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Could Iran's Moves in Syria be the Seeds of the Next War with Israel?

Could Iran's Moves in Syria be the Seeds of the Next War with Israel? Read Transcript

Recently President Trump and Russian president Vladimir

Putin announced a ceasefire in parts of southern Syria.

As Chris Mitchell reports from the border near the Golan

Heights, some Israeli leaders feel

that represents a clear and present danger

to the Jewish state.

In other words, I'm not going.

CHRIS MITCHELL: President Trump discussed the ceasefire

in this exclusive interview with CBN founder Pat Robertson.

Now I don't know what's going to happen.

Maybe as we're speaking, they start shooting again.

But this is held, unlike all of the other ceasefires that

didn't mean anything.

So that was a great thing that came out of that meeting.

I'm standing on the Golan Heights.

And behind me, you can see the Israeli-Syrian border.

All over the area behind me is covered

by the ceasefire agreement.

But according to reports, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu doesn't share President Trump's optimism

about the ceasefires agreement, and the main reason, Iran.

One senior Israeli official told the Israeli "Daily Haaretz,"

"It creates a disturbing reality in southern Syria.

The agreement doesn't include a single explicit work

about Iran, Hezbollah, or the Shiite militias in Syria."

The regime, and Hezbollah, and the others have touched

the border here at [INAUDIBLE].

CHRIS MITCHELL: We talk with Middle East expert Jonathan

Spyer about the potential danger that could

result from the agreement.

Israel is concerned that the ceasefire, coming

along with the new apparent revelations of withdrawal

of US support, at least for part of the support given

to the rebels, could still be paving the way for regime,

and therefore Russian, and therefore Iranian and Hezbollah

achievements in that area.

And that's a matter of deep concern.

CHRIS MITCHELL: Spyer says Iran is building a land

bridge across the Middle East.

The Iranian ambition is to have a contiguous corridor

of de-facto Iranian control stretching all the way across

Iraq here and then across southern Syria.

And then, of course, at this point

you hit Israel, and also via Lebanon,

you get to the Mediterranean Sea.

These are two big Iranian ambitions.

CHRIS MITCHELL: It's those ambitions that

put Israel in grave danger.

And the prospect is that in another war,

if Israel goes to war, let's say, with Hezbollah again

in here or in southern Lebanon in the future,

yeah, you'll have a clear contiguous logistical line

stretching all the way across Syria, Iraq, and back to Iran.

Now Iran can run supplies across that line.

It could run thousands of volunteers,

for example, across that line.

But it would massively increase the dimensions potentially

of a future war between Israel and Iran-supported Hezbollah.

And that's something of very deep concern to Israel.

CHRIS MITCHELL: That's why some are warning

the next phase of the Syrian Civil War

might be the most dangerous of all.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News the Golan Heights, Israel.


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