The news.
The United States
is making it clear
it has not gone to war
against North Korea.
John Jessup has that.
That's right, Pat, North
Korea's foreign minister
considers a tweet by President
Trump a declaration of war.
National security
correspondent Erik Rosales
reports on the war
of words and what
could happen if the
North carries out
its threat to test a hydrogen
bomb over the Pacific Ocean.
North Korea's top
diplomat accused
President Trump of openly
declaring war on his country.
The foreign minister
of North Korea
claims this tweet, which
states "little rocket man won't
be around much longer," gives
the rogue nation every right
to strike back.
TRANSLATOR: Since the US has
made a declaration of war,
we will have every right to
make countermeasures, including
the right to shoot
down the United States'
strategic bombers even if they
do not come into our airspace.
Department rapidly
pushed back, telling CBN News,
"the United States has not
declared war on North Korea.
We continue to seek a
peaceful denuclearization
of the Korean peninsula."
Pentagon officials
also spoke out,
defending the right to
conduct flyovers, including
this past weekend's show
of military strength
as B-1 bombers and F-15
fighter jets flew along
the North Korean
coast farther north
than any American
aircraft in decades.
is our hope that they
stop these provocations
and their pursuit
of their nuclear program.
MAN: If they do
do a nuclear test?
that goes back to our job
is to make sure that the
president has those options.
We've got a deep
arsenal of options
to provide the president
to make a decision if that
were to occur.
Korea follows through
with a hydrogen bomb nuclear
test over the Pacific,
radioactive fallout
could be catastrophic.
Thus far, all six North
Korean nuclear tests
have been underground,
containing the radioactivity.
But the threatening H bomb test
would destroy or contaminate
marine life plus the wind
would send a radioactive cloud
over populated areas.
We are approaching a Cuban
Missile Crisis-like situation,
The threat of nuclear war
is not necessarily high,
but it's real.
Kimball, executive director
of the Washington DC-based think
tank Arms Control Association,
believes the US
needs to consider
how involving other countries
might help cut the escalation
The Chinese likewise
could play a role
in brokering a conversation.
The Security Council could meet
and bring the North Koreans
into the conversation in
a closed door setting.
There are things
that can be done
to establish a dialogue
that reduces the risks
and now's the time to do that.
It's unclear if
North Korea even
has the capability to
perform a hydrogen bomb test.
However, it's safe to assume
the North Korean dictator
means what he says
and will act on it.
Erik Rosales, CBN
News, Washington.
And, Pat, to Erik's
point, every test
that Kim's threatened to do,
he's actually carried out.
Well, as one congressman
said so cogently,
this is a country run
by a crime family.
This is nothing
but a crime family
and all they care about is
keeping their own power.
Didn't he take anti-aircraft
guns and shoot people?
I mean, didn't he do that?
Didn't he have one of his
own relatives murdered?
This young man doesn't care,
as long as he keeps power.
But the idea of an atmospheric
test of a hydrogen bomb
is unthinkable because of the
fallout of the radiation that
comes from it.
This is unthinkable,
but he might well do it.