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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - September 19, 2017


Welcome back.

It's time for your questions.

And Mercedes writes and she says,

what does the Bible say about pornography?

Pat, does the Bible talk about it?

Well, the word that we get pornography from

is the Greek word porneo, which has to do with fornication.

So pornography comes right out of the Greek language,

which is what the New Testament was written in.

The Bible speaks about the unclean thoughts, about

foolish jesting and dirty talk.

The Bible-- you know, David said,

have I have no unclean thought before my face,

I took nothing before my face.

Pornography was a terrible thing, there's no question.

But does the Bible say, specifically,

don't watch dirty movies on television?

Because there was no television.

And there weren't any dirty movies for people to watch.

But in terms of being engaged in fornication,

being engaged in sex act, the Bible

is very specific about immorality,

about the things that cause immorality.

And you know, Jesus talked about the fact

that if you actually visualize having sex in your mind,

it's the equivalent of doing the act.

And so that's what pornography is, it's visualizing the sex.


All right.

Good answer.

Natalie says, Dear Pat, I have prayed now about seven years

for my husband to find Jesus.

We've been through a lot in our marriage

and actually I just wanted to skip

by today's 19th anniversary.

I just don't feel like praying anymore.

And I'm wondering if God wants me to stay in the marriage.

I thought I could have enough faith for both of us,

but without my husband coming to Christ, how can we

have a successful marriage?

Is one person in the marriage believing enough?

Well, the Bible says it's enough.

Other than that, your children are not born holy.

If you have one believer in a marriage,

I don't think you've got grounds for divorce.

It just doesn't sound like it.

You know, you didn't say your husband husband's

running around.

You didn't say he beats you.

You didn't say he comes home drunk.

You didn't say he wastes your money.

You didn't say he didn't provide for your upkeep

and maintenance.

You just said he's not a Christian.

Well, so what?

You keep praying for him and he'll come to the Lord

by your Godly example, the Bible says,

the unsaved spouse will find the Lord.


That's a good answer.

All right, Connie says, have we forgotten

the third commandment?

My husband and I are offended by the use of God's or the Lord's

name in vain, exclamations made by news media

friends, people at the grocery store, our neighbors

and their small children.

It's hard to cover our ears and say nothing.

I just can't think of any nice way to say something to them.

Any suggestions?

You know, I was looking at a script

that somebody had presented to the possibility

of doing a movie.

And in the script, the lead character

used the name Jesus over and over and over again.

And the people who wrote the script

were a Christian, at least they they thought they were.

And they didn't find any offense in this.

This is an offense to me to be using the name of Jesus.

But it's become just a throw away word.

But you don't hear anybody talking about Muhammad

that way.

You don't hear them talking about Buddha that way.

You don't hear him talking about any

of these other religious figures.

They don't talk about Moses that way.

But it's always Jesus.

Well, it's wrong.

But look, the major thing is the name of the Lord

is Jehovah, which is the hiphil of the verb to be.

And it means he who causes everything else to be.

Now, that's his name.

And His name is Jehovah, or Jehovah or Yahweh.

And the Bible says you shall not take

the name of he who causes everything

to be as a curse word.

Now, that's what it specifically means.

So somebody says, oh Lordy, and oh God,

or something like that, it's not the same thing

as that particular commandment.

But at the same time, I think the freedom

of using God's name in vain is something

that I was warned about when I was a little kid.

My mother was very strict on this.

And I think we all ought to do it.

We should not encroach on the name of God.

He's a holy God.

He's a righteous God.

He's an all powerful God.

And we should not take his name for vanity.

All right?


All right, amen.

Jenny says I was watching The 700 Club a few weeks ago when

you had a guest on talking about his book about heaven.

I've been worried about his statement

at the gates of heaven are really very narrow

and that it isn't so easy to enter.

I thought our entry to heaven is assured

by asking for forgiveness and embracing God as our Father.

I so want to see my mom, my two sisters, my dad, my husband,

and my precious daughter again.

Well, I didn't say it.

Jesus said it, straight is the gate

and narrow is the way that leads to life.

And few there are that find it.

That's what the Bible says.

And straight is the gate, narrow the way that leads to life.

There's a broad way that leads to hell.

It's easy to get into hell, trust me.

It's really easy to get into hell.

Is harder to get into heaven because you

have to give up yourself.

You know, remember Jesus it is easier for a camel

to go through the eye of a needle

than for a rich man to come into the Kingdom of God.

Well, what does that mean?

What it means that it's difficult.

You have to leave some of this baggage behind.

You can't walk into heaven with all of your prejudices

and all of your hate and all of your misery

and your things like that.

All of that's got to be taken away from you.

So it's a narrow way to get in.

Is the call for everybody?

Of course it is.

God has call everybody.

God wants everybody to be saved and the all

to come to the knowledge of the truth.

So that's what you're asking.

Does God want everybody to get saved?


Does he want everybody to come to the knowledge of the truth?


But getting in is not as easy as you might think.

That's what the Bible says.

I didn't write it.

That's the words of Jesus.

But I guess we can take comfort in a few verses

that God says my heart is that none should perish

and that whoever believes in him--

That's right.

Will not perish but have everlasting life.

Everlasting life.

Mostly it's the desire of our Lord,

that we will come to Jesus.

That's what he wants.




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