Marking its 50th Jubilee this year, the Catholic Charismatic movement has come a long way and continues to thrive.
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Well, you know it's really
interesting that in all four
gospels John the Baptist
introduces Jesus not only
as the Lamb of God who takes
away the sins of the world,
but as the one who will
baptize in the Holy Spirit.
So being baptized
in the Holy Spirit
is one of the central
things that Jesus does.
And thanks be to God
there's a growing,
growing awareness of that
today in the Catholic church.
NARRATOR: Pope Francis began
Pentecost 2017 celebrations
with a prayer and praise
vigil at the ancient Circus
Maximus in Rome.
Thousands of Christians
from around the world
joined the Pope to mark the
50th Jubilee of the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal.
NARRATOR: The college-aged
American pioneers
of the Renewal are
now its elders.
And many were in attendance.
In their lifetime the Renewal
has sparked a new Pentecost
among Catholics worldwide.
The movement began in 1967, when
the gifts of the Holy Spirit
were bestowed upon a group of
Duquesne University students
on retreat at the
Ark and the Dove.
Kevin and Dorothy
Ranaghan remember
when friends first told them
about the Duquesne outpouring.
My reaction here was pretty
negative, and so was Dorothy's.
But we knew these people well.
I mean they were
solid, responsible,
Renewal minded Catholics,
and they were scholars.
I mean we were all in
the intellectual life.
We were all students, or
professors in theology,
church history, philosophy.
And so we could see
that, even in their faces
there was something
changed and different.
And so although, we wanted to
discount what they were saying
as sounding a little
fringy, we could not
deny the experience we saw
they had, had changed them.
And whatever it was I think we
came to see we wanted that too.
We wanted more.
We didn't even know what
the more was sometimes.
But we wanted more--
more of the Lord, more work
to do, more empowerment.
We felt like a lot of things in
the world need to be changed,
and that we were the changers.
married at the time,
Kevin taught theology at St.
Mary's College in Indiana.
And Dorothy was a Catholic
High School teacher.
Both earned Master's
degrees in Theology
from the University
of Notre Dame.
After hearing about his
colleagues at Duquesne,
Kevin embarked on a six week
study of the scriptures,
and received the baptism in the
Holy Spirit and a bible study
among fellow Catholics.
This was a personal
experience of Jesus standing
next to me, which I
had never had before.
And it was very powerful.
And it was so changing.
I mean suddenly, even that
night, scripture was alive,
my faith was renewed,
filled with joy.
NARRATOR: Dorothy received
the baptism the next day alone
in a chapel.
It was like the Lord planted
a flag in the center of my life
and said, this is permanent.
Hang on to this.
And it changed everything.
NARRATOR: The couple sought out
the Full Gospel Businessmen's
Fellowship, an
organization with roots
in Pentecostalism, to learn how
to use the gifts for ministry.
And I can't imagine how he
reacted to this phone call.
"Hi, we're a bunch of
Catholics from Notre Dame,
and we've just been
baptized the Holy Spirit.
And we would like to find out
about the spiritual gifts.
Can you help us?"
NARRATOR: After spending some
time with the Full Gospel
Businessmen, the Ranaghan's
began to lead meetings
on the Notre Dame campus,
and witnessed the gifts
of the Spirit flowing freely.
Well, we had these
large prayer meetings--
sometimes 400 people every week.
They were amazing
meetings in that we
were all so used new to this.
So we started
praying for everybody
if they wanted healing, and
quite often we saw healing.
NARRATOR: Just after
Easter in 1967,
Catholic students from
top American universities
met at Notre Dame to learn more
about the Duquesne outpouring.
Ralph Martin, the Notre
Dame philosophy graduate,
was a campus
ministry leader when
he brought 40 students
from Michigan State
to the gathering.
They called it the First
International Catholic
Charismatic Conference
because there was
one nun from Canada who came.
Later members of
the renewal movement
launched ministry enterprises
like New Covenant Magazine,
which spread news of the
outpouring around the country.
That summer, several
Duquesne University students
lived with Lutheran pastor
and founding CBN board
member, Harold Bredesen, in his
parish home near New York City
to learn street evangelism.
It was like discovering
in his school--
in the Holy Spirit School
of Harold Bredesen--
what it was to walk
in God's providence.
What it meant to evangelize.
And we realized that we
had a responsibility not just
to preach the gospel, but
to learn how to do well,
and to be effective at it--
not just kind of
throwing to people.
NARRATOR: Back in Notre
Dame, Catholic priests, nuns,
and lay leaders attended
the Renewal meetings while
on campus for
continuing education.
When they went home
they took this with them.
They went all over
the United States.
They went to Australia.
They went to the Philippines.
They went to various
countries in Europe.
So I can remember one
night being in that room
and hearing a prophecy that I
remember this way, fire, fire,
fire, spreading
from east to west.
And it went on to talk about
what we were experiencing
spreading around the world.
NARRATOR: After the
National Catholic Reporter
ran newspaper coverage of
the outpouring, Pope Paul VI,
sent Cardinal
Suenens of Belgium,
one of the four
moderators of Vatican II,
To evaluate what was happening.
The Cardinal met
with Ralph Martin
and observed various
student groups.
So all my life,
he said, I've been
searching for wherever the
Holy Spirit's working trying
to understand what's happening.
I came here.
I see the Holy Spirit's working.
I want to do whatever
I can to help
you integrate this, and open the
whole Catholic church up to it.
And bring you into the
very center of things.
NARRATOR: Cardinal Suenens
invited Ralph Martin
and his young family
to Belgium to help
lead the Renewal in Europe.
By 1975, 10,000
Catholic charismatics
from around the world joined
Cardinal Suenens in Rome
for Pentecost.
You're saying to the
world and show them
by the radiance of faith
that Christ is risen.
NARRATOR: Pope Paul the sixth
entered St. Peter's Basilica,
and addressed the movement
as a chance for the church.
Right from the very top,
sort of this open door
to the Holy Spirit,
and it's just kind of
went on from there.
The Renewal also birthed
new religious orders
and increased the number of
those called into ministry.
In the early 1970s,
Father George Montague,
the Pauline Scholar
and professor
at St. Mary's
University in Texas,
received the baptism
in the Holy Spirit
after a nun who had attended
the Notre Dame meetings
demonstrated spiritual gifts.
Well, here's the New Testament
alive right in front of me.
This is happening.
The Holy Spirit is coming
right in front of me.
I had been baptized
and confirmed.
I had made religious vows.
I was ordained as a priest.
And so all those things
kind of blocked me
a little bit because I don't
know what more do I need.
NARRATOR: After 25 years
of ministry in the Renewal,
Father Montague along
with Father Bob Hogan,
formed Brothers of
the Beloved Disciple
to serve in San Antonio, Texas.
The Holy Spirit empowers our
ministry through the spiritual
gifts so that God can--
people and can say, wow,
truly God is in your midst.
Truly Jesus is
reaching out to me.
of their ministry
is Maricela Solis, a widowed
retired schoolteacher
from San Antonio, who spent
30 years away from the church.
She says the Renewal
led her back to Christ.
And I was so depressed.
And I was so lost.
And I was in such
darkness that I knew
I had to go back to the church.
The first thing the
Renewal teaches you is God
loves you so much.
You have no idea.
God is your perfect father.
And that was life
changing for me.
I finally found a father.
But this connection with
the Holy Spirit today,
oh it's real.
Its real.
Is palpable.
NARRATOR: Today more than
120 million Catholics
in 240 countries enjoy
life in the spirit.
In February 2017,
Fernando Nascimento
traveled from Brazil
to the Ark and the Dove
for the 50th anniversary
of the historic outpouring.
Celebrating the Golden Jubilee
of the Catholic Charismatic
NARRATOR: Fernando's entire
family came to Christ
after a word of knowledge
and a prayer of deliverance
rescued his alcoholic brother.
So they layed
hands on my brother
and he kneeled alcoholic,
and he stand up
full of the Holy Spirit.
And this was a
wonderful changing.
I saw my brother come in
on that evening shining--
really shining.
NARRATOR: Today, the
brothers preach the Gospel
all over Brazil.
And Fernando hosts the Brazilian
TV show Praise The Lord.
The Lord Jesus
through these Renewal
really touched our family.
I don't know where would we
be without the Lord Jesus.
NARRATOR: As the pioneers of the
movement recall their history,
they anticipate greater Holy
Spirit inspired wonders ahead.
From Sister Elena's urgent
letters to Pope Leo,
to the 1901
outpouring in Kansas,
to the Azusa Street Revival,
to the Duquesne weekend
and beyond--
all of these events declare
the gifts of the Holy Spirit
are intended for
every generation.
As the spirit works to
unite all Christians
to Christ and to each other
in order to reach the world.
It's a surprise of
the Holy Spirit that's
opening up great
new possibilities,
and we don't know what's next.
We have a sense.
I know we have a sense
here the Lord's getting
ready to do something big.