Feeling out of control in their finances, Steve and Janet were losing sleep. With a $60,000 debt, they found a solution they knew wouldn’t fail. Discover what it was and how it can help you too.
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NARRATOR: Within months
of meeting Steve Sawyer,
Janet knew she'd met her match.
Steve was almost everything
on her wish list.
He loved God, owned
his own business,
and liked nice things.
We love to golf.
We love to go away.
We love to go out to eat.
NARRATOR: So the two
married, and didn't
think twice about their
financial situation
or what their lifestyle
might cost them.
I just met the
love of my life.
I wasn't going to put
the brakes on my life.
NARRATOR: But not too
long after the honeymoon,
money became a big
issue in their marriage.
That's when she started
asking questions about, well,
what is this bill?
How much do you owe?
NARRATOR: Steve had
credit card bills
and owed back taxes
from before marriage.
He was also $3,000
short on payroll.
Janet wasn't used to living in
debt to support her lifestyle.
I paid my bills.
I paid my credit card.
Everything was always on time.
I had quite a few years
of haphazard living,
no financial
principles whatsoever.
NARRATOR: Unable to live
the way they wanted to
on their combined income,
the Sawyers were soon $60,000
in debt.
I was feeling very out of
control with the finances.
And there were nights
where I couldn't sleep,
It was bothersome.
And it was very hard
because my husband
and I didn't communicate that
well when it came to finances.
It was more just me
shutting down or getting
to a place of avoidance.
NARRATOR: Janet prayed, and also
convinced Steve to finally see
an accountant.
He was at the point where
something had to be done.
I was just like, we
can't be living this way.
It was a place of
vulnerability for me to say,
No longer will I hide
behind the pride of,
I'll fix whatever's wrong.
NARRATOR: The accountant
gave the soldiers
a financial plan that
included debt reduction,
practical business management.
And even though they
were tithing at church,
advised them to start
giving even more
to see how God would respond.
Did it make sense?
Probably not to most.
But it made sense
to me to the point
where I could fully commit and
know the Lord wouldn't fail me.
NARRATOR: Soon, Steve was
given a $75,000 roofing
contract out of the blue.
Janet started getting consistent
raises and promotions.
The two were also
blessed in other ways.
We had a couple that paid
our mortgage one month.
more we increased
in our giving, the more
abundance of God's provision.
It was beautiful to be able
to see things like that happen,
knowing that God had our
backs when He had our hearts.
NARRATOR: Steve and Janet
paid off their $60,000 debt
while they increased what
they gave at church each year,
and became CBN partners.
The Sawyers encourage others
to stop living on debt,
and give instead.
Walk in faith,
not in fear, and I
believe you'll be able to see
the glory of God on your life.
Tithing and giving may not be
the first thing on your radar
when you're in debt.
But as Christians, we
need to believe and rely
on the biblical principles
God has set forth for us.
Test Him on this,
with a right heart,
and with an expecting heart.