Having the Ear of the President: Evangelical Advisor Shares what it's like to Counsel Trump
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Dr. Robert Jeffress is
pastor of First Baptist Church
in Dallas, and he's also a
member of President Trump's
evangelical advisory board.
And he joins us now with more.
Welcome, Dr. Jeffress.
Appreciate your time today.
Thanks for having me.
Now just days ago, you led
a prayer in the Oval Office
with President Trump.
How often do his
spiritual advisers pray
with the president?
As needed.
And a lot of times it would be
without cameras being present.
But the president wanted
to say to the nation
that he believed
prayer was important,
especially in light of what had
happened with Hurricane Harvey.
But he said to me,
Pastor Jeffress,
I want our prayer time on
Sunday to be more than just
about Hurricane Harvey.
We certainly want to
pray for those victims,
but we need to pray for
our nation as a whole.
And I'm really grateful we
have a president who does
believe in the power of prayer.
Amen to that.
Well, the president had
just issued a proclamation
for a national Day of Prayer
for victims of Hurricane Harvey.
How did that
proclamation come about?
It was completely his idea.
He really felt like this
was a time for our country
to be praying.
And many people don't know
this side of the president.
I've known him for
several years now.
I can't tell you
the number of times
I've been with him when he would
just spontaneously say, Pastor,
would you pray for us?
Would you pray for me?
One time I was
conducting a meeting
on his behalf between him and
faith leaders in Trump Tower
during the campaign.
I was going through the agenda.
He put his hand on my arm.
He said, Pastor, don't you
think we ought to pray?
So the soon to be president had
to remind the pastor to pray.
So I'm grateful,
again, that we have
a president who loves
Christians, believes
in the power of prayer.
Let's talk a little
bit more about the role
of a spiritual adviser.
You say that you're
called upon as needed.
When you do meet with the
president, what goes on?
What all is involved with
being a spiritual adviser
to the president?
Sounds kind of heavy.
Well, first of all, I wouldn't
use the term spiritual advisor.
I think the media has
come up with that term.
We officially are a part of the
White House Faith Initiative.
And this is an
effort, really, for us
to meet together
at the White House,
listen to the administration,
share their viewpoint,
and then solicit our
viewpoint on a number
of different issues.
I mean, people who think we're
going into the Oval Office
to lead Bible studies
probably have the wrong idea
of what this is.
And this isn't so much
our advising the president
as it is the president
seeking our perspective
on a number of issues.
And the president respects
people of all faith.
He has people from the
Jewish faith, people
who are Muslim and Catholics.
But he also recognizes
that evangelicals really
supported him by the
largest margin in history,
and he cares about
what they think.
So would you say, though,
that still the White House
and President Trump is
giving faith leaders
unprecedented access?
I would say-- and I've talked
to people who were around during
the time of Reagan and
even George W. Bush--
they did not have that kind
of access to the president.
And you know, it
was interesting.
I mentioned that faith meeting
I led during the election time,
during the campaign time.
I asked the members
of this in the room--
they were leaders of both
Catholic and evangelical
I said, how many of you
wherever invited by Mitt Romney
to a meeting like this?
Nobody raised their hand.
How many of you were
invited by George W. Bush?
Maybe one or two.
I mean, this president
is unique in his outreach
to evangelical Christians.
Well, I'm sure the
evangelical leaders disagree
with the president sometimes.
DACA might be one example.
Do they disagree
with the president
and speak truth to
power when necessary?
And if so, how does
he receive that?
Well, I never reveal
specific conversations
with the president.
But I can tell you
he did solicit input
from faith leaders.
And I talked with
him about it as well.
And look, the president is
one of the most compassionate
people I've ever been around.
And he was sincerely torn
between his sincere compassion
for the DACA
recipients and the oath
of office he took on
January 20 to execute
all the laws of the land, not
just the ones he agreed with.
I think he came up with
the perfect solution
of delaying the ending
of DACA and allowing
Congress, the rightful
people, to make
the laws to fix this problem.
Under our system of government,
the president doesn't make
laws, he executes the laws.
It's the Congress
who has to legislate,
and I hope they'll step
up now to the plate
and do their
constitutional duty.
Well, you have the
ear of the president.
So how would you
advise people at home
that are going to
see this interview
to pray for President Trump?
I think we ought to
pray, first of all,
for his protection, both
physical and spiritual
protection for him
and his family.
I think we ought
to pray for wisdom.
You know, he sincerely
seeks God's wisdom.
I don't know if you
remember a few months ago
when he was standing in front of
the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.
And he pointed out that picture,
and he said at the bottom,
I'm praying for God's wisdom.
This is a president that
really is seeking God's wisdom,
and we need to pray
that for him as well.
Well, you're also the
author of a new book.
It is called "A Place Called
Heaven, 10 Surprising Truths
about Your Eternal Home."
What is it all about?
Give us a summary.
Well, this book, first of
all, is a hope-filled book.
You know, people would
say, with all that's
going on in the
world, hurricanes,
international conflict with
Korea, political chaos.
Why should we talk about heaven?
Well, that's exactly why we
ought to talk about heaven.
People need to know
how to get to heaven.
They need to know
how to get there.
They know there's
something better
for those who know Christ.
But this is also an
informational book
in which I answer people's
10 most frequently asked
questions about heaven.
You know, if you
knew, Mark, that CBN
was going to transfer you to a
foreign country in six months
and it was a
permanent move, you'd
do everything you
could to find out
about that country to where you
were going so you could prepare
Well, if we're
Christians, we're going
to that place called heaven.
This book helps
us prepare for it.
Dr. Robert Jeffress,
thank you so much
for your time and your
energy and insights today.
Appreciate it.
Thanks for having me.