Five years in the making, Operation Focus was an Israeli Air Force strike that destroyed the Egyptian Air Force in just a few hours, ensuring Israel's quick and decisive victory of the Six-Day War.
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NARRATOR: In May of 1967,
Egypt's President Gamal
Abdel Nasser declared war
on the State of Israel,
telling his followers,
our path to Palestine
will be covered with blood.
Nasser moved his troops
into the Sinai Peninsula,
expelled the UN
peacekeepers there,
then blocked the Straits
of Tiran to Israeli ships.
For Israel, it was time
to strike or be struck.
And for the next three weeks,
the Israel Defense Forces
were on high alert.
atmosphere in Israel
before the war was very tense.
People thought we were
facing total extinction.
40,000 coffins were
prepared and no one
was sure that the IDF could
really handle the Arab armies.
Two weeks after the
birth of my son,
I had to leave him,
without knowing
if I would ever see him again.
NARRATOR: Armed by
the Soviet Union,
the Egyptians had the
largest and best Air
Force in the Arab world.
Israel's only chance of
survival was a preemptive strike
and the Air Force had
prepared for this moment
for more than a decade.
Their plan was called
Operation Moked,
which means "focus" in Hebrew.
Operation Moked was the
brainchild of Ezer Weizman.
He was commander of
the Israeli Air Force.
He was a pilot himself, he
was a pilot in the British Air
Force in World War II, flew
Spitfires, later the president
of Israel.
And it was an incredibly
daring program.
NARRATOR: The plan was
for dozens of squadrons
to strike 11 airfields
throughout Egypt and the Sinai
goal was to strike
when all the
airplanes were still
on the ground, fully exposed.
And the idea was to bomb
out the runways first
to prevent any aircraft
from taking off
and to keep them from
flying for a few days.
NARRATOR: In 1966, the
plan's creator, Ezer Weizman,
had been promoted to
IDF chief of operations.
And his successor,
General Motti Hod,
now had the task of
executing Weizman's plan.
YALO SHAVIT: Motti was the
commander of the Air Force
that kept on flying
as a fighter.
He understood what we
felt in the cockpit.
So he understood our issues.
Brave man.
The nicest person in the world.
He had nerves from a metal and
always thinking forward, ahead,
like he did on the
time to attack Egypt.
NARRATOR: For Israeli civilians,
the pre-war tension was high.
But for Air Force Squadron
Commander Yalo Shavit,
Israel's victory was inevitable.
The Israeli Air Force
is like a tight spring,
ready to somebody to cut the
cable that prevent it from--.
It will be done in no time
because we have been trained
since the last 11 years.
I told my wife, go to Gadara.
Gadara is a small
village in the south.
Find a small toferet--
a lady tailor.
And, you know, what
do you want to wear
for parties with all those-- and
those prime minister and down?
Have three sets.
Why three?
I said, because I'm
telling you to do three.
There will be parties.
Says, you're crazy.
I said, listen to me.
Go and do this.
She did it.
She was the best woman
dressed in the parties.
intelligence had spent years
gathering details about
the Egyptian targets.
From the location of each plane
to the name, rank, and even
the voice of each pilot.
INTERPRETER: I was one of the
youngest pilots in the Air
I had graduated
from pilot training
the year before the war.
I wasn't even 21 years old yet.
I was the intelligence
officer of the squadron.
For three weeks, we learned
the most accurate intelligence
we could learn.
We also prepared
the combat doctrine
for attacking airports.
I was a part of that system.
He was so confident that
they know exactly what to do.
They trained so many times,
they knew it with closed eyes.
To receive an aircraft
with empty fuel tanks,
with empty munitions,
with empty whatever.
And they got to a
record of eight minutes.
Eight minutes to
prepare the aircraft
to be ready to take off.
INTERPRETER: Monday morning,
the 5th of June, they woke us up
and we went down to the base.
We knew that the big
moment had arrived.
The commander of the Air Force
came in with the wing commander
and they said, dear
friends, Operation Focus
will start today
at 7:45 AM sharp.
This is a fateful operation.
Friends of yours will be
injured and killed in battle
right next to you.
It is going to be tough,
but we will make it.
Then the wing commander
told us that the fate
of the Jewish people
was on our shoulders.
We were not afraid
for ourselves.
The only fear was
that we would not
be able to perform our duties
in the best way possible.
When I took off,
I didn't realize
it would be such a
complicated mission.
NARRATOR: Squadron leaders gave
their pilots some ground rules,
issued by Commander Motti Hod.
YALO SHAVIT: There is no
communication whatsoever.
No radio, no nothing.
So we were prepared with all
kinds of signs and flags,
colors of the flags, when you're
ready to start the engine.
Where you have to
take off, no radio--
You fly at zero altitude,
the lowest you can.
If something
happened, you do not
report back that you
crashed or that you jump.
The Air Force will find you.
You do whatever it takes
to reach to the target.
We have to destroy the
aircraft on the ground.
INTERPRETER: We were also
told that the mission was
more important than anything
and that even in an emergency,
even if a friend of ours
is about to be killed,
we were not allowed to warn him.
We had to just let him crash.
As cruel as that may
sound, this was also
that we will not
disrupt the operation.
If someone is attacked, you
have to go on and fight.
NARRATOR: Nearly all of
Israel's 196 combat planes
were committed to
the air strike.
Only 12 were left behind to
defend the State of Israel.
The planes flew low
over the Mediterranean
to avoid being
detected by radar.
YALO SHAVIT: We took off
and stayed between 35 feet
to 50 feet.
Impossible below that.
We smelled the smell of
the salt over the sea.
INTERPRETER: I was assigned
to the foursome that
was under Yalo's leadership.
I was number two in the
squadron and our mission
was to attack the
[INAUDIBLE] field near Cairo.
NARRATOR: Egypt's radar
didn't pick them up,
but someone else did.
At 8:15 Egyptian time,
Jordanian radar screens
lit up with an unusual
concentration of planes
heading over the Mediterranean.
And from there, a
series of mistakes
gave the Israelis an
overwhelming advantage.
The top general in
Jordan radioed the word
"grape," the pre-arranged
code for war,
to Egypt's defense
minister in Cairo.
But the Egyptians had
changed the code word the day
before without updating Jordan.
So the Jordanians'
messages were tossed aside
and the warning
never reached Cairo.
But even if the message
had been deciphered,
there was no one
around to read it.
Egypt's Air Force commander
was at his daughter's wedding,
the Ground Force
commander was on vacation,
and the defense
minister had gone
to bed a few hours earlier,
leaving orders that he was not
to be disturbed.
Egypt's chief of staff,
Field Marshall Amer,
was flying in that morning
from an all-night party.
So at the first sign of
trouble, the Egyptians
shut down their entire
air defense system,
worried that Amer's plane
might be shot down by mistake.
Assuming that any Israeli
attack would begin at sunrise,
the Egyptians had already
flown their dawn patrols
and returned to
base for breakfast.
YALO SHAVIT: Motti, who was
the man that planned it,
calls the soldiers and
officers to be creative.
He hit them exactly
in the middle
of landing or fueling,
eating, ready to go here--
We reached the target, but from
a distance, for 24 minutes,
I saw that there was a fog.
So I started circling,
finding a hole in this fog
that I see the runway.
I dive, I bomb the
runway, everything was OK.
Two is OK.
Three-- I don't hear anything.
Four is OK.
Something happened to this
excellent officer and pilot
that he tried to aim and
meantime, he lost altitude.
And when he tried to recover,
[SLAP] he hit the runway.
But as we were told in the
briefing before the take-off,
there is no mercy, there is no--
there is only one thing.
Keep on doing the job.
around 360 degrees
and performed the second attack.
The planes were already burning.
There was a lot of smoke.
Those bombers went
up in giant flames.
First I attacked the bomber
that seemed to be less damaged.
Then the second time, I attacked
an anti-aircraft battery,
and then finally
the control tower.
The Egyptians fired some
anti-aircraft missiles
at my plane but
they did not hit me.
the last second I
saw from the left
anti-aircraft position.
And before I know
what happened, I
got hit by three, four bullets.
The front wheel, I
saw it disappear.
The aircraft stop, my airbags
went out, and from 500 knots
it went down to 220 in no time.
The two other,
number two and four--
ffhht-- flew forward.
I gave them an order--
go by yourself to the base.
Get as soon as
possible to the sea
so nobody will shoot at you.
And I found myself
after I was hit
at 3,000 foot looking forward.
And what do I see?
MiG-21 in front of me,
maybe 500 meters, shooting.
My instinct immediately
is to shoot at him.
He broke to the right,
I broke to the left.
And then close to Israel, I went
up to 7,000 in case I bail out.
I came to the area of the base.
[INAUDIBLE], the commander of
the base in the control tower.
You have a problem.
I understand.
Go to the sea, next rush
[INAUDIBLE] and bail out.
I says, no.
He says, I'm telling you.
I says, I hear you but no,
I'm not going to bail out.
I said, don't worry,
I will land on 1/3
of the runway toward
their defense.
So I came there, I hold the
aircraft in the lowest speed I
can, and I cross the runway.
I touched full brakes.
I saw a lot of pieces
of fire, ch-ch,
missed from the both sides.
I crossed the runway.
I went to the overrun.
A lot of stones and all
these [CHIRR] and he stopped.
And I went out and
I was standing,
and I saw the security
and the emergency cars.
And they were so excited.
Where's the pilot?
Because they thought
that something
happened because of
the dust and all this.
There was no fire because
there was no fuel.
I came with zero fuel.
Zero fuel.
Nothing in the aircraft,
in the tanks-- nothing,
nothing, nothing.
NARRATOR: Gradually the
rest of the first wave
returned to Israel.
In less than eight
minutes, the planes
were refueled, rearmed,
and ready for a second wave
of bombing.
In just over half an hour, the
Egyptians had lost 204 planes--
half of their Air Force.
The Israelis had lost only 19.
The kill ratio of
Operation Focus
had exceeded expectations
by almost 100%.
At 10:30, General
Motti Hod turned
to the Army's chief of
staff, Yitzhak Rabin,
and announced the Egyptian
Air Force has ceased to exist.
The Jordanian and Syrian air
forces had also been decimated.
After less than five
hours, the Israelis
had complete air superiority
over the Middle East.
MICHAEL OREN: It is truly
a Hail Mary operation.
But for the Egyptians, it
was the ultimate humiliation.
And very shortly after
the Israeli aerial strike,
Israeli ground forces
began moving into Sinai.
The goals were very
limited, very limited.
The Egyptians had three
defense lines in Sinai.
The goal was to take out the
first of the three defense
lines, not beyond that.
But the Egyptian Army
collapsed so fast
and began running away, that the
other the fence lines crashed.
And then, as I said
earlier, Israeli forces
reached the Suez Canal
without even intending
to reach the Suez Canal.
They got sucked into Sinai.
So for Egyptians, this was
the ultimate humiliation.
It cannot be that the people who
just yesterday you had pledged
to throw into the sea are now
driving you across the Suez
NARRATOR: All day long, the
Egyptian propaganda machine
ran in overdrive.
Radio Cairo falsely
reported that Egypt
had shot down 85 Israeli
planes, while only
losing two of their own.
And Field Marshall Amer
told the Jordanians
that Israel had lost
75% of its air power--
a lie that encouraged Jordan's
King Hussein to enter the war.
have developed a big lie.
And the lie is that
just the opposite
has happened, that the Egyptian
Air Force has surprised
the Israeli Air
Force on the ground
and destroyed the
Israeli Air Force,
that the Egyptian Army has
crossed the border into Israel
and is on the
outskirts of Tel Aviv.
That's the big lie.
And this big lie is believed
by 200 million Arabs.
No one questions the
credibility, no one questions
the veracity of these claims.
And now there is
a certain debate
about the degree to
which Nasser himself
understood or was informed of
the direness of the situation.
How would you like to be the
officer who walked in and said,
President Nasser, I got
some bad news for you?
How would you like
to be that person?
So, maybe people were feeding
him strange information.
There was one document
I saw in Egypt
was that the person who
reported the Egyptian victory
over the Israeli Air Force
was a young Air Force captain
by the name of Hosni Mubarak.
NARRATOR: Operation
Focus remains
one of the most successful air
campaigns in military history.
During the Six-Day War,
the Israeli Air Force
destroyed 452 enemy planes,
while losing just 46
of their own.
After their stunning
performance in Egypt,
Yalo Shavit and his crew
finished the day in Jerusalem,
bombing the Jordanian tanks
that raced towards the city,
and providing air cover
for Israeli ground forces.
INTERPRETER: It was a long day.
That night I came
back to the room
alone, because my roommate
got killed that day.
It was an exhausting day,
both physically and mentally.
Not all was taken for granted.
Even with the feeling
of victory we had,
no one was free to celebrate.
think about it now,
after years of
experience I still
think that this was a
very successful mission.
If one will ask me,
what was the thing which
made it possible so successful,
I would answer it in one word--
I know there's a lot of
stories about secret weapons
which we used.
But we didn't, actually.
We used the spirit, we used
the standard of flying,
and we used another
thing which maybe
doesn't exist in any other
air forces in the world.
And we call it the
"no alternative."
And when you don't
have alternatives,
you can achieve
such achievements
as we did in this war.
They don't know what a
group of dedicated people,
professionals trained,
willing to invest their soul
and everything they have,
can do for a country.