Comedian and Fox News host, Tom Shillue discusses overzealous parenting and shares the rewards of an old-fashioned childhood.
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NARRATOR: Comedian and
Fox News host Tom Shillue
says good old respect has
gone the way of the dinosaur.
Raised in Norwood, Massachusetts
in a large Irish-Catholic
family, Tom says
his parents kept
him grounded with love for
God, country, and family.
In his book "Mean Dads
For a Better America,"
Tom shares funny
childhood stories
while addressing serious
issues on the forefront
of every parents' mind today.
Tom joins me now.
And thanks for being here.
Thanks, Gordon.
All right, let's get
into your childhood.
You say that your dad was Darth
Vader, which is kind of scary.
You know?
That's what he said.
Would he-- he would scare you?
Me and my brother
were afraid of my dad.
He would wake us up on Saturday
morning with his breathing.
GORDON: Really?
My dad would say (IMITATING
DARTH VADER) get in the car.
And we'd run downstairs.
We'd get in the car.
We jumped.
GORDON: I'm just impressed
he got up before you.
He did.
Early to rise, and then
he'd get us in the car
and drive us somewhere.
And we didn't know
where we were going.
There he is.
That's, you know, him
in his younger days.
But, you know, you
look at him now
and you think, oh,
he didn't look scary.
And, you know, my
kids, they say, Dad,
what are you-- what
are you writing about,
you know, Grandpa
Shillue like this for?
He's such a nice old man.
But I try to tell these
stories from the perspective
of a little kid.
And we were afraid of my dad.
We were afraid to
speak back to him.
And, you know, he was the
kind of dad, I always say--
a lot of young people
I think-- you know,
you guys get the book.
You see the title and you see
the humor in it immediately.
But a lot of young people that--
GORDON: Oh, yeah.
--I've been talking to,
they say what do you mean?
You mean abusive dads are good?
And I say, you've got
to know the difference.
Because a mean dad--
in my book, it's
said tongue-in-cheek
because mean dads,
they know when
to be mean in the service
of raising good children.
And that's what it's about.
Well, what do you think the
impact is though, from a--
from, I guess, a
society standpoint?
Because I don't think we
have mean kids anymore.
I think we have
helicopter parents.
That are trying to watch out.
And keep kids from trouble.
And make sure they
have a perfect life.
What do you think the
impact of that will be?
Well, I think
that we need to take
a little bit of the mean
dad philosophy from the past
and bring it forward.
You know, I was on the
playground recently.
I'm raising my
kids in the Bronx.
And I said to one
of my daughters--
she was having a
little tantrum--
and I said-- she said
something about her feelings.
I said, I don't care you feel.
I care how you behave.
And one of the other
parents looked at me.
It was a New York mom.
She kind of looked at me.
She said, where
did you get that?
And I said, I think
my mom used to say it.
But the thing
is, again, it's--
I tell that story and the
idea is that of course I
care how my kids feel.
But I want them to know
that behavior comes first.
I think a lot of times, people
put it in the other order now.
They start with
the feelings first.
But in my family, behavior
came first, you know?
And it wasn't abusive.
We knew our parents loved us.
My dad used to reach for the
belt. But he never used it.
He never had to use it because--
The threat was enough.
We jumped, right?
GORDON: Are you worried
about America going forward?
TOM: I try not to worry.
GORDON: Really?
TOM: The book is
optimistic, you know?
I like to put a
positive spin on things.
That's why, when I
look back, I want
to look back at these
stories and I want to laugh.
And I want people to
look at these stories
and laugh at the way
my parents did it
because we're not going to do
everything the way they did.
I would say, you know,
we're not going to--
my mother tied me to a tree so
I wouldn't run in the street.
I had a little harness.
I was tied to a tree.
And she wanted to keep me safe.
And she had to get
housework done.
She was very busy.
She had five kids.
So she tied me to a tree.
A simple solution.
But I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to tie
my kid to a tree, but--
All right, but
let's correct this.
She tied you to a harness.
You were free to run around.
Run around a tree in a circle.
That's not being
tied to a tree.
No, she didn't--
I like to--
That's being
tethered to a tree.
I was tethered, you're right.
It like-- and I would go in
a little circle, you know?
But the thing is that today--
I bet you wore
a path around it.
But you see kids-- you
know, parents today,
there's an argument over--
they have little
kids in the airport
and they want to keep them safe,
so they have them on a harness.
And people look and
they say, shame on you.
And it's like, it's
just a solution.
It's just keeping the kid safe.
You know?
It's keeping
them within reach.
You can go so far but
you can't go too far.
And it's the
political correctness.
It's gone so far and parents
hover over their kids.
So the thing is, I
was very disciplined.
So when I say mean
dads, it really
is tongue-in-cheek because
my parents were tough.
And my mom was the kind
of mom who would say,
if a kid bullied me, she
would say, well, hit him back.
Go out there and work it out.
So we had to work things out.
The thing is that
we were disciplined
but we weren't hovered over.
When you told them you got
a fight, were they proud of?
She said go hit
him back and I did.
And you know what?
I hit him back.
And then, let's face
it, I lost that fight.
He kind of beat me up.
But I went home
and I had bruises,
but I had stuck up for myself.
And he didn't pick on me again.
Right, I bet the
bully remembered that.
You know, I don't want
to pick a fight with him.
And so we learned that way.
Our parents, they
had the faith to have
us learn our own tough
lessons, you know?
And they weren't that tough.
I always say, my
parents' parents,
they were meaner than them.
Go back through history.
Every dad was meaner
going back, you know?
Well I just went
through my family history
and I discovered that.
You know, I took it
back to the Civil War.
And I looked at
the family history
and what these people were like.
And then you go through the
photographs and how they lived.
And I go, that was hard.
I mean, that, that
was really hard.
I always say, look at
those old photographs.
Do the wife and children
look anything but terrified
of that man in the derby hat?
They don't look happy either.
I mean, you see the photographs.
And I guess it's you
have to sit still.
And so nobody's-- yeah,
everybody's got this grim face.
And so I think that--
I am optimistic
about the future.
You know, if we think
of-- if we value
families instead of--
everyone's obsessed
with their online image
and their devices.
And you know, sometimes the
world, it gets a little crazy.
And we have to look inward.
And we can improve the world
through our families, I think.
You know?
It's family time.
And I always remind
my kids of that.
That, you know, you look at
me there and you say, come on,
you're not a mean dad.
But I mean what I--
GORDON: You're not mean at all.
TOM: Look at the ice cream!
GORDON: You got ice cream.
TOM: Two scoops there.
But I'm mean when I have to be.
And they know that--
That's just one big scoop.
How much does that cost
now, a scoop of ice cream?
You're spoiling them.
They know, they
know when, they know--
when I am mean, they know that
I'm trying to raise them right.
And I think--
Have we lost family?
I look at America today--
Of course.
The dominant household
now is a single parent.
Yeah, and it's--
the thing is that
that's another message.
It's not just, it's not
all about, you know,
mean dads and
disciplining your kids.
It's about having kids.
And I tell all my friends,
you know, I'm a comedian.
You know, there's a lot of
ne'er-do-wells out there.
And I was one too.
You know, I got married later.
I didn't have my first
child until I was 40.
But at that point,
after we had kids,
I said to my wife,
what were we doing?
What did we do for all this--
how many dinners can you have?
You know?
So I say to these New York
comic friends of mine,
I say just get married.
And they say, well, you know,
I haven't found the right girl.
And I say, you know, well
go out and seek them.
Find them.
Get married, have kids.
Stop this nonsense.
Everyone, they're-- they're
worried that they're not going
to have enough
pleasure in their life.
But they're not really happy.
I mean, I wasn't really
happy till I got married
and had kids.
And then I looked
back and I said,
what was I after for that
decade, that lost decade,
you know, trying to be a
single man in New York?
Well, to my amazement,
I'm now looking--
I have an older brother
and he's got grandkids.
And I'm now looking at-- my
kids haven't got married yet.
And I'm like, can
you hurry this along?
I really want to be a granddad.
And I want that feeling
of the generations.
That, yeah, we're
going to go forward.
That's the thing.
It's another thing that-- and a
lot of Americans are doing it.
And it's Europe, as well.
They're delaying
this-- first of all,
they delay their
adolescence till their 30s.
And then they delay their,
this kind of adulthood,
when they're trying
to be singles
and swiping right and all this
other stuff, until their 40s.
And then at that point,
it's kind of like, well,
what was I doing all this time?
And that's why we don't have
the big families anymore.
I grew up in a big family.
And when my parents
weren't around,
I was disciplined by my
brothers and sisters.
Oh, yeah.
They'd keep you in line.
Yeah, and they'd
rat you out, too.
And I like-- I
mean, this is why--
And I'm starting to see it.
In my world, I'm starting
to see bigger families.
And you know, I toured the
country with Jim Gaffigan.
He's got five kids.
And I'd have my kids.
And we'd all go out together.
And, and there's a lot
of families out there.
It's chaos.
But it's a blessed chaos.
Yeah, and it's
wonderful chaos.
So get out there.
Get married.
Have kids.
TOM: There you go.
Have your kids have kids.
Have grandkids.
And be a mean dad
for a better America.
The book is called "Mean
Dads For a Better America:
The Generous Rewards of an
Old-Fashioned Childhood."
And it's available
wherever books are sold.
And Tom, thanks
for being with us.
Thank you so much, Gordon.
Appreciate it.