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News on The 700 Club: July 7, 2017

As seen on "The 700 Club," Read Transcript

Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Let's go over to the CBN news desk for today's top stories.

Today marks the long-awaited first meeting between President

Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The high-stakes encounter is coming in Germany

at the G20 summit of world leaders.

Mark Martin has the story.

MARK MARTIN (VOICEOVER): Trump tweeted today

that he looked forward to the sit-down meeting with Putin,

saying there was much to discuss.

The two leaders reportedly shared their first handshake.

On the agenda for their meeting, Russia's

actions that have led to instability in its region

and elsewhere, like Syria, along with the war on terror.

The Kremlin also wants the US to return two compounds

that the Obama administration took over

in December because of Russia's reported spying activities.

President Putin will walk in that door with a very specific

agenda in mind.

And President Trump needs to be prepared to handle that.

MARK MARTIN (VOICEOVER): Trump called out Russia in his speech

to the people of Poland Thursday for actions in other countries,

including Ukraine.

We urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities

in Ukraine and elsewhere, and its support

for hostile regimes including Syria and Iran.

MARK MARTIN (VOICEOVER): An enthusiastic crowd

greeted Trump in Poland, where he defended faith, family,

and freedom.

The president recalled how in 1979, when Poles gathered

for their first mass with Polish Pope John Paul II,

the Communists in Warsaw must have

realized that their oppressive system would soon crumble.

They must have known it at the exact moment

during Pope John Paul II's sermon, when

a million Polish men, women, and children suddenly

raised their voices in a single prayer.

A million Polish people did not ask for wealth.

They did not ask for privilege.

Instead, 1 million Poles saying three simple words,

"We want God."


to say those words still ring true today.

The people of Poland, the people of America,

and the people of Europe still cry out, "We want God."

MARK MARTIN (VOICEOVER): Through their devotion to God,

Trump said the Polish people were

able to fight the oppression of Communism and prevail.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

The fight is not over to release the terminally ill

11-month-old British baby, Charlie Gard, to his parents,

with President Trump stepping up his involvement by talking

about the situation with Prime Minister Theresa May.

And some people see it as a warning sign

of the dangers of a government-run health care


Abigail Robertson brings us the story.


are doing everything in their power

to fight the British government from controlling how

their son, who was born with a rare mitochondrial disease,

spends his final days.

If he's still fighting, we're still fighting.

And he's still fighting over there, believe me.

He's still fighting.

He's a little fighter.


have faced a series of heartbreaking

legal defeats aimed at gaining the right

to transfer their son, who can't breathe or move on his own,

to a hospital for experimental treatment

or to keep him on life support.

Despite privately raising over $1.7 million for his treatment

and having offers from a US hospital as well as the Vatican

to treat Charlie for free, the hospital and British government

refused to release the baby.

And they won't permit the family to take Charlie home

to die in peace.

And we've promised our little boy

every single day that we will take him home,

because that is a promise we thought we could keep.

ABIGAIL ROBERTSON (VOICEOVER): Since the British government

pays for the health system for its citizens,

they have the authority over medical decisions.

In this case, the government agrees

with the hospital doctors who say it's time

to remove Charlie's life support and allow him to die.

Advocates for Charlie's release argue

this case sets a dangerous precedent for the government

and medical authorities determining who lives

and who dies.

People do not understand how the heavy hand of the state

could exert its authority over this child,

taking the rights from the parents, who

simply want a little more time.

ABIGAIL ROBERTSON (VOICEOVER): Religious and world leaders,

and even pop stars like Cher, are voicing their support

for the Gard family.

I think with so many moving pieces and talks

at the level of the White House, I

think that there is still some hope, perhaps,

that Charlie could be moved to a different hospital.

Last Friday, the court gave the hospital permission

to pull Charlie off life support,

but his parents are hoping he will

be released before they do so.

Reporting from Washington, Abigail Robertson, CBN News.


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