Actress Lisa Lloyd talks about how seeking the spotlight can alter how we see God and ourselves.
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NARRATOR: You may have seen
actress Lisa Lloyd in TV
commercials, but
her acting roles
weren't just about building
a successful career.
Lisa wanted to be
validated, and spent years
chasing her own fame.
In her book, "Chasing
Famous," Lisa
shares events that
changed her life forever.
And why she stepped
out of the spotlight,
and learned to
shine it on others.
Lisa, welcome to the
700 Club Interactive.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me.
Great to have you.
I'm guessing the acting bug bit
you when you were quite young.
It did.
It did.
I was in third grade when my
mom gave me the opportunity
to go audition at the
Amarillo Little Theater
for "Babes in Toyland."
And so I auditioned, and did
that when I was a little girl,
and continued through
in high school.
And graduated with my acting
degree, and got an agent,
and so it's always been
something I've wanted to do.
Besides men and women having
a particular talent in theater
and acting, is a lot of
it just for affirmation?
I mean, really, when
it gets down to it,
we all crave affirmation.
We do.
I think we, oftentimes,
if we're not
seeking the affirmation
of God, we're
seeking the
affirmation of people.
I think it's, for me, at least,
it's because I'm insecure.
My identity is often not in God.
It's in people.
So choose me, need me,
select me, want me,
is my constant cry.
But what I try and remember is
that God has already chosen me.
He's already selected me.
So I don't have-- because
these people around, they're
going to fail me, you know.
I'm not going to be
able-- they're not always
going to give me what I need.
But God does, and I
think that's, it's
pretty easy to say, kind
of hard to live out.
But how did you
come to that place?
I mean, it wasn't
always that way for you,
where you realize that
God has accepted you,
affirms you, loves you.
That's a journey.
It is a journey, and
it's still a journey.
I haven't always figured it
out, because I don't always
wake up in the morning, and go
like, oh, I don't need anybody.
You know, like I still
crave, I still want that.
So I think that, often, it's
a reset for me in the morning,
spending time with God.
It's spending time with
like-minded people,
too, that are
going to affirm me,
or going to remind me of
my affirmation in God.
Until you came
that realization
that God does affirm you, once
you want to be in relationship,
you had a bit of
a rough journey,
right, with particular
heartbreaks, that changed you.
I did.
I did.
I became a Christian as a
little girl, but by the time
I was 15 years old, I was kind
of seeking the affirmation,
and the love of young
boys, and lost my virginity
when I was 15.
At 18, found out that I was
pregnant, and, even though I
was a Christian, the only
way out of that, to me,
was to have an abortion.
And, so that's what I did.
But a friend of mine, who
loved the Lord and loved me,
spoke truth to me, and reminded
me of how crazy God was for me.
And so, in that moment, it's
like the scales fell off
my eyes, and I just
said, God, can we
start all this over again?
And He enveloped me, and
I've never been the same.
Because at that point,
you felt, in your book
you say, like God
couldn't use you anymore,
because of that mistake, that
thing, that act in your life.
I believed the lie that, because
I'd made such a huge mistake,
that I was ineffective.
Which is a lie, right?
It's total--
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
God can't use me.
I've screwed up.
I'm going to be a hypocrite,
or I'm ineffective.
But that's-- but God wants
to use our stories, right?
He wants to use that, what
could have destroyed us,
for His glory.
And we have to be brave.
And it's hard to do, but we
have to be brave, and talk
about that to give God glory.
It's not going to
happen if we stay quiet.
And so often, we compare
ourselves to other people,
And I've got to think
in the acting industry,
there's a lot of that.
There is--
A lot of envy of
others and jealousy.
How do you overcome that?
There is a lot of envy, and
a lot of comparison, you know.
There's a gal that I
follow on Facebook,
and she's just like
this gorgeous gal.
And I have often wanted
to be her, you know.
But, you know, what happens, I
think, when I compare myself,
and when we compare
ourselves, is
we miss out on the opportunity
to be used where God has us,
right now, because I'm so
worried about being somebody
else, and being somebody
else's version of success.
But God's got His own
version of success for me,
and I need to be
grateful for who I am,
how God's made me, how He's
gifted and made me talented,
and how He wants to
use me, so that I
can get to work being the person
that He's created me to be.
And one thing
I think your book
does so well, it talks about how
God sees a far bigger picture,
and has a far different sense
of timing than we do, really.
And we don't like
to wait for things.
We don't.
I want what I want, and
I want it right now.
Especially when
it comes to, when
I feel that God has
called me to do something.
He's, you know, He said,
I've got this for you.
This is going to be what I'm
going to have you do one day.
And I want to do it now.
And God often asks us to
wait, to wait for our cue,
so to speak, you know.
And He did that with Moses.
He asked Moses to wait.
And often, I think it has a
lot to do with me, sometimes,
but it often has
nothing to do with me,
and everything to do with
God, or other people,
or God's perfect timing.
And I just, what I want
to try and remember, then,
is I want to wait well
for my cue, for my release
onto the stage, so to speak.
And you've had many
auditions over the years.
Excuse me.
There was one in particular
that was life changing for you,
wasn't there?
Yes, yes.
There was, there
was a time just,
yeah, I just, when I was driving
to this particular audition,
and I was, I was
nervous, and I was
anxious about booking the job.
And the Lord said
to me, He said,
Lisa I want you to go
and be more concerned
about making Me famous at
this audition than yourself.
And that really kind of
changed everything for me,
because I wasn't going now to
this audition for the director
to select me to
be enough for him,
to be pretty enough, or talented
enough, or just that perfect
thing that he wanted me to
be, or she wanted me to be.
But it was going to
be about how, God, how
can you use your talent,
the talent You've given me,
for your glory?
And now the booking of
the job was not up to me.
The booking of the
job was up to God.
And I was able to go
in there, and say, God,
glorify yourself through me.
Make yourself famous through me.
And that was-- there was
a lot of joy, joy in that.
And I've tried to let
that filter into the rest
of my life, as well.
And since then, you've married
a wonderful guy named Marcus.
And I love in
your book how you
talked about, I think a
lot of husbands and wives
may have had experiences
like this, or they should.
You were praying to God about
how to see your husband.
I, for the longest time, I saw--
I didn't assume the
best of my husband.
I assumed the worst.
And I think a lot of that,
a lot of the tension that he
and I would have, was
not because of him or me.
I think that the person that
we were fighting was the enemy.
That's our struggle,
right, is the enemy.
We fail to recognize
that most of the time.
And he is going to
work until we are
done, till we are
dead in the ground,
to destroy our marriage.
And when I began to recognize
that, and see, OK, so
let me now recognize that
I'm fighting the enemy.
So I'm going to assume
the best of my husband.
I'm going to try and
die to my desires.
How can I serve him?
How can I-- how can I love
him well, not perfect at it,
but how can I do my very best.
I turned into a more "holy"
Lisa than a "trying to be happy"
And there was great joy in that.
And it affected our marriage
in such a positive way.
It affected me and him, and
it was a game changer for us.
That's a great insight.
It really is.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, the book is
called "Chasing Famous."
It's a wonderful book, has
a lot of great wisdom in it.
And you can pick it up
wherever books are sold.
I want to thank you
again for being with us.
You bet.
Thank you for having me.
Glad to have you.