Pastor Bruno Lerullo discusses the upcoming Kairos 2017 even in Kansas City, where people will gather to worship and pray for unity and revival.
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Well, Bruno Ierullo was a
seasoned mobster by the time
he was 15 years old.
And then six years
later, he heard a voice
that changed his life forever.
Ierullo got involved
in organized crime at a
young age in Toronto, Canada.
By the time he was 12,
Bruno was sneaking heroin
into a maximum security prison.
But six years later, after
being held at gunpoint
by the Colombian
drug cartel, Bruno
turned from his
life of corruption.
Since then he hasn't
looked back and travels
the world connecting
people to the power of God.
His Conference, Kairos 2017,
takes place in Kansas City,
October 24 through 26.
Please welcome Bruno
to the "700 Club."
It's great to have you with us.
Well, thank you
very much, Gordan.
How do you become a mobster
when you're just 15 years old?
Well, I was in a rough
and tough area in Toronto.
It was an Italian
community, and that's
all there was out there, really.
It seemed.
It appeared.
When I think of
Toronto, I just
don't think of rough and tough,
but maybe I just don't know it.
You probably don't.
Toronto, back then, 40 years
ago, it was quite a tough city.
It really was.
how did you get started?
How do I get started?
Well, I was looking
for a role model.
I was the only
son in the family.
I was looking for a role model,
and I found it on the streets.
That's how it really began.
looked up to the folks
that seemed to have
power and money--
--on the street.
They were your
idols, and you said,
I want to be like that guy.
That didn't work
out for you, did it?
It didn't.
It brought me through
some experience though.
I bet it did.
You had a dramatic
encounter where
you heard an audible voice.
As I understand it,
you're in the middle
of some kind of drug deal.
And they think that you're
getting ready to rob them.
And so they attack you.
And you heard a voice.
That's right.
What did the voice say?
The voice said, if
you live by the sword,
you die by the sword.
How did that react to you?
Did you have any
Christian background
to know that's a quote
from Jesus in the Bible?
I really didn't,
to be quite honest.
But the moment I had actually
been stabbed in the stomach
and held at gunpoint.
And just after the stabbing,
I heard that voice.
And it's just like where
does this voice come from?
And I guess, in time, I
figured out it was Jesus.
Well, let's talking
about that time.
I mean, what happened
to you after that?
I mean, here you are
stabbed in the stomach,
and you confront them
and they flee from you.
stabbed, and they have a gun.
And they run away from you.
But what then caused you--
I mean, you've taken
a faith journey
that is pretty incredible.
What then got you to say, well,
that was Jesus talking to me?
I think it was like
at the end of my rope.
It was like the bottom
of the bottoms for me,
and that was just the
turning point in my life.
And that just led me on
the path of surrender.
And so at that point, I said,
God, I'm giving it all to you.
And then I woke up my mom
at 4 o'clock in the morning
and said, listen, I'm going
to be a Catholic priest
because that's all
the kind of background
that I knew in terms
of serving God.
What did she say to that?
She was just excited.
She was excited
for me to be home
and set on a straight
and narrow path.
Well, you didn't
become a priest,
but you became a pastor.
How did that work out?
Well, I went to St.
Stephen's University
in the town of St.
Stephen, New Brunswick.
And I went to
Christian University
thinking I was
going to seminary.
And there I met the Lord.
Well, tell us about
the Kairos Conference
you've got coming up in
Kansas City in October.
It's going to be an
exciting conference.
It's more than
just a conference.
It's more than just an event.
It celebrates, commemorates
40 years of the big Ecumenical
Conference in Kansas
City where 50,000 people
gathered in Arrowhead Stadium.
It commemorates the 500th
anniversary of the Protestant
Reformation and 50th of the
jubilee Charismatic Catholic
Renewal, and the Messianic
movement as well,
a jubilee year for that.
So you're trying to bring
all these groups together.
What got you started
on that, because you've
been doing that for a while?
Well, I'm part of a group
that used to meet here annually
called the Charismatic
Leaders Fellowship.
You probably recall
the group very well.
And they were the
pioneers of events
that took place around the US,
the United States of America.
And being part of that,
I've been involved in unity
and promoting Christian unity.
And so you're trying
to get Catholics,
you're trying to get
Messianic believers--
That's right.
--you're trying
to get Protestants,
you're trying to get Charismatic
Evangelicals all together,
and what's the aim of that?
The aim is that the
world would know him
through our Christian unity.
See, the world is saying,
hey, why don't you guys
get it together because
I see you're divided?
And why should I be
part of this group?
So unless we can get it
together, so to speak,
we've got no buy in.
It's going to take a unified
church to heal a divided world.
can people get involved?
They can register
and we want to see
everyone there.
There's great
speakers, of course.
You included.
I don't know if
I'm a great speaker,
but anyway, I'll take it.
But it's going to
be a great event.
It's more than an event.
It's kind of a
launching into the new.
It's a time to work together
with different denominations,
different churches.
All right.
That the world may
know I like that.
Kairos 2017.
It takes place in Kansas
City, Missouri from October 24
through 26.
And if you want more information
how you can be involved,
just go to