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700 Club Canada: May 23, 2017

Watch the 700 Club Canada for May 23, 2017 Read Transcript

On today's show.

I don't care what it is, what

you've been through, what

you've done, you can say that

the heart's too far gone. It's

never too far gone for the



Welcome to the 700 Club

Canada. I'm Brian Warren.

And I'm Laura-Lynn Tyler

Thompson, and we love that

you are spending this half

hour with us.

On today's show, you'll see

how bad news can actually

open the door for a miracle.

Absolutely. You know, is

there something that has

happened to you or someone

you know that could only be

described as a miracle?

Well, I've seen that a number

of times.


And, you know, it's-it's

interesting because as we get

an opportunity to not only

interview people but also

we get an opportunity to

travel across the nation.


So many people come up and

they say, "I was healed while

I was watching the 700 Club."


When this Word came forth



I meet so many people now

n grocery stores.


I remember just recently I

met a woman in Shoppers Drug

Mart and she said, "Are you

She told you a story.

No, but she's like


Are you

Are you the-the Brian Warren?

Well, and-and you know what?

t's just kind of


Right here in Shoppers?

She didn't really say all of

that, right, but she just said,

"Are you?" I said, "I think


Yeah, yeah. That's great.

And then she began to tell

me about

What God did.

What God did in her life.


And how He's been working

in her mother and working in

their family.


And-and I said, "Thank you."

So true.

"Thank you for sharing."

Praise God.

So I pray that you're

watching. I told you I'd pull

my ear so you'd know.


So this is for you.

You know, I just-I-I heard

a story recently of a woman.

er mother was dying of

cancer and there was no hope.

And, you know, it wasn't going

well, and she was distant from

her mom. But she had a video

where she could see her mom

twenty-four hours a day.


And the sister called her

and said, "Look at Mom. Look

at Mom." So she tunes into

the video and her mom is kind

of talking to the ceiling. No

one's inhisere with this

shiny bright light that is

coming down. In the video

it's visible. You could see

it. And then, you know, and

she was just kind of talking

and then the nurse came in

and it khe light went

away. Ithey knewt

that their Mom was just being

surrounded and loved by angels

as her final days were coming.

And to know the Lord, yeah.

You know, just angelic and

miraculous. And that's the God

of love that we serve.

Well, it is and that's what

ob said. He said, "I

know my redeemer lives and

I shall see Him in the flesh.


You know, later in the show,

we have a special interview

with well-known evangelist,

Franklin Graham. He sits down

with Laura-Lynn for part two

of their discussion on faith

and family.

But first, a mother refuses

to believe the tragic news

that her baby will die in her

womb. Stay tuned for this

miracle story.

Take a look.


I was about thirty-two weeks

when I felt that something

was wrong with my pregnancy.

I felt very tired and my back

was hurting a lot. Something

in me said something was wrong

ith my pregnancy. Bt

again I just kind of ignored

it. We had to go to my

friend's house in the evening.

It was around six, seven at

night. I went up the stairs

and I started feeling liquid

and I just told my husband,

"This is not right." And I

just felt that I had to go to

the hospital. I remember

asking that lady that did the

ultrasouo give me the

numbers. They explained to

etween a ten

and a twenty-two, that's a

normal range for the fluid.

Amniotic fluid. But when they

checked mine, it was a seven.

So it was lower than normal.

And then two days after I

believe it was a five point

three, and I was afraid. And

I was watching TV and it was

when I was going through the


700 Club. They said, "Oh,

there's this lady that is

worried about her baby." I

was very focused, especially

on that moment.

And you are so fearful that

something's wrong with this

baby. Juhat spirit of fear

is gone now in Jesus' name, and

you are going to enjoy the rest

of this pregnancy and deliver

a perfectly healthy baby.

I just started sobbing. I


in my body. And I just said,

"This is for me. This has to

be for me." And after that, I

ny more

fear, and I just told the Lord,

"If you want my baby to be

born now, it's fine." My

pastor came and he actually

felt it. He's like, "Your room

feels very peaceful. You feel

very peaceful." And we

worship more there that day

I remember, and they kept

giving me ultrasounds like

every other day and the water

started going up, up, and up.

id the

ultrasound, she's like, "I've

never seen this before."

Actually every time that a

lady gets ruptured there and

the labor starts to come out,

there's no going back.

You're going to have your baby

at that time. And after the

eleventhhe eleven days when


ready to go home." I was able

to keep her inside of me until

her due date. Fear always is

around the corner, and God

is the one that takes that fear

away from you. And again you

trust Him. You have to learn

to trust in Him. God did

miracles when Jesus was here.

He still does it, but we just

have to have that faith, that

trust in Him that He's there

for us all the time, and I'm

living proof that if you put

your trust in Him, He does

everything. You just let Him

do it.


Laura-Lynn, what a powerful


Absolutely. And, you know,

when the technician is saying

like this never happens, you

know, that the amniotic fluid

is actually increasing, you

know, for women and who have

been through pregnancies and

you know how things go

naturally, this was a miracle.

This was a divine intervention

of God. And, you see,

sometimes we go through things

and, you know, we don't know

oes prayer still work?

And some of you are facing some

really tough things right now.

And I hope this story

encourages you that God's a

miracle-working God. He

reverses time. He can stop

the sun in its tracks. He can

make a way where there seems

to be no way. He can cut

cancer off. He can do those

things that all of us pray and

hope that He can do. But,

you know, when we have faith,

according to our faith and if

we just stand strong and we

trust Him. You know, God is

sovereign, and He always

answers of course according to

His will and purpose.

I think the most important

thing that you have to remember

is while God has already put

something in you, and it's

called a measure of faith.


And that's what Romans 12:3

says. And because of that,

it's not what you do. It's

not even what you feel. Faith

is supernatural.


And that's why if you're

in a place right now and you

need that, I want to get

something into your hands.

And it's called The Secrets

of the Supernatural. It costs

you absolutely nothing, but

it helps you begin to

understand how to reach

with your fingers of faith

beyond what you can see and

bring that into the

manifestation of what God is

calling for His glory. And

1-855-759-0700. Prayer

partners are standing by

and request that.

You know, I mean it's

interesting, Brian. Like we

all deal with the five senses.


You know, what we can see

with our eyes and hear and

touch and feel, you know, and

and this is supernatural is

outside of the natural.

Well, and that's right

because we live on this side

in the natural.

Yes. That's good.

But faith makes possible


what grace made possible.


So faith claims what grace

made possible, and it pulls it

into this realm, and that's why

it's so important for you to

understand without faith it's

impossible to please God. So

just stand on the Word of God

and believe Him and believe

that that miracle is on the


Absolutely. Coming up after

the break, an unplanned

pregnancy gives Megan a new

lease on life.


I have a little boy that's

drowned and I think we're too


I was fighting for my life.

Folks, there's a power

beyond the realm of human


I just said, "Lord, what is

going on?"

You're about to meet the

real people who have come

face-to-face with that power.

I don't know why He allowed

me to live but He did.

They experienced what we

would consider miracles in

their lives.


It was scary getting up there

for the first time and you're

vulnerable because I was

thinking about what do they

think? Do I look good enough?

Megan spent most of her

childhood alone. Her parents

were divorced, and her mother

worked long hours. When she

was molested at her elementary

school by a male tutor, no one

believed her.

They were like, "He would

never do that. He's not that

type of person, Megan. Stop


The tutor molested Megan a

second time. Those experiences

left her sexualized at a young

age, and her many hours alone

gave her access to adult


And so I would watch things

on TV. You know, pornography

would come up on the television

and I would watch it. I

actually started calling the

nine hundred numbers and

talking to people.

When Megan was fourteen,

she began having sex with older


Some of them were married.

Some of them weren't and

was so

desperate for attention. After

the act was over in all of

these instances, I was numb.

I was so broken and lost

from a young age. Honestly,

I didn't feel anything.

Megan was just starting high

school when her aunt and

uncle who were Christians,

felt compelled to invite her

to come live with them. She

moved from Texas to Michigan.

The first time I stepped

inside of my aunt and uncle's

church, it was an overwhelming

sense of peace that I had never

ever felt in my entire life.

A sense of warmth and love.

Megan gave her life to Christ

and attended a Christian

school. But before long, she

started acting out sexually


When I would be around boys,

I would hat feeling would

come back up again and then I

would just fall right back into


Megan returned to Texas at

eighteen and was working as a

waitress when a friend asked

her if she had ever considered

dancing in a strip club.

And I looked at her and I was

like, "No, but that sure does

sound like fun." I mean I

got excited, you know,

had always been

liking attention. Like I loved


Megan's excitement was


You portray this person like

everything's okay and that

everything's beautiful and

glamorous on the outside.

To see the look on the men's

faces when you're up there,

the way that they look at you,

it's disgusting.

But Megan needed the money

and in order to keep dancing,

she started drinking and then

tried cocaine.

And I was hooked at that

moment because it was just

a huge rush for me. At least

six months I did cocaine every

night and every day nonstop.

To support her growing drug

habit, Megan needed more than

the income she made dancing.

I realized a quicker way to

make money was to get women

to do what you wanted them

to do. Well, if I had a

customer come in that wanted

something specific, I would

find someone and tell them this

is what you're going to do and

do it.

Megan became the club's

madam, and her alcohol and

drug abuse escalated. One

night, ashamed of how far she

had fallen, she closed herself

in her bathroom and took a

bottle of pills. Then she

reached for a razor.

I did not want to take

another breath. The pain

that was inside of my spirit

was so achingly horrible, the

things that I had done, that

just to breathe hurt my body.

And I began to slit my wrists.

And then I felt a little bit of

God's presence because I had

been taught the difference

between heaven and hell. I had

sat through sermons where I had

heard God's Word. And all I

could think about in that

moment was going to hell and

I didn't want to go to hell.

And I knew that there was

something better for my life.

Megan put away the razor

and slept off the drugs. She

didn't know what else to do

so she continued to work at

the club as a madam. She

also began a new relationship,

and a few months later

discovered she was pregnant.

The Lord met me in the

bathroom that day that I

looked at that pregnancy test

because as soon as I saw that,

I made a decision in that

moment that I was never going

to be the mother that was

going to be a drug-addicted,

alcoholism, promiscuous

mother. And so from that day,

I never picked up drugs again.

I went back to the club one

time the next day. As soon

as I walked in that club, the

Spirit of the Lord was all over

me and the smell made me

want to vomit. The atmosphere,

the music, and I left and never

went back.

Megan married her baby's

father and gave birth to a son.

She had turned away from the

drugs and the lifestyle, but

she still wasn't free.

Even though I had stopped

drinking, even though I had

stopped drugs, and even

though I had stopped clubbing,

there was still a lot of damage

on the inside of this heart

that had to be worked out.

She and her husband began

going to church together.

There Megan made her final


So I just asked the Lord to

forgive me, you know, and just

asked Him to just change my

heart and change my mind

and just make me a new person

from the inside out, and He

did that, and I knew that He

loved me. And I knew that He

could heal me and that He was

healing my heart from my past

hurts and pains. And that was

the moment that I saw the last

breaking of bondage off of my

life, and I remember, man I

felt like I could put some

wings on and literally fly out

of that church. Like it was

just---it was amazing. I will

never forget the way that felt.

Today Megan runs Heels to

Halos, and outreach to women

who work in strip clubs, and

she offers them just what

she's been given, a changed

heart through Jesus Christ.

I don't care what it is,

what you've been through,

what you've done, you can say

that the heart's too far gone.

It's never too far gone for

the Lord because He is the

King of Kings and the Lord of

Lords and He is the Prince of

Peace. And He makes it right.


You know, I just love that

testimony. You know, when

Megan said, "Even though I

stopped drinking stuff, doing

drugs and stopped clubbing

and everything else, there was

a lot of damage on the inside."

And it's not just for her.

It's for all of us as well.

But she said, "When I went to

church that day and I couldn't

wait for that altar call, me

and my husband both, I just

leaped out." Literally she


and that means that from her

old life, she received the new

life of Christ. That's what

Galatians 2 and 20 says, that

I've been crucified with

Christ. It is no longer I who

live. That's transfusion. But

it's by faith and the Son of

God who loved me and He gave

Himself for me. What God

promises and He says this as

as early as the Old Testament.

The prophet Ezekiel, he said,

"I'm going to give you a new

heart. I'm going to sprinkle

clean water on you and I'm

going to change you, and that

change is going to be so

significant, it's going to

change other people as well."

I wonder if you've experienced

that change. It's literally

the peace of God coming into

your heart. I'd like to get

something into your hands, and

I want to pray a prayer with

you. If you want that peace

on the inside, it's yours and

it's available. It cost God

everything, but He wants to

give it to you free if you're

willing. Why don't you pray

this prayer with me? Jesus,

I'm tired of pretending. I'm

tired of the old life. I

confess my sin. Come on,

ball up those hands. And now

I turn from that life and I

confess my sin to you and

I ask you to come into my

life. Oh, yeah. Now, open

up those hands. Make me

the person that you want me

to be. Fill me with your Holy

Spirit, I pray, in Jesus' name.

Father, everyone that has

prayed that prayer, I pray now

for your peace to surpass their

understanding. But as you have

written their name in the

Lamb's book of life, let us

celebrate with them now

together. In Jesus' name. If

that's you, say Pastor B, I

received Jesus today.

1-855-759-0700. Prayer

partners are standing by. Yay.

It's your birthday. After the

break, Laura-Lynn sits down

with the Reverend Franklin



Now there are more ways to

connect with the 700 Club

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Every one of us and people

who are watching are searching

for what does God have for me?

What is my purpose? How do I

know God's call? And I think

of you, you know, born into the

home of Billy Graham, such an

nd you

have ended up following in his

footsteps. But was there a

moment when you knew in your

heart, oh, my goodness, I am

going to be preaching in

crusades across the world as


You know, I've-I've-I've

turned my back on that for

years. I didn't want to

didn't want to preach.

You didn't?

I didn't-didn't want to be

compared to my father.


And so I just was happy doing

the work at Samaritan's Purse

and building that organization

and goinhe war areas

of the world or the famine

areas or where there were

storms and trying to help

people. But always to try to

tell them about Christ. It

wasn't for any other reason.

You know, if we help someone,

we're going to make sure that

e communicate the

Gospel. But it was a man, a

Canadian evangelist by the

name of John Wesley White.


And John Wesley White said,

"I want you to come and

preach where there's lost

people." And so month after

month, year after year.

Finally he said, "Next year,

I'm going to be in Juneau,

Alaska. Why don't you come

to Juneau?' And I thought

okay. Well, I go to Juneau.

I remember giving an

invitation and five people

came forward. Hmm. And

I realized it wasn't anything

that I had done. It was just

the power of the Holy Spirit

of God. I went back to my

room, just got on the floor,

just prostrate on the floor.

Lord, ifoyou want me to

preach evangelistic, then I'll

give you ten percent of my

time to preach evangelistic.

f that's what you

want me to do with my life.

God uses His Word. He doesn't

use my word. He uses His Word.


And that's what's important.

I think that's pretty

inspiring for all of us where

we don't always see the fruit

That's right.

at first, but we follow God's

call. That's amazing to hear

that story.

So Canada has had a-a-a

big impact on my life.

That's an honor for us.

Thank you. And it's not only

Canada. It's across the world,

the he incredible work that

you do to help those. If

there's a crisis, you hear

Samaritan's Purse is there.

Well, I've-like right now

we're working and I was there

last month in Northern Iraq,

right outside of Mosel. The

Iraqi army is trying to take

Mosel back from ISIS. There

are no hospitals. All the

hospitals were destroyed by

ISIS. When I say destroyed,

they took the wiring out of

the wall. They put poison

in the wells so that the

s poisoned.

The boobytrapped everything.

So if you try to go into a home

or even to the hospital or

anything, there's boobytraps.

People get blown up. And


hospital as the army took back

Mosel for people that were

were wounded, shot, been hit

y IEDs, there was no

place to take them. So the

the he UN had asked Doctors

Without Borders and Medecins

Sans Froheyeres. They

said, "We're not going to go to

Mosel. They just happened to

say would Samaritan's Purse?

e got two

hospitals that we keep always

on the shelf in our warehouse.

Yeah, we'll put one of our

hospitals up there. They said,

"You will?" Yeah.

Nobody goes there.

But and normally we can

put a hospital up in two days.

This one we couldn't because of

the he location so close to

the battlefield so it took us

a month from the time we

said yeso put the

blast wall up and to put all

the infrastructure in. But

now the he hospital is open.

I was there when we first

opened and I'm so impressed

with these doctors and nurses

that risk their life. We're

just eleven miles. I think

it's twenty-three kilometers

from the front line.

Oh, my goodness.

And you can hear the

bombing. You can hear the


Wow. And they're there.

And-we're-they're there.

saving people's lives. What

kind of people are coming in?

Are you talking fighters and

the wounded?

We've had mostly civilians.

These would be women and

children for the most part

that have been shot in the

back by ISIS as they're trying

to flee. We do have ISIS

fighters as well. We treat

ith the same

compassion and the same love

as we would anybody that comes

into that hospital.

Right. Is that not the love

of God


That compels a man's heart

to salvation. I mean if

there's any hope at all, it

would be doing what you're

doing for those souls.

Well, it's a great ministry

and a great opportunity. See,

I believe when there is a

crisis, you don't run from it.

You run to it. People need

their hey need help now.

They don't need it tomorrow,

the next week. They need it

now. So you have to go


Not everybody has that


Well, you'd be surprised

at the people that go that

you wouldn't think would be

there. These nurses and

doctors hey sayey

to me, "You know, Franklin,

we would have never thought

two months ago that we would

be here. But the Lord spoke to

us." And so what can you do

when the Lord speaks?

Yes. Well, you know, there's

two things as we close, Mr.

Graham. One is considering

all of the difficulties that

are in the world, what is the

the voice, the prophetic voice

that you have for the Christian

church at this time?

Wake up.

If you would give them any


Wake up because secularism

is destroying our churches.

Our churches are trying to be

politically correct. Our

re trying to

smell like the world, taste

like the world, look like the

world. We're not called to

be like the world. We're in

the world but we're not to be

like the world. We're to be

different. We're to be that

light that's on a hill. We're

e're to be

that shining city and it's

Christ that's giving the light.

We want the world to see

nd the world

is attracted not to things that

look like them. They're

attracted to something that is

different from them cause they

want to know why do you live

like that? Why do you believe

that? And that's what Christ

does. We live a different

life. We live at a different

standard and that in itself is

attractive to the world. We

don't have to be like the world

to be attractive. And so I

would say to the church, be

like Christ and lift up His

name and let God use you to

be a light in a very dark

world, and we are living in a

dark world.

What gives you the strength

to o be as strong as you a?

You're up against a lot of


I-I'd, you know, I think

ure it's easy to run.

nd sometimes you say

you know, why do I even mess

with this? You know, why don't

I just shut my mouth and just

be happy? And but that's not

the way God wired me.


I-I just can't shut my

mouth because that wouldn't

want to

I want to stand for truth and

I want to honor the Lord.

hen I was

twenty-two years old, I said,

ere's my life. Take

it. Use me and spin me

however you want to use and

spin me." And so if He tells

f I feel in my heart He

wants me to say something or

ou know, it's

voice from

heaven. It's not like, you

know, God yells down from

heaven, Franklin, do this or

do that. It's just an

impression on my heart that

He gives me to go this way or

to go that way or to say this

nd then sometimes

I have people around me, no,

Franklin, don't say that. Why?


Well, maybe it'd be better if

you say it this way. So

sometimes I have people pull me

people pull me back a little


You've got some good counsel.

Yes. Yes, sir. Well, we

admire your courage and we're

grateful for it, sir. Would

you do us the extreme honor?


you would pray for Canada.


And you would pray for God

to wake us up and to inspire

us to live lives that change

the world.

Let's pray. Father, we thank

you for this great country of

Canada. And, Father, we pray

not only for the people of

this great country, but,

Father, we pray for the church,

that the church would be

strong and that the church

would be standing for truth,

for your Word unashamedly.

And, Father, we know if anyone

confesses their sin and repents

and by faith believes on the

name of your Son Jesus Christ,

invites Him into their heart,

that you will hear from heaven

and forgive their sins and heal

their hearts and give them

eternal life. Father, I pray

that we'll be faithful to you

in everything that we say and

do, and it's in Jesus' name

we pray. Amen.

Amen. I'm so honored.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you.


Laura-Lynn, what a powerful

time we've had.

It really has been, and it

always is, Brian. You know,

I hear over and over from

people that they love the

stories. You know, these

stories are meant to inspire

us, to know that, you know,

if God is not a respecter of

persons. If God will do a

miracle in someone else's

life, He will surely do it for

us, and we can trust Him.

And that's why we're here.

And our latest premium and

gift to you is called Miracles.

This DVD contains stories

of real people who came face-

to-face with the power of God

and they experienced miracles

in their own lives.

Become a monthly 700 Club

Canada partner for twenty

dollars a month.

We want you to experience

God's power in your life.

And that power is working

through not only your prayer

requests but also your praise

reports and our Instagram

question. You ready for the

question? Because we love

hearing from you on social

media. So log onto Facebook

or Instagram at 700ClubCanada

and post your answer to the


So the next question is

have you experienced a


We'll share your response

in a later program.

Wouldn't that be fun?


To hear everybody, all that

they have to say.

I'm looking forward to that.

might even wade in

on that myself. What about


Yes, cause you've had plenty

of miracles.

Oh, yes.

Okay. I'll be looking for

your response then, Brian.

Well, I'm looking for yours

as well. And we want to leave

you with a power verse as well.

Stand on the Word of God.

It's the unshakable Word of

God. And this is what the

Bible says.

Every good and perfect gift

is from above, coming down from

the Father of the heavenly

lights. He does not change

like shifting shadows.

James 1:17.

I'm getting excited just

hearing it. Until next time.

God bless.

God bless you. Take care.


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