Dr. Bennet Omalu discusses his groundbreaking research connecting the dangers of concussions and the world of sports.
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ANNOUNCER: Playing sports
is fun, builds character,
and teaches teamwork.
But letting children
play contact sports
can be more dangerous
than parents realize.
Chronic traumatic
encephalopathy, or CTE,
is a condition discovered
by Dr. Bennet Omalu
and is caused by head trauma.
People with CTE have serious
and sometimes life-threatening
brain damage similar
to Alzheimer's.
The disease is the subject
of the movie "Concussion,"
where Dr. Omalu is
played by Will Smith.
In the book "Truth
Doesn't Have a Side,"
Dr. Omalu shares the true
cost of playing contact sports
and how to keep your
kids safe on the field.
And the author of "Truth
Doesn't Have a Side,"
Dr. Bennet Omalu joins us now.
Thank you so much
for being here.
Thank you so
much for having me.
Well, great book.
I have to say, many
people would be
surprised at even the
conditions of your birth.
I feel like you were
born for this job.
You were born in Nigeria
during a civil war.
How difficult was
your childhood?
Well, my childhood--
I was born a refugee in a
dilapidated refugee hospital.
The first two or three
years of my life,
I suffered malnutrition.
I suffered the psychological
traumas of war.
And growing up, I began to
struggle with depression
and very low self-esteem.
I was just a very socially
maladjusted child.
In doing that, I
discovered that we all
are members of one another.
I began to discover
my faith journey--
--that brought me to America.
A beautiful journey.
Now, your very name has
special significance.
Tell us what it means.
Well, in fact,
the day I was born,
my father was hit by one of
the numerous bombs dropped
by the Nigerian Armed Forces.
So he-- the Catholic
Charities actually
lifted his body to place it in
the truck for the mass grave,
he had groaned.
He was brought to the same
refugee hospital where I was.
A couple of weeks later, when
he was relatively recovering,
I was placed--
I was handed over to him.
Placed me in his bosom, and
he gave me the name Bennet.
Said for Bennet, he is
a blessing unto my life,
from the French word
"benoit," "to bless."
And then he give me a
middle name, Ifeakandu,
an African name,
which means, life
is the greatest gift of all.
INTERVIEWER: And that was the--
also the name of the doctor
who delivered you.
Yes, that delivered
me, Dr. Ifeakandu.
And ironically, my last
name, Omalu, actually
is a shortened form
of my real last name,
which is Onyemalukwube.
appreciate Omalu.
What it really
means is, he who knows
must come forth and speak.
INTERVIEWER: He who knows
must come forth and speak.
So you see, my
journey in America
is an epitome of my three names.
Now, in terms of he who knows
must come forth and speak,
in 2003, you're viewing slides
of a deceased NFL player's
What do you discover?
Well, I saw
changes in his brain
that had not been described
before in the brains
of athletes outside boxers.
I was still struggling
with depression.
I thought I was
being delusional,
so I took it to other doctors
to confirm what I was seeing.
They confirmed what I saw.
They were much older,
more experienced doctors.
So the consensus was
to give it a name.
That, of course, Mike
Webster was not a boxer.
But as a forensic pathologist,
I knew that I couldn't just
give it any name I wanted,
like dementia footballitica,
or Bennet Omalu's disease,
or Mike Webster's disease.
I recognized this was an
occupational hazard, which will
end up in the court of law.
And there is a double standard
in the American legal system
that states that for
scientific evidence
to be admitted as evidence
in a court of law,
it needs to have precedence.
So I have to go back to
the time of Hippocrates
to search what are the
names in the literature I
could use for this disease.
And chronic traumatic
wasn't difficult for me,
because chronic traumatic
encephalopathy sounds
intellectually sophisticated.
And it had a good acronym.
And actually, chronic
traumatic encephalopathy
doesn't really mean anything,
to be honest with you.
Because there was this
fear in me that, look,
I could be wrong.
So if I were proven
wrong down the road,
I would have some
wiggle room to get up,
oh, after all, it
doesn't mean anything.
But we know from your experience
with that football player,
you meet him on
the autopsy table.
And you discover this,
and you reveal this.
People-- I would think that
this medical knowledge,
this advantage
would be celebrated.
But that wasn't the
case for your discovery.
Why do you think so?
Yes, it wasn't.
The NFL came after me.
Not just the NFL,
fellow doctors,
including the doctors who are
doing research on CTE today,
including the National
Institute of Health.
Everybody came after me,
marginalized me, ostracized me,
dismissed me.
In fact, I was
labeled dangerous.
Some insinuated I was practicing
African voodoo medicine.
But you know, I
looked above that,
because I practice my
faith in my science,
and my science in my faith.
I'm a Christian.
And I believe that
like Ephesians tell us,
Ephesians chapter 4, that we
are all one body, one spirit,
one hope in Christ, bound
together by the bond of peace.
Whatever we do for the least
of us, we do for all of us.
Because we are all
members of one another.
And God is preeminent
in all things.
God is truth.
God is love.
God is light.
As long as you profess the
truth of God, come what may.
The truth with prevail as long
as it is for the good of all.
So I believed what I saw
was for the good of all,
including the good of football,
especially our children.
Our children our gifts of the
life of God, the spirit of God.
God gives us the gift of his
spirit and life in a child.
And as Christians, we are
bound to protect, nourish,
and cherish that gift
of life, because it
is the greatest gift of all.
Having said that as a Christian,
knowing what we know today
in 2017, there is no
reason whatsoever any child
under the age of 18
in America should
continue to play the
high-impact, high-contact
collision sports.
The big six are football, ice
hockey, mixed martial arts,
rugby, boxing, and wrestling.
If your child plays even
just one season of football,
with or without a helmet,
there is a 100% risk exposure
to permanent brain damage.
100% risk exposure,
because there
is no safe blow to the head.
And studies are being done in
high school students who have
played just for one season.
And after one season,
with or without a helmet,
with or without
concussions, their brains
show evidence of brain damage.
And we see today that
there are more than 3
million children, from 6 to
18, playing football alone.
Yes, children should play the
non-contact, non-impact sports.
There are so many of them.
You could visit the
International Olympic
Committee, like I
explain in my book.
Non-contact sports like
track and field, swimming,
basketball, badminton,
table tennis, lawn tennis.
There was a study,
if I may share
this, that came out of Sweden
last year that shocked even me.
That looked at 1.1 million
children over 41 years.
It shows that if you suffer at
least one concussion in sports,
you are more likely to
die before the age of 42
to a violent means.
You have a two to four
times increased risk
of committing suicide.
You have two to four
times increased risk
of suffering psychiatric
illnesses, including
major depression.
You have much more
increased risk
of engaging in violent
behavior, criminal behavior,
becoming a drug addict,
and abusing alcohol.
Real quick, before
I let you go, I
had the privilege of
interviewing Will Smith
and seeing the
film "Concussion."
Has the "Concussion"
film made a difference?
Yes, I call it the
Will Smith effect.
What I couldn't do in 15 years,
the movie did in one year.
There's no question about
it, the "Concussion" movie
has been a very
successful movie.
It has impacted
society, and it has
permeated a fabric of society.
And I think it is because of
the good spirit of Will Smith.
Will Smith is a shining light.
He is a wonderful human being.
And I think because of
the love in his heart,
he has helped us to
spread this good message.
Let us please
protect our children.
I tell you, sitting here with
you and having seen the film
and interviewed him,
he truly captured you.
You had to have seen
yourself on that screen.
Yes, my gesticulation.
He got it--
you voice, the laugh.
He even he says that your
laugh is a testament to what it
means to be an American.
He says that in the book.
I enjoyed reading that.
Well, if you would
like to know more
from Dr. Bennet Omalu,
and the dangers of CTE,
and the scandalous cover
up, his book is called
"Truth Doesn't Have a Side."
And you can find it
wherever books are sold.
Dr. Omalu, thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
INTERVIEWER: It was a pleasure.