Poverty and neglect shaped Victorya's idea of family and herself. After years of alcohol abuse, drugs, and failed relationships, she tried to leave her past behind and found the love of her life.
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brought up to feel
like we were not important.
The family wasn't important.
The wife wasn't important.
The children were not important.
NARRATOR: Victoria's
childhood memories
are of an alcoholic father who
neglected and abused his eight
children and their mother.
My dad would take
his paycheck and he
would use it for alcohol, for
his horses, for his races.
This made me feel about
myself very sad, very hurt,
very lonely.
NARRATOR: Those years
shaped Victoria's view
of family and herself.
I was told for so
many years by my dad
that I was worthless,
that I was no good.
I thought I was stupid.
I did not like myself
very much at all.
NARRATOR: Victoria's parents
divorced when she was 16,
and her mom and siblings moved
to Oceanside, California.
There she found a new family--
a group of teenagers
into drinking and drugs.
made me like myself.
Hanging out made me like myself.
I was trying to
escape everything
I had known up
until this point--
who I was, what I was.
I was trying to escape all
those sad, bad memories.
in her early 20s,
Victoria moved in with a man
who made her feel special.
She stopped partying
and had two daughters.
It wasn't perfect,
but it was something.
The love that I was looking
for, I figured I found it.
And I created this family
and created this home.
NARRATOR: That is, until she
caught him with another woman.
First I was
betrayed by my dad.
Now I felt betrayed by
this man in my life.
My heart had been shattered
into a million pieces.
I'm not good enough.
NARRATOR: Victoria felt
she had one place to go.
VICTORIA: Back to what
I knew, and that was,
let's get rid of some pain.
Let's get rid of the heartache.
Let's get rid of everything
that's gone wrong.
next two years,
Victoria partied and tried
to leave her past behind.
But she still felt unfulfilled.
Growing up, she had
often heard her mom pray.
VICTORIA: Standing in my bedroom
window, and it was raining,
and I just remember that.
And I started crying.
And I started asking
God to help me.
NARRATOR: She changed
her lifestyle,
and for the first time in
her life, she was happy.
She grew closer to God.
But even that relationship
felt incomplete.
It was the feeling
of something's missing,
it's not there, I
don't know what it is,
I can't put my finger on it.
But it's a need that
I'm striving for.
NARRATOR: Victoria
started going to church
and learning that what
she had been missing
was a relationship
with Jesus Christ.
Then one night, she
stumbled upon the 700 Club.
Gordon Robertson was
talking about Jesus,
and asked viewers to pray.
Victoria joined in, and asked
Christ to come into her life.
VICTORIA: I got this very
tingling feeling in my feet.
And then it came
higher, and higher,
and it got right
here to my chest.
And I thought, oh my
gosh, what is this?
What's going on?
And it went up, and
went up, and as soon
as it got to the top
of my head, it just--
everything exploded.
It was just like
all of a sudden,
I'm in this white,
pure white light.
And it's just everywhere.
NARRATOR: There was still
one thing left to do.
I heard this voice say
to me, can you forgive?
And I very slowly turned
my head to the right,
and I looked, and not more
than two, three feet from me,
Jesus was standing there.
And I was looking at Him.
And He said, for the second
time, can you forgive?
And then I said
again, I can forgive.
And right then, it's
like (EXHALES) rockets
going through me.
It was like all these
colors of the rainbow
were just embracing me,
and going through me,
and shooting through me.
And all these feelings
of joy, and beauty,
and grace, and love.
NARRATOR: Victoria
was finally free
of her past and the hatred
she'd carried so many years.
it everything I
was looking for in that moment.
He was everything
I was looking for.
He was everything
that was missing.
NARRATOR: God restored
Victoria's relationship
with her father and the
father of her two daughters.
is everything to me.
He is the love of my life.
He is my rock.
Give him a mustard
seed of a chance,
and he will show
you things, he will
take you places, he will
transform your life like you
have never, ever--
no, like you wouldn't believe.