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President Trump Calls Harvey a Storm of 'Epic Proportion'

President Trump Calls Harvey a Storm of 'Epic Proportion' Read Transcript

As you look, obviously, at the landfall here,

phase one of the [INAUDIBLE] here.

[INAUDIBLE] speak more about that.

Up in Houston, [INAUDIBLE].

The weather for the next couple days

is going to remain challenging.

We probably see average rainfalls

for the year at 50 inches [INAUDIBLE]..

--know what that looks like.

[INAUDIBLE] the Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security

team, [INAUDIBLE],, National Guard has spent Sunday

and Monday [INAUDIBLE] different locations.

We are [INAUDIBLE] with the state.

We are getting better every day.

It's a problem of catastrophic proportions, sir.

I don't think we've done before.

I can tell you [INAUDIBLE].

And I'm very encouraged [INAUDIBLE]..

With that, sir, I'd just like to [INAUDIBLE] Captain [INAUDIBLE]

a couple moments here.

He's locally [INAUDIBLE] respected [INAUDIBLE]..

[INAUDIBLE] Captain Tony [INAUDIBLE] Corpus Christi

[INAUDIBLE] unified command [INAUDIBLE] 150 federal

and state [INAUDIBLE] agencies.

And we also [INAUDIBLE] So I want

to walk through a timeline of our activities

that we've done over the course of Hurricane Harvey just

to let you know where we're at.

So on Tuesday, the storm shifted and became a hurricane.

Our job is to really assess [INAUDIBLE]..

And that's what we started doing on Wednesday.

We started making preparations.

We locked down facilities.

We did [INAUDIBLE] vessels out to sea so we don't get


Thursday we [INAUDIBLE] evacuating all our forces.

We pushed our forces out of harm's way and our people

so we can come back in [INAUDIBLE] as soon as we can.

On Friday, we moved our boats and aircraft away

from the storm so they can immediately respond.

So now Harvey was upgraded to category four hurricane.

Our team [INAUDIBLE] Texas, we have

continuity of operations in [INAUDIBLE],, about [INAUDIBLE]

miles or so from here.

[INAUDIBLE] When Harvey made landfall, several ships

[INAUDIBLE] broke through the moorings,

and the mariners in distress were calling us for help.

At that point, we had to wait 'til the parameters changed.

We could send our helicopters north,

and we saved 19 mariners lives that night.

Then on Saturday morning, we began our [INAUDIBLE]


And the conditions weren't good, particularly

boats on the water.

[INAUDIBLE] Corpus Christi Channel.

So that's [INAUDIBLE].

Continue to [INAUDIBLE] flights, respond to search

and rescues call on Saturday.

The weather conditions [INAUDIBLE] but we're

working on that.

So Sunday, now the storm shifted up to Houston.

And so we surged all our search and rescue resources out

of Alice, Texas up to Houston.

And we're helping everyone we can with that

after [INAUDIBLE] resource.

We're using our [INAUDIBLE] assets down here

to run logistics from all over the state, make sure that

the operation [INAUDIBLE].

Additionally, we brought our boats up from the south

so we can start our operational activities

here now that the storm's gone.

So Monday, we started our water operations [INAUDIBLE]..

It's a huge effort [INAUDIBLE] --instructions.

[INAUDIBLE] navigations, we started [INAUDIBLE] evaluations

[INAUDIBLE] water.

[INAUDIBLE] just to make sure when we open the port,

it's safe.

So so far we found there's 180 grounded vessels.

With those, our major concern is that large [INAUDIBLE] ship


Last night, the tide came up.

The winds came out of the [INAUDIBLE] from the storm,

and it actually raised itself.

It drifted [INAUDIBLE].

Additionally, we're working with Texas general land

office [INAUDIBLE].

So far, we've [INAUDIBLE] not seen anything major in terms

of pollution it releases.

So to close, we're about one third

done with our channel service [INAUDIBLE]..

Once we complete the survey and salvage [INAUDIBLE] ship,

we'll be in good position to open the port.

Right now, our biggest challenge right

now is potential [INAUDIBLE].

That'll require [INAUDIBLE] operations.

So we're really looking [INAUDIBLE]..

What I want to tell you-- and I can speak for the governor

because we spoke about it-- we are very proud of [INAUDIBLE]

lives they've saved.

We're very, very proud of you.

Thank you very much.

MAN: Mr. President, a couple thousand rescues a day

[INAUDIBLE] everybody else who's in this economic issue

in the ports.

We are [INAUDIBLE] agency.

[INAUDIBLE] the pilots on the waterways.

The conditions right now are not [INAUDIBLE] get the ports open.

We recognize that's a national priority.

We will [INAUDIBLE].

Thank you.



Mr. President, at this time, before the press crew

pulls out, there's information that I'd

like to share in regards to how citizens can get involved.

So here again, it's the whole community.

Neighbor helping neighbor is gonna

be needed in helping Texas overcome.

So very quickly, if you would like

to register for assistance underneath the governor's

declared counties-- there's 18 declared counties

for individual assistance underneath the President's

disaster declaration-- that's

That-- excuse me,

I apologize.

That's the FEMA individual assistance system.

There's also ways, if you're looking to volunteer,

N-V-O-A-D dot org.

There's also within the state of Texas

And we'll leave it at that, or as well.

So thank you.

But at this time, we'll just conclude the press briefing.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.


DONALD TRUMP: Thank you.


MAN: Watch your feet.

Watch your feet with that cable.

MAN: I know, that's what I'm trying to like--

WOMAN: Bye, guys.

MAN: Thank you.

Thanks again.

MAN: All right, thanks.









WOMAN: You can have the doors open.

Be ready to jump in.

MAN: So we should drop this tape.


WOMAN: [INAUDIBLE] Trump doesn't run into them.



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