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Bring It On-Line: - August 2, 2017



And welcome back.

It's time to Bring It On with your email questions.

And we're going to start with this one from Dee.

She says, is it OK to be Pentecostal, Baptist, and--

excuse me-- and non-denominational?

I watch all three on TV every week.


[INAUDIBLE] talking to the preacher after lunch.

The preacher came.

And the little kid said, preacher,

what abomination do you belong to?


Well, there are a bunch of them out there.

But anyhow, each one features some special aspect

of the Christian faith.

And one has to do with the baptism of the spirit.

One has to do with water baptism.

One has to do with sanctification.

One has to do with justification by faith.

They all have sides of it.

And we want to make sure we don't get into too close a box.

And so with me, I'm a little of everything, too.

So I know what it is.

I mean I believe certain things in having

to do with sanctification, certain things

having to do with the second coming, certain things having

to do with the baptism of the spirit,

certain things have to do with predestination.

And I believe a little bit of all of it.

And I think there's nothing in the world wrong with it

because there are many facets of the Gospel

that we need to embrace them all.

All right?

My grandparents were Baptists, Southern Baptists.

My parents were Presbyterian or are Presbyterian.

And I'm non-denominational.


Like you said, I think that's why there are so many

non-denominational churches.

They don't want to get in a little narrow box

because the Gospel is much broader than that.

WENDY: It really, really is.

All right.

All right.

Tommy says, why do all of you Christians

spend your entire lives praying and serving something

you don't truly know even exists?

Why do you pray to this arrogant being you call the Lord?

Why do you let something that doesn't

apply to any of your five senses, such as touch, smell,

taste, hear, and see, control your entire life?

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, that's quite a statement

from an agnostic.

You know, I think it was Louis Pasteur or somebody who said,

how do you believe in God?

He said, well, I was just talking

to him a few minutes ago.

I talk to the Lord and the Lord talks to me.

And I see His hand at work all the time.

The Bible says the heavens declared the glory of God,

the earth shows forth His handiwork.

He's here.

He's in the very fiber of our beings.

And do I talk to him or does he talk to me?


Is there a still small voice inside of me telling me things?

Why do we serve something that we can't see and touch?

Because there's something much faster, there's a reality.

The spiritual underlies everything.

What you see, taste, touch is only a manifestation

of the inner being.

And what is spiritual is what is going to endure.

That body you're so hopped on is going to die

and it's going to rot in the ground.

And you'll turn into ashes.

The spirit within you is going to live on forever.

That's why us Christians spend time worrying

about the spirit, which will live on into the next world



WENDY: Amen.

Great answer.

Thanks, Pat.

All right.

Connie says, while reading in Romans,

I kept seeing two phrases.

One was, "to the Jew first, then the Greek."

The second was "there is no partiality with God."

Isn't that showing partiality?

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, it's just a question of how soon.

What comes first?

Well, the little embryo, the little seed.

And then the embryo.

And then the full [INAUDIBLE] child.

And each phase is a little bit ahead of the other one.

So God's revelation first came to the Jew,

gave him some principles.

And then that principle was all encapsulated

in the writings of the Hebrew prophets and so forth.

Then it goes forth to the rest of us.

It isn't partiality.

It's just giving each one a little head start.

And you have to have something to start.

And the starting was among the descendants of Abraham.

And then, from there to the Christians early.

And then to the rest of the world.

To The Jew first and also to the Greek.

It goes from that transit, that isn't partiality.

That's just the progression of a baby.

It's the same thing.

WENDY: You've got to start somewhere, right?


You've got to start somewhere.


Joyce says, almost daily I hear Christians

say that God spoke to them.

Then they immediately clarify that God didn't actually

speak to me out loud, as though if He did that,

that would make them weird or crazy.

God has spoken to me audibly on several occasions

throughout my life.

I consider it a great honor that He would do so.

But I also know that I can be so stubborn

that if He didn't say it out loud, I might not get it.

Why do people seem so embarrassed

by the idea of God speaking to them audibly?

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, they don't want to seem weird.

You know?

If they say, well, you know I have a direct line to God,

then oh you're some kind of a weirdo.

People used to make fun of me.

I'd talk to God.

I'd say, listen.

I have worked for this man now for about 50 years.

Would it be strange if you were employed

by somebody for 50 years and your boss never

told you anything?

I mean if we're serving God for 50 years, of course he talks

to us and tells us what to do.

And He has many ways of communicating.

He communicates through visions, through dreams,

through an inner voice, through the Bible,

through circumstances, through a lot of things.



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