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Operation Blessing International Travels to the Epicenter Region of the Quake

Operation Blessing International Travels to the Epicenter Region of the Quake Read Transcript

We've come far into the epicenter.

This is the Puebla region.

And we've been going from village

to village, town to town, and seeing

scenes of utter devastation.

And it's about 11:00 at night.

We've come here.

We've talked to the local town leader,

and they've told us they need a lot of help.

And it's evident that they do.

Everywhere we look, there are houses down,

houses condemned, and there are families sleeping out

in the elements.

It's just been raining.

We found this family with small children that

are sleeping out in the rain.

They need support.

And that's why Operation Blessing's here

providing tents.

We have hundreds of tents in a truck

we bought to this community.

We're distributing tents all throughout this town

and many more like it-- places where homes are destroyed

and people really need our help.

We're here for them because of your support.

And we thank you so much.

Please continue to support Operation Blessing

in this critical time for Mexico.

Thank you.

When the earthquake started, they

were worried, because they couldn't get to the kids.

So the kids were screaming, crying.

Finally, when their grandmother got to them,

they were very [INAUDIBLE].

And what they were telling us is that they lost their homes--

all of their food, all of their things.

They don't have any place to sleep.

They are sleeping on tents.

But they are so grateful, because they

say that nobody ever remembers them,

and that they are so grateful that we are here to help them,

because now they have a place to sleep.

The kids have a place to sleep.

So yeah.


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