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Donald Trump May Be About To Head Down 5th Avenue

Donald Trump May Be About To Head Down 5th Avenue Read Transcript

Hey, folks.

David Brody here in the CBN newsroom.

Some analysis now on this quote deal-- and I

put that in air quotes-- this deal that apparently

Chuck and Nancy, right, Senator Schumer and Nancy Pelosi,

announced late last night.

Donald Trump in the White House dialing that back,

saying there's no deal that's been reached at all.

Now, what we do believe we have here is loose parameters.

And I'm putting that loosely in air quotes.

And what I mean by that is it seems to me what has happened

here is that, yes, a potential deal has been discussed,

but there's nothing down on paper.

That's why it's loose parameters.

And yes, there does seem to be some indication

that, for now, the wall funding, funding specifically

going to building a wall, would not be part of this DACA deal

that we're hearing so much about,

this deal that would leave DREAMers here in essence

legally in the future.

And so that's causing an uprising around town,

if you will, especially in the conservative world.

Ann Coulter very frustrated.

Breitbart with a headline, "Amnesty Don."

And so the president taking hits from the base.

Let's remember here and dial back for a moment,

and that is this.

Look, just because wall funding wouldn't

be in a potential deal going forward when it relates to DACA

doesn't mean wall funding is not going to happen.

There are a lot of other vehicles,

whether it be a rider on top of another bill-- and a rider,

by the way, all that means is just

a component added on top of another bill that

will go through Congress.

And so there are a lot of different ways,

a lot of vehicles that this could still get done.

So you're gonna hear a lot in the mainstream media today

and the days to come talking about how Donald Trump went

back on a promise, the wall is not gonna be built.

Not true at all.

Remember, he's eight months into his first year as president.

Last time I checked, there's three years plus to go.

So let's hold off on he broke his promise

about building the wall.

Donald Trump fully understands that if he doesn't

get this wall built, or at least starting to be built,

then he will not be president when 2020 rolls around

and that election rolls around, because clearly that

was what it was pretty much all about, especially

on the campaign trail.

Now, there is one other evangelical note

that we should mention here.

Remember, Donald Trump has been this cultural warrior

for evangelicals.

And that has been going along very smoothly.

As a matter of fact, many evangelical

advisers calling him the best pro-life president ever.

The Department of Justice is arguing

in defense of cake makers in religious liberty cases

around the country.

And so there is a sense that Donald Trump is not

going to break at all that cultural warrior

streak that he has.

However, if he crosses evangelical-- by the way,

pun intended there.

You get it?


Thank you.

If he crosses evangelicals on the cultural warrior aspect,

that's a whole different ballgame.

Then he's in some serious trouble.

Right now, it looks like his base is not happy.

And when I say his base, a specific part of his base,

that Breitbart crowd part of his base.

Not happy on the immigration front.

But it's DREAMers-- and honestly, let's be honest.

If you at the polling, most folks, even evangelicals,

think these DREAMers should stay.

They've been here since they were six years old.

They did nothing wrong.

So I don't think it politically hurts

him as much as a lot of people think it will.

We'll see about the wall, though.

That's the wildcard.

All right, David Brody here in the CBN newsroom.


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