Signs in the Heavens: Biblical Darkness, the Solar Eclipse, and the End Times
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NARRATOR: One of 10 plagues,
three days of darkness
over Egypt before the exodus.
The Jewish sources describe
it not just as darkness
but a darkness that
was so thick it's
like people could move in it or
the Egyptians could move in it.
So that's an example of God
suspending the laws of nature.
The sun god was one of the
major gods, the major god,
I think.
And it's about God
covering their god.
He was saying, I'm
bigger than your god.
This is the Valley
of Ayalon behind me.
Many believe it's
the place where
Joshua fought the battle with
the five kings of the Amorites.
And where he said
to the Lord, "Sun,
stand still over
Gibeon, and moon
over the Valley of Ayalon."
three hours of darkness
came during the crucifixion.
Whatever the darkness
was it wasn't an eclipse.
And we have no explanation
of what it was or even
what it meant.
But it certainly
would have invoked
in the people who were a
profound sense of something
monumental happening,
which indeed it was.
definitely made points
with signs in the sky
throughout the Bible.
But is he still doing
the same thing today?
In Romans, chapter
1, it tells us
that God has ordered
the world in such a way
that the hearts of man can
know that God exists just
by the way nature works.
MICHAEL MOTT: So does he use
nature to talk to his people?
He does.
It's a fundamental
belief in Judaism
that everything that happens
in the world is for a meaning
and it's a message hidden
in there somewhere,
even in astronomical phenomenon.
So interpreting the
message is, of course,
a little more problematic.
NARRATOR: Stephen Bridge,
director of Jerusalem's Garden
Tomb, says God already
gave his biggest sign.
The biggest way God
speaks is through his son.
the rites to the Hebrews
draws that out that
in former times,
God spoke in many and various
ways through the prophets.
But in these last days,
he's spoken through his son.
And so for us, Jesus
is the revelation.
Jesus is the word made flesh.
Jesus is the ultimate
sign in his death
and Resurrection, the
ultimate son within that.
So we should be looking to him.
says Judaism focuses
on how current events
connect with prophecy,
rather than signs in the sky.
The rabbis always
talk about the coming Messiah
as a woman giving birth,
the birth pangs.
And the basic idea
behind that is
that just as a woman giving
birth goes into contractions
they get closer and
closer together and more
and more intense as
you approach the birth.
So too events on
the planet Earth
will get more and more intense
and happen much more rapidly.
And certainly, I
would say, we see
that things are speeding up
very dramatically in the world.
The change that is taking
place, the political upheaval,
the technological advances.
NARRATOR: One often quoted
scripture about the sky
comes from the Book of Job.
"The sun shall be turned
into darkness and the moon
into blood before the great
and awesome day of the Lord."
MICHAEL MOTT: We get this
picture from God's word
that he will use those
kinds of signs in the skies
to speak to his people,
to speak to the earth.
And how do we know
which one is which?
Because I think
sometimes we want
to attach God to every single
natural event that takes place.
And I think most of
the time, God just
wants to show that
he is in nature
and not that he is actually
communicating, watch out,
something's getting
ready to happen.
That can be interpreted
as eclipses, by the way.
The moon turning to blood
is called the blood moon,
actually, which is what
happens in a lunar eclipse.
When you have a solar eclipse,
the sun disappears and turns
to blackness.
So there in the prophets,
it's talking about signs
we see the end of days.
Whether that is what it's
meant to be interpreted as it
remains a big question.
NARRATOR: According
to Jewish teaching,
the Messiah must come
before the year 6,000
on the Jewish calendar.
We're currently at 5777.
Time is definitely
running out.
And as we see, by
looking at what's
going on in the world in a
positive and a negative way.
I mean, the rebirth
the state of Israel,
the reunification of
Jerusalem, we just
celebrated the 50th
anniversary of that.
That's prophecy coming
true before our eyes.
The nations of the world lining
up against Israel, largely.
What you see going on in
UNESCO in the United Nations
is clearly a sign.
NARRATOR: So other than looking
through protective glasses,
how do these leaders
recommend we view the eclipse?
We're only a
few headlines away
from direct convergence of that
biblical end of days scenario
with the headlines
in the news today.
And that to me, and
I think to most Jews,
is far more impactful
and serious in terms
of waking people up
in their expectation
of the redemption than
celestial signs happening
up above in the heavens.
We need to prepare
our hearts and continue
to ask God to show
us, is this you?
Is this you that you're
speaking to your people,
are you speaking to the earth?
And I believe that he'll tell
more than just one person
that this is him speaking
to the whole earth.
We need to just be cautious,
fix our eyes on Jesus,
hold firmly to
scripture, and keep
proclaiming the mystery and the
profound victory of the life,
death, and Resurrection
of Jesus, the Messiah.
Mitchell, "CBN News,"
the Ayalon Valley, where the
sun and moon stood still.