The decision is in when
it comes to Dreamers.
I'm Amber Strong
at the White House.
Attorney General Jeff
Sessions laid out
the administration's
plan when it
comes to the future
for DACA recipients.
I'm here today to announce
that the program known
as DACA that was effectuated
under the Obama administration
is being rescinded.
According to the statement
from the President,
that means no new applicants.
But existing permits will not
expire for another six months,
and remain active
for up to two years.
That six-month wind down puts
the ball in Congress's court.
Tuesday morning the
President tweeted, "Congress,
get ready to do your job".
DACA, or Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals
applies to children
brought to the US
illegally by their parents.
Under an Obama administration
executive order,
they were allowed to obtain work
permits as long as they adhered
to strict guidelines, including
graduating from high school
or obtaining a GED, an honorable
discharge from the military,
and remaining free
from felonies.
In a press conference, Sessions
criticized President Obama's
decision to implement
DACA in the first place,
calling it
presidential overreach.
The policy was
implemented unilaterally,
to great controversy
and legal concern,
after Congress rejected
legislative proposals
to extend similar benefits
on numerous occasions
to this same group
of illegal aliens.
Former President
Barack Obama also
weighed in on today's decision.
In a statement, he
wrote, "These Dreamers
are Americans in their
hearts, in their minds,
in every single way
but one; on paper.
They were brought
to this country
by their parents,
sometimes even as infants.
They may not know a
country besides ours".
DNC Chairman Tom Perez also
weighed in on today's decision.
Now it's up to Congress.
Some members of the Senate,
including Senator Lindsay
Graham, have already
put forth legislation
hoping to deal with the
800,000 people impacted
by today's announcement.
I'm Amber Strong for CBN
News at the White House.