Paul Wilbur joins The 700 Club to discuss this year's Rosh Hashanah celebration, and the war raging in our chaotic world.
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Welcome back to The 700 Club.
Sundown this evening
marks the beginning
of the Jewish new year
known as Rosh Hashanah.
And as we do each
year at CBN, we'll
be celebrating in the
Regent University Chapel.
We invite all of you to join us.
Just log on to
at 7:00 PM Eastern time.
We'll be live streaming
this amazing event of song,
dance, worship, and prayer.
Our featured guest will be
international worship artist
Paul Wilbur.
Take a look.
Paul Wilbur has traveled
the world with guitar in hand,
and worshiped in
over 75 nations.
Paul usually leads audiences
in worship and Messianic song.
But now, he brings us
his unique perspective
of the recent anti-Semitism and
anti-God culture we see today.
In his book, "A King
is Coming," Paul
explains why we are experiencing
this dramatic shift,
and how we can better
position ourselves
in the midst of a
world in crisis.
And please welcome back to The
700 Club the author of "A King
is Coming," an international
worship superstar--
I added that--
Paul Wilbur.
Because it's true.
Paul, you're looking great.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The makeup people
here are tremendous.
They really, really are.
On a more serious
subject, though,
why are we seeing an
increase in anti-Semitism
right now in the world?
It's like the
anti-Christianity is the new
As they increase,
people, as I travel, why
ISIS, why the increase
in anti-Semitism,
why all the tumult
and the uproar?
And really there's a simple
answer to it all, as I see it.
It's because a king is coming.
Jesus told us that,
in the last days,
there would be increase in
war, and rumors of wars,
and natural disasters.
We call them natural, sometimes
I think they're man-inspired.
But there is-- one day, there is
a battle that's going on behind
what is seen, behind this--
I don't want to
sound so ridiculous,
but this facade
of all the natural
that so attracts our
attention because we
live in a natural world.
But as we know,
the spiritual world
birthed all the
stuff that we see.
It's more real than we know.
It is more real than we know.
And there is a war
going on for a throne.
I know there's a program
that's not very edifying called
"A Game of Thrones."
But that was-- the title of
that was so provoking to me.
When I heard that title,
I said, that's it.
That's the answer to
all these questions,
because there is a
battle for a throne.
Now, there's only
one king who has
the right by blood
and by authority
to sit on that throne.
But before recorded
time, Satan said to God,
I will establish my
throne above yours,
and I will sit in
the most holy place.
This is the unseen battle
that we wage every day,
whether we know it or not.
And so when God gives us
eyes to see, we realize.
Now, in my book, I not
only lay out the problem,
but also about
the last third how
do we live victoriously
knowing what we know.
How do we deal with
day to day life.
And I walk us through
kind of a prescription
for victorious living
in these last days.
And this is the
cover right here.
"A King is Coming."
Let me ask you, a lot of
hurricanes going on right now,
earthquakes, solar eclipses.
Is there a message in all
of this for us right now?
I would say,
Wendy, the message
for us is build your
house on solid rock.
You know, Jesus talked about
be careful of shifting sand.
I live in Florida.
Now, we know what it
is building on sand.
As we drive through
the state of Florida
now, because of all of
the hurricanes and all,
there are sinkholes
all over the place.
People have built--
Power lines down everywhere.
People have built
beautiful homes
on what they thought
was a solid foundation.
But you see that
it really isn't.
Spiritually, that's
a lesson for us.
No matter what happens,
you know, the Lord told us,
the winds may blow, when
you walk through the water,
it will not overtake you, when
you pass through the fire,
you'll not be burned.
We need to have our feet
planted on the solid rock.
And that is him, Yeshua, Jesus.
Was your house OK?
Our house was--
we didn't lose power.
We had no water
damage, no wind damage.
And that was-- it was a two
by the time it got to us.
You must know somebody.
All right.
Yeah, we do.
Why do you think America has
remained in such good favor,
or it remained in a
position of favor with God?
There are two reasons.
There are two
pillars, like there
were two pillars that held
up the porch of the temple.
There are two pillars
that hold up and prop up
the United States
of America that we
need to continue to maintain.
One is that we are
a Judeo Christian
society, that we have
at our foundation
the Bible as our
reason for existing,
and that we are supporters
and lovers of Israel.
Love what God loves,
hate what God hates,
and those two pillars
will remain solid.
And under this new
administration, the Trump
administration, it
seems that there is a--
it's never been this good
between Israel and the US.
I believe that
God has given us--
and not speaking politically,
but I believe that God has
given us seven years of grace
now that we need to take full
advantage of and bring in the
harvest while we have this
covering, because we don't
know what's beyond there.
And it's a wise servant who will
use what they've been given.
And I believe that God
has given us really
an incredible season
now to be who we are,
to declare it and
proclaim it without fear,
and to take a hold
of that for which God
has taken a hold of us.
That really
resonates in my spirit.
Well Paul, you'll be
leading us tonight
in worship for Rosh Hashanah.
It's always a glorious time.
I can't wait.
Tell us the title
of the song you're
about to perform for us right
now from your new album.
Well, English is much easier.
It's Psalm 95.
But this one I did not write.
I took it from a
friend in Jerusalem.
The Hebrew is [HEBREW],, which
is the very first line of Psalm
95, let us sing for
joy to the Lord.
It's fun.
All right.
I'm going to release
you right now
to go get ready to perform for
us and to sing this for us.
So as Paul gets up,
Paul Wilbur's new book
is called "A King is
Coming," and his latest CD
is called "Forever Good."
Both can be found wherever
books and music are sold.
Paul is also the
featured speaker,
as I mentioned, at
our noon chapel today.
And you can join us online at at noon Eastern time.
We also invite you to join us
tonight for our Rosh Hashanah
That's at 7:00 PM Eastern
time in the Regent University
To join us online,
just go to