CBN concludes it's special Week of Prayer service on April 28, 2017 with Pat Robertson the founder and chairman of CBN, the founder of Regent University, Operation Blessing, the ACLJ, and several other organizations.
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Let's praise Him today.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Father.
Lord, visit us today.
May the anointing of your
Holy Spirit rest upon us.
We bless you and praise you.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Be seated.
This has been our week of
prayers, but a wonderful week.
I was told two days ago that our
response, our calls, our prayer
requests are 70%
up above last year.
Right now, about
106,000 people have
asked for prayer in various
forms that we've seen.
People want to find God.
They want to find the
power of the Holy Spirit.
This is a special day.
And I want to comment
on that, and I
want to talk a little
bit about the word, too.
But I was talking to my
dear wife, who, I might add,
is answering to prayer.
She was striding along with
the physical therapist today.
She's getting up out and
walking and recovering.
And prayers are being answered.
Thank, God.
Well, she's sitting
there, and I said, honey,
we got the 29th of
April, and that's the--
they landed in 1607.
How many years has it been?
So I don't know.
Let's figure, OK, how many
years has it been when it's--
you know, this is 1960.
What is it, 2067?
See, I'm going to
lose track of time.
Well, we went from 1607,
April the 29th until now.
That's about 410 years--
or 610.
Give me-- somebody tell me.
Give me some math.
I said 410.
I was right.
I get confused.
I'm sorry.
410 years since the
spiritual start of America.
Those people came
off a boat, and they
landed at a place
called Cape Henry, which
is just up the road from
here in Virginia Beach.
And they brought with
them a wooden cross.
And they knelt in the
sand around that cross,
and they claimed this
land for the glory of God
and for His son, Jesus Christ.
And I want to declare again--
tomorrow is the official
day, but today I
want to declare that
this country belongs
to Jesus Christ.
It is his.
He has first claim on it.
And we are following
the footsteps
of those who came to claim it.
And some years ago, the
interior ministry put up--
we don't have an
interior ministry.
What-- department.
Of the interior department
put up a plaque out there
that said, Act 1, Scene 1 of
the unfolding drama that became
the United States of America.
And that's when it
had Act 1, Scene 1
was a prayer meeting
around the cross
on the shore of
the Atlantic Ocean
just a few miles from here.
And we at CBN, some years
ago reenacted that ceremony.
And then we had a cross.
And it was empty, and
we put microfiche copies
of our partners
at the time in it.
And then I prayed, and I asked
for the anointing to come.
And I've had times where
the anointing of God
has been extraordinarily strong.
And we've seen an extraordinary
amount of miracles.
But to my memory, that's
the most powerful anointing
of the Lord I ever had.
God's word came upon
me so much, it was
almost impossible to stand up.
Because God was transferring
that anointing that was there
to what's here right now.
And we are the
fulfillment of the prayer,
of those people who said, from
these shores may the gospel go
forth all over the world.
And just, I mean, magnify
your calling, folks.
Magnify your calling.
You are heirs of
a great tradition.
And we are responsible
for that flame that
was lit in those early days.
And you know, the amazing
thing about that--
there's a guy that
you've never heard about
or you seldom hear about
unless we talk about it here.
His name was Richard Hakluyt.
It's a weird name and it's
a hard name to pronounce.
But he's this English preacher,
and the Lord visited him.
And he said, you
know, I want to win
the heathen of North America.
Well, there wasn't
anything going on much
to North America except
a bunch of heathen.
And he said, we've got to
go over there and colonize
and reach those
people for the Lord.
And yeah, Richard, sure Buddy.
You know, we're going to go
evangelize North America.
Yeah, OK.
But he was indefatigable.
And he traveled
all over England,
talking about reaching
the lost on this Atlantic,
over in North America.
Finally, he was able to
get together six or seven
people who believed
like he did, and they
formed something
called, I believe,
the Virginia Corporation.
And they were able to finagle
a meeting with the King.
And they said, your Majesty, we
want to evangelize the heathen
over in North America.
Would you give us
a grant of land?
And the King says, well,
how much do you want?
Now, listen, when you ask
from God, ask largely.
Ask largely.
You know, a few years ago,
we had three lifetime prayer
requests of people who asked to
put into our chapel, into our--
whatever it is--
thing that we had
under the cross in our chapel.
And lifetime prayer requests.
You know, I want to pray that
my headache will get healed.
No, no, no.
You don't-- you're missing it.
I need $200 to pay
the electric bill.
No, that's not it.
You know, ask largely.
Isn't that what the
Bible says, 8 Psalm 81.
Open your mouth wide
and I will fill it.
Open your mouth wide.
Not keep [INAUDIBLE].
Open your mouth wide.
Well, Hakluyt and his
buddies went before the King
with an amazing request.
And they said, here's
the land we want.
And they delineated--
they called it Virginia.
But it was from the
border of Canada
all the way down to the line
of what's now South Carolina,
and from the Atlantic
coast all the way
over to the Mississippi.
We'll have that hunk of land.
It's OK, it's yours.
That was Virginia.
And some of our sisters
in West Virginia and Ohio
and all those kind of
states, don't realize
they used to be part of us.
We say that humbly.
My father used to tell a joke.
This son was at dinner,
and he asked this man,
where are you from?
And the father said, son, no.
And he said, why not?
He said, if he's from
Virginia, he'll tell you.
And if he isn't,
don't embarrass him.
So-- well, the Virginia
Company had most
of what is now North America.
That was their grant to
evangelize the nation.
And then Hakluyt went
about raising the money
to send this small
group of people
over in this little boat--
three little boats, actually.
And they landed on the shore,
and they knelt in prayer.
And so we commemorate
that again, 410 years.
The signing of the
Constitution was important.
And everybody said, well,
that's when America started.
Declaration of Independence,
July the 4th, that was nice.
But the time it started was
when they knelt on the shore
and they said, this
land belongs to Jesus.
So why don't we join hands
right now and commemorate that?
And while we're
praying, let's pray
that their vision will be
fulfilled in this nation.
And pray for this land.
Father, we come
before you right now.
And we ask for the special
anointing of your Holy Spirit.
And we pray for America.
We thank you, and once
again, we reassert your claim
on the United States of America.
This land belongs to you.
And the enemy may have tried
to take it away from you,
but we're not going
to give it to him.
In the name of
Jesus, we once again
proclaim the sovereignty of God
Almighty over the United States
of America.
It's your country.
It was dedicated to you, and
we assert that once again.
And Lord, we pray
right now for revival.
We ask, Lord, in the name of
Jesus that all over this land,
there might be a
stirring of your spirit.
There might be a quickening,
that people might come back
to that original vision.
Lord, they had a
vision of Godliness.
They had a vision of
reaching people for the lost.
They had a vision
of a New England,
of a city set on a hill.
They had a vision of the God--
of glory and the God of the
Bible being Lord of this land.
Lord, we ask you, come and
reassert your authority
over this land, and bring
your people in conformity
with your law, your
decrees, your desire,
and may we be the
people of your planting,
that you will be pleased
with us as a nation.
And Lord, take away the sin.
Take away the blasphemy.
Take away the evil
that just stirs
in the hearts of all of us.
And may we all serve
you with a joyful heart.
In Jesus' name, we declare
once again, America
belongs to Jesus.
Thank you, Lord.
Praise God.
All right.
I want to share with you.
I know you probably get a
little tired of my taking
up these weighty questions.
But when you read
the words of Jesus,
you know, he said, I
came from the Father.
He did?
Well, how did he get here?
And how-- I am reading in
John, and he's praying.
And he said-- he's
talking to the Father--
I have revealed you to
those whom you gave me out
of the world.
They were yours.
You gave them to me, and
they have obeyed your word.
Now they know that
everything you
have given me comes from you.
For I gave them the
words you gave me,
and they accepted them.
They knew with certainty
that I came from you.
And they believe
that you sent me.
And then he goes on to
say, I'm coming to you now,
but I say these things while
I'm still in the world.
Now, did Jesus fly
in on a space ship?
How'd he get here?
Did you ever think about that?
I mean, he says, I
came from the Father.
And I carry these
words from the Father.
Well, how'd he get them?
According to what
the Bible tells us,
there was the seed
of God implanted
into an egg of a young
virgin whose name was Mary.
And she got pregnant with that.
And the baby grew in
her womb, and then she
had a baby at the normal
time after nine months.
And he grew up as a young man
and showed forth great promise.
And before long, when he
was about 12 years old,
he said, don't you
understand, I've
got to be in my Father's house.
And he was teaching and
speaking to the rabbis
and the learned
teachers of the law,
and he astounded
them with his wisdom.
But now he's talking and
he's getting ready to leave,
and he's got his disciples
gathered around him.
And he said, I came
from the father,
and I had with him some
words that he gave me.
Now I'm going back
to the father.
And all the time he lived, he
was conscious of the fact--
at least after the
time he turned 30,
and the Holy Spirit
came on him with power--
he was conscious of the fact
that he was the Son of God.
And he told them,
he said, the time
will come when you
see the son of man
coming in the clouds
of glory and sitting
at the right hand of the power.
And of course,
that was the thing,
they said, well, you better
kill him for saying that.
That just too much.
But how did he
know these things?
And how did it take-- but
I came from the Father
and I brought words with me.
That teeny sperm,
little teeny thing,
that's where he got the
repository of all these words.
You see the movie
about Superman,
it's really the Bible story.
You know, it's the same thing.
I mean, they picked up
the Jesus narrative,
and they made a movie out of it
about some supernatural person
who came and had
all this strength.
But Jesus came from the Father.
And the thing is, I was reading
about what they did to him.
He's a supernatural being.
He's come from another world.
He came from the Father
who created everything.
And according to the Bible,
he is the agent of creation.
All things were created by him.
And without him, there was
nothing made that was made.
He created it all.
And yet, he came in
the midst of that,
and he took on the
form of a human being,
was made in the flesh.
And that little teeny-- that
little teeny, teeny thing,
little sperms, little
tiny thing, and that's
how God came into the world.
It's amazing.
He could have come down
with a bunch of angels.
He could have had
a big explosion
in which apparently he did
when he started the universe.
They call it the big bang.
I mean, big, big, big blow off.
But it was just this
tiny little thing
quietly came into our midst and
became a man lived among us.
But when he dealt with the
people, they hated him.
And they turned
their backs on him.
And they reviled him,
and they spit on him.
And they pulled his beard out.
And they claimed that
he was illegitimate.
We weren't born of fornication.
We were Abraham's children.
They claimed he was
an illegitimate kid.
That's what they did
to the Son of God.
And then they took him and
they stripped him of his robe,
and lashed him, beat him
with a cat of nine tails.
His back was bloody
and bleeding.
And then they hung
him on a cross
and drove nails into his hands
and feet, and spit on him
and mocked him and
hit him with sticks.
This is the Son of God.
And he had to endure all that.
And he knew-- see, he knew
he'd come from the Father.
He knew he was
going to the Father.
But he knew he had to give his
life because of you and me.
He saw us here.
He saw us sitting in this room.
And he gave his life so that
you and I might live forever.
You know?
You remember that song,
you know, he took it all.
He took the fall for me.
He did.
He took it for us.
And he didn't have to.
He voluntarily did it.
He voluntarily submitted in
the Garden of Gethsemane.
He was agonizing
because he realized what
was coming up ahead of him.
He knew exactly what
was going to happen.
He knew, first of all, he
was going to get beaten.
He knew that he was
going to get despised.
But he also knew
that he was going
to have to bear the burden of
the sin of every single one
of us and every stinking
dictator and monster that's
ever lived in the world.
He was going to have to
absorb all that into himself.
And he sweat drops of blood.
And he cried out to
the Father, Father,
if there's any possibility,
let this cup pass.
You know, he's just saying, OK,
I've been up there with you.
I know what it's like.
But you've got
all this resource.
Would you go back and check all
the files and all the decrees
and everything in
heaven and in earth,
and see if there's
not some one way out
of doing this a different way?
And the Father said, son,
you know, this is the plan.
This is the only way.
I have to die.
My son has to die.
Because we created
man in our image,
and we've got to die to
pay the price for sin.
Either that or I'll destroy all
the human beings on the earth.
That was the choice.
God either had to redeem mankind
or he had to destroy mankind.
This rebellion had
gone on long enough.
And he finally
said, OK, I'm ready.
He prayed that three times.
And then he was ready
to go to the cross.
The decision was
made in Gethsemane.
It wasn't made on Calvary.
He made the decision
to die for you and me.
But he knew who he was.
He knew he'd come
from the Father.
He's the Creator.
He made us all.
We're made in his image.
And yet, he died for us.
But the good news
is he rose again.
And so the celebration we
have is for a risen Savior.
And we know that he's
got-- he said, now,
I'm going to the Father.
And you'll be a
little sad, but I'm
going to prepare a place for
you because where I'm going,
nobody can come right now.
But then you'll be with me.
And in my father's house
there are many, many rooms.
There are many, many resting
places where you can go,
and I'm going to
make a place for you.
There's going to be plenty
of room in heaven for you.
And I want you to
know right now today
that there's plenty of room--
there's room at the cross
for you, that song we sang,
but there's plenty of
room for everyone of us.
There's room for
us at the cross.
And he said, there's room
in my father's house.
I'm going to make
a place for you.
And I'll come again.
Even as I go, I'm coming again.
But next time he's not
coming in a little sperm.
He's not coming as a
weak carpenter's son.
He's not coming as
a suffering servant.
He's coming as a King,
regal in glory with power
and might, To destroy the
destroyers of the earth,
and to establish his
reign over all the earth.
And the Bible says, he
will reign forever and ever
and ever and ever.
World without end.
And we will be part
of his kingdom.
And we will spend our
time praising the Lord
and worshipping him.
And he'll smile on us.
And he'll look upon us
and say, I love you.
I've given myself
for you, and now you
are the precious redeemed.
You are the redeemed
of the Lord.
Praise God.
It's coming.
It's coming.
And all the stuff that goes
on in the world, good and bad,
whatever happens doesn't matter.
God's got it under control.
He's got it under control.
And he'll take care of history
and make everything right.
And I love that Romans 8:28.
In the Greek, it
says, God shapes
every circumstance for
good to them who love him,
to those who are called
according to his purpose.
He's going to shape in all for
you and me because he loves us.
He's coming again.
He said, I'm going
to the Father now.
Father, I'm coming to you,
but I'm going to come by--
keep these that I have brought.
They are mine.
I don't want to
lose any of them.
I don't lose one.
I don't want to lose one.
I'm not going to lose one.
They're my sheep.
I've given my life for them.
They belong to me.
I'm not going to
lose any of them.
So you are His.
You're in His hand.
And, you know, I
get these calls,
these letters from
people who say,
well I had sex out of marriage,
and am I going to go to hell?
Or I said a curse word
in a moment of anger.
You reckon I'm
going to go to hell?
The answer is no.
You're going to heaven.
God's got his hand on you.
You gave your heart to Jesus and
he's going to forgive your sin.
All sins and blasphemies
will be forgiven out
of the sons of man.
That's what he says.
So right now, we ought to pray.
We ought to believe God.
We ought to stand
in the presence
of the Holy One of God.
We have access to
the throne of grace.
We are the children
of the living God.
And the one who died has
risen again, and we are his
and he is in us, and we are
at him and he's in the Father
and the Father is in us.
And we're all part of
his heavenly kingdom.
So right there, let's
just hold before the Lord
these prayer requests.
Father, Father, just like Jesus
pray, we come before the father
right now, and we
ask for healing.
We ask for deliverance.
We ask for blessing.
Lord, lift the burden, the fear,
the curses upon these people.
And may they know peace and
joy and happiness and healing
and prosperity.
And Lord, for everyone
in this room right now,
may the anointing of the
Holy Spirit rest upon them.
May the touch of
God be upon them.
In the name of Jesus,
receive his anointing.
And may his blessing
be upon you.
We take away every
single troubled thought.
Financial burdens, taken away.
Physical problems, taken away.
Family problems, taken away.
The joy of the
Lord, your strength.
From this moment on, you shall
know the joy of the Lord.
Praise God Almighty.
And as he taught us
to pray, may the Lord
bless you and keep you.
May the Lord cause his
face to shine upon you
and be gracious under you.
May the Lord lift up
his countenance upon you
and give you his peace.
In Jesus' name, Amen.