic
they don't pay any taxes anyhow.
So of course, the people who are
earning money and paying taxes
are the only ones you
have a tax cut for.
Isn't that correct?
It is.
You know, it's funny, when
I came in this morning, Pat,
one of your
assistants here said,
what are you talking about?
I said taxes.
And she said to me,
show me the money!
You know, I think that's the
way a lot of people are feeling.
Show me the money.
They want to see some money
back in their pockets,
because the government
is pickpocketing
so much of their money.
So if you're-- let's talk about
the middle class for a minute,
The people making maybe
$40,000 to $100,000 a year
and for, you know, most states
that's a middle-class family.
You're going to save,
by my calculation,
anywhere from $2,500
to $5,000 a year.
Now, for a family that's
making, say, $60,000 a year,
Pat, that by the way is
paying all those increased
premiums under
Obamacare, that is going
to be very welcome tax relief.
Now as you know, Pat, I--
my buddy Larry
Kudlow and I helped
write the original tax
plan for Donald Trump
during the campaign.
And this plan they came up with
yesterday, which I like a lot,
is very similar to
the original plan.
What we do is we do provide
lower tax rates for high income
people, but we're taking
away a lot of the deductions
and the loopholes.
You know, when I--
I was looking at some
polling recently,
1,000 people poll about what
they think of our tax system,
and the word that comes
up so often is rigged.
The American people
think the tax system
is rigged to the
special interest groups
then the lobbyists and
the politically connected.
And you know what?
They're right about that.
Let's get rid of the
lobbyists, the loopholes.
Let's have everybody pay their
fair share, but at a low rate
that everybody can afford.
And it's going to be
good for the economy.
I guarantee it.
See the businesses
we pay corporate tax,
probably the highest in the
world when you consider it.
You'll get the federal tax,
the state tax, local taxes,
et cetera.
Talk about that.
The president wants to
bring it all to 20%, though.
Is that going to make
a big difference,
and can that get
through Congress?
I believe it will,
and the only thing
that I object to this plan--
I love the plan.
The only thing they
took out was, you know,
originally we had a 15% tax
rate for our businesses,
and unfortunately
they made it 20.
But that's still
a big improvement.
But I did say to some of my
friends at the White House,
I wish you'd stuck
with the 15% rate.
But yeah, we will go from the
highest rate in the world--
by the way, Pat, most
Americans do not know that.
They do not know that American
businesses pay the highest tax
We pay higher tax rates
than China, than Germany,
than Canada, than almost
all the European countries.
We even have a higher tax
rate than Sweden and Cuba,
for goodness sakes.
I mean it's crazy out there.
And it is putting American's
companies to a disadvantage.
I got to tell you, I had
dinner a couple of nights
ago with Fred Smith,
who is the CEO of FedEx,
one of the great American
entrepreneurial companies ever.
He employs hundreds of
thousands of workers.
And I said, you
know, Fred, if we
do this tax cut, what will
it mean for your business?
He said, Steve, we're going
to go out and, you know,
purchase new planes.
We're going to have
more delivery trucks.
We're going to
hire more workers.
We're going to pay
our workers more.
That's just one company, Pat.
And if you magnify that
throughout the economy,
you're going to talk about
higher wages, more job
I thinking you have 10
million jobs through the end
of the decade with this plan.
Why do the Democrats want
to keep the tax rates so high
and punish people?
Why don't they want to ease
up on the American people?
What is it in their psyche
that makes them want
to do what they want to do?
It's a sad thing,
Pat, because, you know,
it used to be back in the
1960s, John F. Kennedy, who
is one of our iconic presidents,
he ran on cutting taxes.
He said, look, grow--
cut the taxes.
You'll get more jobs.
You'll get more wages.
You'll have a more
vibrant middle class.
He was exactly right about that.
And then of course
you know this, Pat,
our mutual great friend, Ronald
Reagan, he picked up that theme
and, boy, did it work.
I was on CNN a couple of
days ago and they're saying,
oh, this isn't going to work
like it didn't work for Reagan.
I said, it didn't
work for Reagan?
You know we created
20 million new jobs,
the stock market went
through the roof.
And by the way Ronald Reagan
just squeaked by-- you
remember this one, Pat.
He squeaked by for re-election.
He only won 49 states.
And as he used to talk--
well maybe you don't remember--
his running opponent,
George Bush,
started talking about
voodoo economics.
Voodoo economics, yep.
But the truth is this is not
going to add to the deficit.
This will grow the economy.
Is that-- what will
this do to the deficit?
I believe so.
You know, that's it-- well the
budget resolution that Congress
will pass calls for a 1 1/2
trillion dollar tax cut over 10
Now we're going to have to make
up for that a couple of ways.
We're going to grow
the economy more.
And when you grow the economy
and put more people to work,
Pat, that means more
people are paying taxes.
That's a good way to
balance the budget.
But the other thing
that you've got to do
is you've got to cut
some government spending.
I mean, let's face it.
We got a $4 trillion
budget right now.
We can certainly
cut the spending
and make up for that difference.
But you're never-- the
other thing is, Pat,
this is such an
important economic lesson
for your listeners,
and I know people
know this who
listen to this show,
you're never going to balance
the budget if the economy isn't
Just the fact that Donald
Trump has gotten us
up to 3% growth, that's going
to cause more tax revenues.
That's going to cause,
you know, more--
higher wages for people.
So you've got to
have economic growth
and you have a vibrant
economy if you ever
hope to balance this budget.
And incidentally I didn't
answer your question
about why Democrats today
don't get aboard this.
I was in-- have you ever been
to Grand Forks, North Dakota?
I was in North Dakota
yesterday, in Grand Forks.
And, you know, North
Dakota is a key state,
and they have a Democratic
senator, Heidi Heitkamp.
For those of you
watching the show,
if you live in North
Dakota put some pressure
on Heidi Heitkamp.
75% of people in North
Dakota want this tax cut.
It's going to be a
tough vote for her.
I think we can get
Heidi Heitkamp.
I think we can get three or four
Democrats in the United States
Senate to vote
for this tax bill.
Well, it looks like Joe
Manchin of West Virginia
should be a candidate.
You got it.
He's another one.
You got it.
And a whole lot of other ones.
Well you think the Congress is
going to accept the president's
plan as he's outlined
it or will there
be some radical changes in it?
It's going to change of
course and it's-- probably
they're going to have to cut
back on some of the-- you know,
this is a big grand vision,
and I love everything in it.
They might have to squeeze
back on a little bit, but yeah.
And you know what we
need to do, Pat, we
need to put pressure
on Congress.
Everybody in this room,
talk to your congressman.
Call up and talk
to your senator.
Tell them we want this tax cut.
We want to grow
our economy, and we
want better jobs for Americans.
It's going to be close.
It's going to be very
close in the Senate, Pat.
Just like what we
saw on Obamacare--
let's not fall one or two votes
short in the Senate this time.
Let's get over 50.
Let's get to 55 or 60.
Well, I'm for that.
Let me ask you,
you know, the truth
is if they take away the
deduction for state taxes,
now that that's going to go
after California and New York.
It will almost look like payback
time from the Republicans
to the Democrats.
Talk about that.
So you're right, this is
one of the big pay forces.
You know, one of the stupidest
deductions in our tax system
is that you get to
write off your state
taxes from your
federal taxes, which
just rewards these high tax
states like California and New
By the way, California
and New York
have the highest income
tax rate of 13 and 1/2%.
And you can-- but
ladies and gentlemen
you could move to Texas
and Florida and pay zero.
So that's why a lot of
people are doing that, Pat.
But they would never be able
to sustain those very high tax
rates if it weren't for the fact
that the federal government is
subsidizing 40% of that
by allowing people
to write that off.
So I'm very much in
favor of getting rid
of the deduction of
state and local taxes.
And by the way, you know,
liberals love to talk about,
oh, well let's tax the rich.
50% of the benefit of the
state and local tax deduction
goes to the richest 1%.
It goes to Warren Buffetts
and the Bill Gates
and the LeBron
James of the world.
So this is a good way of making
the rich pay their fair share
by getting rid of
that deduction.
It will not-- It will not
impact middle class workers
because, Pat, under
our plan, 90%--
get this, 90%, 9
out of 10 Americans
will no longer have to
itemize their deductions.
Pat, you're not going to
have to have those shoe
boxes of receipts anymore
with all of the-- you know,
the charitable deduction, this
and that, because you'll just
check off the box.
So it'll be good for the
economy and simplification,
and we hope to get
a postcard return.
Wouldn't that be something?
Steve, well, thank you.
You're a great salesman.
I'm ginned up.
I'm ready to go.
Let's get this done.
Well, come back and
talk about it more.
Yes, you got it.
We want to see
this go through.