The U.S. Supreme Court
returns to work next month.
And as Paul Strand
reports, once again
justices will hold the
future of precious freedoms
in their hands.
It seems controversies
over our religious liberties
are popping up more
and more all the time.
And these being
the times they are,
that means inevitably
they're going
to end up before the courts,
even the nation's highest
These legal experts looked at
some of those likely cases,
such as the one involving
the Masterpiece Cake Shop.
The state of Colorado
punished baker Jack Phillips
for refusing to make a cake
celebrating a same-sex wedding.
His side is represented by the
Alliance Defending Freedom.
The Supreme Court has
said that the free speech
clause protects all
kinds of speech,
and that includes
artistic expression.
Jack's cakes are art.
His Masterpiece Cake
Shop has been referred
to as an art gallery of cakes.
a similar case
involving a same sex wedding
and a Washington state florist.
In fact, in this case and
also in Arlene's Flowers,
Jack Phillips and
Barronelle Stutzman
would in fact serve and sell
products to LGBT customers.
He would even have sold custom
cakes provided that it was not
expression that was going to be
part of the same-sex wedding.
Melling of the ACLU
characterized the
case as a clear cut
example of discrimination.
So it's hard for me to
understand how a same-sex
wedding isn't about
same-sex people,
which is about
sexual orientation.
Are we, as a society, going
to turn every observant--
Christian, Jew, Muslim--
into a member of the KKK.
I mean, is that how
we want to handle
this tension in our society.
PAUL STRAND: Meanwhile,
the Supreme Court
may decide September
25th whether it takes up
a California law that critics
say bullies pro-life pregnancy
Wagner says the case asked if
those anti-abortion centers--
Can essentially be forced to
refer for low-cost abortions
to notify those women who
they're trying to help that
they could seek an abortion
through a state program.
And that's unconstitutional.
You can't force people to
engage in that kind of speech.
watchers believe
if the high court
takes the case,
it could likely mean victory for
the pro-life pregnancy centers
because the justices often
side with free speech.
There are very stiff
penalties that are in place
under this California law.
And we've seen other
states, other courts,
that have struck down
these kinds of laws.
But California
continues to persist
in really trampling on the free
speech rights of those who are
involved in pro-life issues.
So, as in most years,
the Supreme Court's
going to take up at least
one big religious liberty
case and maybe even several.
Paul Strand, CBN
News, Capitol Hill.