CBN's special Week of Prayer service from April 26, 2017 with author Christy Wimber.
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We magnify the Lord
Bless the name of Jesus.
We please the Lord when
we come to Him in prayer.
This is the activation
part of the service,
when we pray to Jesus.
The Lord loves for us to
bring these things to Him.
Just express-- as
Dr. Robertson wrote--
"I'm asking you to
take a step of faith
and write down your prayer
requests on this card.
Mail it back to us.
Let this be your declaration
to God that you're trusting
Him to answer your prayer."
You have prayer
requests in your hand.
Please take ahold
of those right now.
This is a person's declaration
of their trust in God.
It's like, written on your
money, "in God we trust."
Listen to this.
"My uncle was in a terrible
automobile accident.
Rehab needs a miracle."
"My family relationships,
my community."
"My son Mark is
coming out of prison
after being locked up for many
years at 40 years of age."
I thought, Jesus was in prison.
He visited Mark.
If you have requests,
look at them.
Drugs, salvation, diabetes--
all of these things.
Either our God is
bigger, or he's not.
And after we've been entrusted
with tens of thousands
in handwriting--
almost 40,000 now-- all
the e-mails, the calls--
tens of thousands-- would
you put your trust in God
with what these
people have done?
I can't hear you.
Let's pray.
Father, thank you,
in the name of Jesus,
that we have audience.
We thank you that
you're greater.
The Greater One is here.
In your waiting, you
said, "Come to me, those
that are heavy, laden, weary."
You said, "God is present
in time of trouble."
We hold these before you.
We ask for the miracle
working power of Jesus--
the glory of your mind, God--
to order all of
these situations,
that the name of Jesus
would be magnified.
The exalted-- the gift of faith,
Lord-- as we pray, none of this
is too big for you,
or too complex.
We believe you, Lord.
And with these
precious partners,
this is our confession.
Your greater, Lord, do a mighty
work, for it's in Jesus' name
that we make our prayer.
You may be seated.
You may be seated.
At this time, I just want
to tell you a little bit
about our speaker for today.
I remember the first time
I ever heard her speak.
She talked about being
naturally supernatural.
And I remember it really,
really messed me up
in the best of ways to
think about the necessity
of the supernatural
in everyday life.
Christy Wimber is an author,
a teacher, and a leader
within The Vineyard Movement.
She's traveled the
world extensively
for the last 25 years
speaking into the church
on a variety of topics, as her
passion is to love, encourage,
and equip the church.
She's taking on encouraging the
church in how to love and serve
those struggling and/or caring
for those with mental health
issues, as well as
helping the church empower
women in leadership
in the local church.
Formerly with Vineyard
Music, Christy
planted the Vineyard
Church in 2006
in Yorba Linda, California,
and is currently
working with Vineyard US in
the area of church planting.
She resides with
her husband Sean
in Yorba Linda, where they
have two children and one
Please give a warm
welcome to Christy Wimber.
Thank you.
Good morning.
Or good afternoon,
actually, isn't it, now?
Time just flies when I'm here.
How's everybody doing?
Worship was wonderful.
Pleasant surprise.
I always love it.
I love to worship, actually.
I love to worship all the time.
But when I'm about to preach,
man, worship doesn't happen.
I don't usually happen.
So it's good.
It's good that we had
a time of worship.
This is a huge privilege
for me to be here.
I actually haven't been
in this chapel before.
So I hear this is a new
thing in the last few years.
Is that right?
So good.
No strikes yet.
It's quite lovely, actually.
You're really blessed.
You're really blessed.
So this is good.
I feel like this is a
bit of a reunion for me,
seeing lots of people
I love, and just seeing
how God is continuing
to advance His kingdom
in all kinds of different ways.
So I love seeing my
friends around the world,
and just seeing how
they've continued on
with what they feel like
God's asked them to do,
and what God's called them to.
And just seeing it continue
in so many different ways here
is just really fantastic.
So lovely to be here with you.
My hope is to
encourage you a bit.
I was praying for you.
Before I go somewhere, I
tend to ask the Lord, "Lord,
what do you want me to
say for these people?
What is it that you want
me to encourage them in?"
And I really felt
like the Lord wanted
me to talk about some things
of just encouraging you how
God wastes nothing in our life.
And I think it's a great
reminder for us that,
no matter what we go through,
no matter what we encounter--
whether it be good,
whether it be difficult,
whether it be suffering--
no matter what it is--
that at the end of the
day, God has the last word.
That God always has the
last word over our lives.
God always has the last
word over our families.
God always has the
last word over anything
that we're walking through.
And I think it's a
really important reminder
that in that, it's
not just surviving
and it's not just getting
to the next thing.
But God has this ability
to cause everything
in our life to work for
some good, for some purpose.
He wastes nothing.
God is very economical.
He's very economical and
it's one of the things
that I love about Him.
I want to talk out of
James a little bit, just
the first chapter.
I'm just going to jump around
here in the first chapter
just a little bit.
Because I want to encourage
us, in this journey--
in this transformation--
this is one of the things
that the Lord's really
been talking to me
about the last several
years-- is the importance
of transformation, living a
transformed life, saying yes
to God along the journey.
And how many know?
Every time you go
before the Lord,
He'll show you something else.
And there's always
something to work on.
Like, one of the
best prayers to pray
is, "God, what's wrong with me?"
Because he'll be faithful.
He's faithful.
He'll show you.
But God desires to transform
us, and to transform
every area of our life.
And oftentimes,
God uses the things
that we would never pick--
people that we
would never choose--
in circumstances
that we would we
would never want to
encounter, in order
to grow us in ways that we
wouldn't grow otherwise.
And so in James here, this
is a really good, I think,
short picture of what it
looks like to perseverance,
especially in trials, especially
in temptation, especially
in suffering.
James is one that had
authority in this.
I mean, lived his
life for Christ.
He was martyred for Christ.
It's said that when James died,
that he was put at the top
of the temple-- he was
known for praying--
he was placed at the top of the
temple, pushed off the temple,
and survived.
And at the bottom of
the temple, he got up--
they called him "camel
knees," actually,
because he was a man of prayer--
and that he got on
his knees and he
began to pray for those who
were trying to murder him.
So he has authority.
There's something about
when you actually persevere,
and you live what
you talk about,
you have an authority in it.
And so James has
an authority when
he's speaking to us about
this power of even persevering
through trials, and
through temptation.
And really, if you want to
jump down, chapter one here
of James, just to give you a
bit of context, at the end here,
it says this.
"Do not be deceived,
my brothers.
For every good and perfect
gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of
heavenly light, who does not
change like shifting shadows.
He chose to give us birth
through the word of truth,
that we might be kind
of first fruits for all
that He has created."
So this is sort of a
promise at the end.
And I want to start with that.
Because I think
it's very important.
Because the truth
is, we won't trust
and we won't lean
into somebody that we
don't know has our back--
that we don't know
is solid-- that we
don't know is trustworthy.
So the promise here that James
gives us in verse 16 and 18
here, he talks about
that God does not waver.
He's so solid.
Like, God is not shakable.
And we need to know that.
We need to know that
for our own lives.
We need to know that as the
world around us shakes--
how many know the
world is shaking?
The world is fractured.
The world will shake even more.
But our God is unshakable.
So to rest in that truth is
what gives us the ability
to trust that truth.
God will not waver.
He does not change.
He is so consistent.
And he is so faithful.
It's just not in Him.
It's not who He is.
God wavering-- it's
just not who He is.
And so sometimes, it's hard
to wrap our minds around that,
because we change all the time.
And we change on how we feel,
or what's happening in our life,
or whatever season that
we're walking through.
But God is never changing.
He is so consistent.
So it's impossible.
It's impossible, really, to
look at the world around us.
It's impossible to look at even
things that we in our own lives
walk through, and
not get shaken a bit.
There's just no way you
can turn on the news
these days in any form
and not be shaken.
Because it is screaming--
really, honestly, Romans
8, the Earth is groaning.
All creation is groaning.
And the groaning will
get louder and louder.
And the shaking will happen.
So it's impossible not to
be shaked on some level.
So the confidence that
we have, no matter
what we're walking in, is
that God is so faithful,
that God is so continuous,
that God is never wavering.
No matter how much we
shake, nothing shakes God.
That's a great promise.
And it's a great
reminder for us.
The second thing that
James reminds us of
is that every gift
that God gives us-- he
is such a gift-giving God.
So I love this,
actually, because he's
talking about trials.
He's talking about temptations.
He's talking about
difficult things
that we have to make the
choice to persevere through.
But in that, he talks about the
promise of God not wavering.
But in that, God
actually gives us gifts.
Like, it's a picture of
our gift-giving God--
who's all provisional,
by the way.
He is the great provider.
That's not just for money.
He loves to be provisional.
He always provides for vision.
He's pro vision.
That's how you
know whether or not
your vision is from the Lord,
is that he provides for it.
And one of the ways
that God provides for us
is that He places inside
of us different gifts.
He gives us different things.
Whether it be in the spiritual,
whether it be in the natural,
God loves to give
gifts to his children.
There's nothing that
we have that is not
a byproduct of God's hand.
And so God will put
things inside of you.
God will bless you
with different things.
The Kingdom of God is
really about stewardship.
Your ability to
steward the gifts
that God gives to you today
will determine what you
get to steward down the road.
So lots of times, I hear people
talk about spiritual gifts.
I love spiritual gifts.
Of course, we want to be gifted.
We want to be favored, right?
But how many know, with favor
requires more responsibility?
The gifts that God gives to you
really say nothing about you.
They say everything about our
gift-giving, generous God.
Now, what you do with those
gifts is your gift back to God.
So God will anoint you,
and God will call you here.
God will put things
inside of you.
And God will give
you favor and things.
But your ability
to handle that well
is your gift back to your Lord.
And it shows the stewardess--
the faithfulness--
of, no matter what
season we go through,
we will be faithful with
what God has entrusted to us.
So we have to hold
onto that truth.
There's a reason why
James is giving us
this insight on why we need
to know that God never wavers,
but also that God gives us lots
of promises of gifts and things
that he puts inside of us.
It's not just a physical thing.
It's a spiritual thing.
It's an emotional gift.
There's all kinds of gifts
that God gives to us.
Now, this is the thing
I've found about God.
How many have found this?
God will speak something to you,
but maybe those gifts coming
about, or the promise
of what God has spoken,
there's a big difference
of the timing.
God will usually
speak something,
and then there's usually
quite a bit of problems--
quite a bit of
perseverance that,
actually, we have
to walk through
in order to get to the promise.
So the minute that God
speaks a promise to us,
we're to hold onto that thing.
Because we don't know when it's
actually going to come about.
You know that great scripture--
I see it all over the place.
It might be here somewhere.
So I need to be careful.
But you know that great
scripture in Jeremiah 29:11,
where it talks about, "For
I know the good plans that I
have for you, says the Lord.
Plans of hope,
and for a future."
And we usually stop there.
We stop.
I'll take that.
I'll take the hope and
I'll take the future.
Because we want that.
That is who God is, by the way.
That is who He is.
But when God spoke that word,
the people were in captivity.
And those people were in
captivity for another 70 years.
So sometimes, God will
encourage us in something,
but it coming about-- the
timing is so much different.
And that's why here,
James is talking
to us about
perseverance, and James
is talking to us about the
importance of holding on
to the truths of
what God has said.
Because we need to know
how to do this right.
So in verse one, he begins here,
where he says, "Consider it
pure joy--" I mean two, sorry--
"Consider it pure
joy, my brothers,
whenever you face
trials of many kinds,
because you know that
the testing of your faith
develops perseverance.
Perseverance must
finish its work in you
so that you may be mature and
complete, not lacking anything.
If any of you lacks
wisdom, he should
ask God who gives generously
to all without finding fault.
And it will be given to him.
But when he asks, he must
believe, and not doubt.
Because he who doubts is
like a wave of the sea,
blown and tossed by the wind.
That man should not think
he will receive anything
from the Lord, he is
a double-minded man,
unstable in all that he does
But the brother in
humble circumstances
ought to take pride
in his position.
But the one who is rich should
take pride in his low position,
because he will pass
like a wildflower.
For the sun rises with
the scorching heat
and withers the plant.
It blossoms, falls, and
His beauty is destroyed.
And in the same
way, the rich man
will fade away even while
he goes about his business."
Verse 12.
"Blessed is the man who
perseveres under trial,
because when he
has stood the test,
he will receive
the crown of life
that God has promised
to those who love him"
So I'm going to stop there,
because it really is just
the context of the
promises of what
God has given to us-- the
promise that this life is not
How many of you are glad
this life is not it?
We live way too temporary.
We are to live our life
in light of eternity.
And so this life goes so fast.
This life is just a breath.
And what James says here is, he
says, you need to count this.
You need to consider this.
Actually, it's an
accounting term.
So it's very important.
It's sort of like, count--
really consider your life.
See where you're at today.
It means to take stock of.
It means to consider
carefully-- investigate fully.
He's talking about
your life here.
Investigate your life.
Line up all the numbers.
Add them up.
What are the things
that we are to consider?
And James is saying, we
need to learn to consider
the facts about this--
about trials.
James does not say "if
trials come," James says,
"when they come."
So in life, it's not about
if hardship's going to come,
if pain is going to come.
It's just part of it.
How many know suffering's
in the New Testament?
I didn't put it there.
If I wrote it, I wouldn't
have put it in there.
You know what I mean?
But suffering is New Testament.
And so the real
question is, we need
to consider, what is my response
going to be in what I'm facing?
What is my response
going to be in trial?
What is my response going
to be when I'm tempted?
What is my response
going to be when
I have to walk through things
that I don't necessarily
want to walk through?
And that's why Paul
was so brilliant
talking about the
importance of justification,
but also sanctification--
that this is a journey--
that transformation
is a journey.
God doing stuff in
us is a journey.
It's lifelong--
growing up in Christ
before we grow old, right?
We want to mature, right?
We want to mature?
We want to look more like Jesus.
We want to know
more of who he is.
But we also want
to look like Him.
We want to act like Him.
But maturity is a choice.
Spiritual maturity is a choice.
It's not a given.
And it is not easy.
It's why we find so many
people that actually
have been to church
their whole life,
but they've never learned the
art of spiritual maturity.
They've never known the art
of true obedience to Jesus.
So this all comes
down to choice.
And I'm just going to tell
you, most of the choices
that we have in trial and
temptation and suffering,
and the things that we
would never, ever pick
are the things that sometimes,
God does His deepest
and His best work in us.
Things just happen
to us on a level
that wouldn't happen otherwise.
And one of the ways--
in fact, I think the mark of
the spiritual believer is love.
And under love, the
marks-- the earmarks,
the fruit of the
spirit, where we're
marked with the maturity
of Christ, which is really
patience and endurance
and all of those things
that God gives to us.
But it's the ability to
keep going no matter what
is happening in our life--
the ability to obey
God no matter what--
no matter the
opposition, no matter
the battle, no matter
the hardship, even
the good stuff--
even the success.
Because success takes a
lot of people out, as well.
No matter what is happening in
our life, that doesn't have us.
Jesus has us.
So what we face is not an
indicator of our response.
Because our response
has to come before we
encounter the hardship.
In other words, there has
to be a resign in you.
Paul talked about it I
have a great conviction.
I am convicted of my
relationship in Christ.
Therefore, I'm not
ashamed of the Gospel.
He was convicted before he
encountered the persecution.
You've got to know what
you're convicted of.
You've got to have your
yes towards Jesus now,
before you encounter
the things that you
hope or wish you never would
have to encounter or face
in your life.
Because many a time, we
wait until the last minute.
And a big part of even
working through perseverance
is that we make the
decision way in advance.
It's part of becoming mature.
Immature people are
often impatient.
Immature people, we want things.
And this is a part
of our culture.
This is a part of our society.
This is a part of our nation.
We love the immediate.
We want a quick fix.
We want to go through
a drive-through.
We want everything
to happen right away.
We don't want to
take the long road.
Who wants to take the long road?
Who wants to take the hard road?
We want to take
the easy way out.
And oftentimes,
spiritual immaturity
is when impatience is sort of
playing its role in our life,
or we're looking for a
way out rather than a way
through with the Lord.
And so it's very
important that we
ask God to fill us with
this gift of perseverance
to say yes to Him before
we encounter some hardship.
How many know God
actually doesn't work
in you without your consent?
You make the decision
on what you're
going to yield to the Lord.
He's not going to
work against you.
He gives us free
will for a reason.
So it's the security of our God.
He knows who he is.
He's not shaken by your choices.
But it's also the
lovingness of the Father
that he wants you to
yield to him because he
loves you that much.
He wants you to say
yes to Him, because he
knows that His plan
for you is better
than even your plan for you.
Here's a thing I hear
all the time, because--
well, just in all
kinds of different ways
where people are always
wanting to see God move right
away-- which, I love it.
I mean, who doesn't
love miracles?
We love miracles, right?
We love miracles.
When God moves, I love it.
I want to be there.
But at the end of the day,
we always want a miracle.
We just don't want
to live in the place
where we actually
need a miracle.
And what James is
saying to us here--
and this is what I believe--
I truly believe that
some of the best miracles
come in the hardest of times.
And sometimes, we exit too
early and we miss the greatness
of what God wants to do in us.
Because it's always in us
before it's through us.
And what James is encouraging
us in is this whole thing
of perseverance--
of pushing through--
because no matter
what, if we allow doubt
to be more to be
stronger than our faith,
then it usually
overpowers our yes to God.
We have to make a choice.
We're either going
to empower doubt,
or we're going to empower faith.
We're either going
to empower fear
or we're going to empower faith.
And James is saying,
don't even give doubt--
don't even give it any room.
Don't think about it.
Don't dream about it.
Don't have a
conversation with it.
Don't give it power
in your thinking.
Because how we think
is how we behave.
And if we empower
doubt, it really
can kill the faith that
God puts inside of us.
So yes, we will
encounter testing.
Yes, we will
encounter temptation.
Yes, we will have
trials of all kinds.
But it's producing something.
And this is the other promise.
This is what I love about Jesus.
He is so provisional.
He's doing something in us.
I'm just going to tell you
this about the Kingdom of God.
God's kingdom is
advancing, whether or not
we feel it or not.
Whether or not we feel it,
whether or not we see it,
God is at work.
And if you are given your yes
to God, He's at work in you.
And you may not feel it.
You may not see it.
You might be frustrated.
But I'm telling
you, God is at work.
And many times, again, the best
work that God is doing in us,
it's not the thing that
we're actually looking for.
It's stuff that He's
doing deep within us.
God is always at work.
This testing is
producing something.
And one of the things
that it's testing us in
and that it's producing
is because we're
getting tested by temptations.
We're getting tested
by trials translated.
I don't have time to
go into all of it.
But everything in
this translation-- it
covers everything.
So when the enemy
comes after you,
it basically covers how
the enemy comes after you.
He comes after your mind.
He comes after your body.
He comes after your spirit.
He comes after you in all
kinds of different ways,
throwing you into whatever you
can throw you in to take you
outside of God's best for you.
He's always trying to deter us.
He's always trying
to distract us.
But what's being tested in
us, it's not our neighbors.
It's not our boss.
It's not our school.
It's not actually
the people around us
that are being tested.
What's being tested
is our faith.
The faith that you have--
the yes that you
said to Jesus-- you
have to know the Jesus
that you said yes to.
Because the Jesus you
said yes to is the Jesus
you'll end up following.
And so what gets tested in
trial-- what gets tested when
you're tempted is your faith.
That's why the importance
of understanding that faith
is actually a gift.
And gifts we get
from God's spirit.
They get imparted to us.
That's why every day, we're
to get up and say, "Lord,
I need you to give
me faith today,
because I don't have faith.
I don't have faith
to face this today.
I need new faith every
day, new mercy every day."
God does it like this,
because we need it.
We need new faith every day.
We need new mercy every day.
Because that faith in us is
always going to get tested.
It's getting refined.
It's getting defined.
God's doing a deep work in us,
taking us into deeper things.
And many times we feel like
God is breaking us, when,
in fact, God is making us.
He's forming us to
become more like Himself.
And discipleship is not
for the faint of heart.
Dying for Jesus, saying yes to
Jesus, it's not always easy.
We have this illusion
that it's easy.
It is not easy.
Dying to self is
sometimes painful.
And following God in difficult
times is not always a feeling.
Sometimes, we're
just going out of it,
because we know
that God is bigger,
that we choose to believe--
in spite of what we see,
in spite of what we feel-- that
we just choose to believe God.
I saw this great
quote that said this.
Christians have bumper
stickers and catchphrases.
Believers have
creeds and promises.
Disciples have
scars and stories.
That's really true.
When people hide their scars
or their life, I'm like,
don't do that.
Because your scars
actually reveal
the depth of how you've
loved and how you've survived
and how you've come
out the other side.
And people will identify with
that more than anything else.
People don't identify
with our strengths.
They actually relate
to our humanity.
So don't hide your scars.
Don't hide your testimony.
Don't hide where
you feel like God
is taking you because
there's something in that.
The trials that you've been
in, the temptations that you've
overcome, that's
actually the testimony
to the people around us.
And how many know--
testimonies only
take place because of a test.
We only get great
testimonies because
of what we walk through.
So will the trials ever end?
Being the very pastoral
person than I am,
somebody came up to
me one time and said,
"I'm so tired of this battle.
I'm so tired.
I just feel like I'm
always in a battle.
When is this going to end?"
And I said, "When you're dead."
When you're dead, when
you're with Jesus--
but that's been very
pastoral, obviously.
It will end.
But I'll just tell you,
I really do believe this.
And we have to understand
that we're in a battle.
And we have to understand
that the kingdom is advancing.
We're either in a battle,
we're going out of a battle,
or about to go into a new one.
And so in that
process, God's refining
us and God's growing us.
And God is building our faith.
God is doing a deeper work.
It's very important.
1 Peter 4:12 says this.
"Don't be surprised
or shocked that you're
going through testing.
That is like walking
through fire.
Be glad for the chance to
suffer as Christ suffered.
It will prepare you for
even greater happiness
when he makes his
glorious return."
Suffering and hardships--
so important--
will do things in us that
don't happen when all is good.
Don't try to get through it.
I'll just tell you--
I think sometimes, we
pray away the very thing
that God wants to
use to grow us up.
The very things that we're
just trying to get out of,
or just trying to
get through, God
wants to use that
thing to change us.
So instead of trying
to get through it,
why don't you ask God to do
whatever he needs to do in you
so that you don't have
to be in that again--
so you don't have to be
in that season again?
It's part of it.
Oswald Chambers said
this about suffering.
He said, "Suffering is
the heritage of the bad,
of the repentant,
and the Son of God.
Each one ends in the cross.
The bad thief is crucified, the
repentant thief is crucified,
and the Son of God is crucified.
By these signs we know
the widespread heritage
of suffering."
We find it all through
the Scriptures.
We find where God allows his
saints to go through suffering.
God could have kept
Joseph out of jail,
Daniel out of the lion's
den, Jeremiah out of the pit,
Paul from being beaten
and shipwrecked.
I mean, just think
about all the things
that God could have rescued
all of these people from.
The three boys in
the fiery furnace--
he rescued them, but he
rescued them differently.
He allowed them to go in.
So many times, we think God is
just going to remove something.
But many times, God just
walks along side of us.
Someone asked C.S. Lewis at
one point about suffering.
They said, "Why is it that
the righteous have to suffer?"
C.S. Lewis said, "Why not?
They're the only ones
who can take it."
There is something deeper in
us of what we have-- a resolve,
a power--
a power-- a sustaining
power from Jesus Christ
to be able to walk
through whatever.
So God does permit things.
He does allow things.
But he doesn't cause things.
He allows things in
order to form us,
for us to become all that
we're supposed to be.
And that's why James mentions
the power of perseverance here.
Perseverance, in the
Greek, it's a combination,
where it comes from the
word [SPEAKING GREEK] which
means "under," and
which means "to
abide or to remain."
So it's basically "to
stay under a heavy load."
We find this many
times-- especially
those of you that are
in trial or suffering--
we find this promise of God
that if you would just stand.
Don't run away, is
basically the promise.
Just stay where you're at.
Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Don't allow the
pressure to define you.
But at all costs, do not
allow yourself to run away.
Because first of all, you
have no armor for your back.
So if you turn around,
you're a dead duck.
You know what I mean?
That pressure is a real thing.
Perseverance is a real thing.
It means to stay under.
It also means patient.
It means steadfastness.
The perseverance means that
God puts a steadfastness in us,
a perseverance and
an endurance in us,
but it also means a resilience.
So when you stand,
what's happening,
whether or not you feel it, is
God putting something deeper
in you that wasn't there before.
He is at work.
It is His promise.
So that's why he says, in James,
when he jumps down to verse 12,
where he talks about,
"Blessed is the man.
Favor on the man when
he or she has stood."
Standing is very
important to the Lord--
that you stand, and that
no matter what you're in,
that you make God your choice.
Make Him your choice now,
so that no matter what you
go through, it's always a yes.
Jesus has always got my yes.
It doesn't mean that
I like what I'm in.
It doesn't mean that
I'm really excited when
I'm having to walk through.
But I know this, because I've
been here too many times--
more than I wish.
I know this.
I know that God has this ability
to make amazing things come out
of the most difficult times.
And God has the ability to do
things in us when we thought
nothing would ever change.
It all comes in the yielding.
And it all comes in
the just standing.
But in the standing, it's
not just the perseverance
that James addresses.
He addresses the wisdom.
Don't just try to
get through it.
Turn towards the
Lord and say, "Lord,
can you give me wisdom in this?
Can you teach me?"
I'll just tell you this.
The Holy Spirit is
a teacher, which
means not everything
you go through,
you're actually growing from.
You have to allow God's
spirit to teach you.
So James is
basically saying, you
have to turn towards the Lord.
You have to ask the Holy
Spirit, "Can you actually
teach me what it is
that I need to learn?
Give me a wisdom in this.
Teach me your ways, Lord.
I need to have a wisdom
so that if I'm here again,
I'm actually learning something.
I'm actually growing
in this area."
It's not just about
getting through.
It's also growing up.
And it's gaining wisdom.
Wisdom is not wasting our lives
with things that we go through.
And I'll just say this, because
God never does waste anything.
And those of you that are
in difficulty, I would say,
don't allow the enemy to
steal or waste your pain.
Don't waste your pain.
Let God use that for
a greater purpose.
And in the meantime,
which is a great promise--
a great promise of focus--
Wesley said this in 1788 when
he was preaching in London,
just about keeping
our focus on the Lord.
He said this.
He said, "Labor to have
God in all your thoughts,
to have eternity in your eye.
Look continually not at
the things that are seen,
but at the things
which are not not seen.
Let your hearts be fixed
there, where Christ sitteth
at the right hand of God,
that whensoever he calls you,
an entrance may be ministered
unto you abundantly
into His everlasting kingdom."
Keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Nothing in our life is
meant to go to a waste.
Nothing in our life is
just a byproduct of life.
God is fully aware.
God is fully with us.
And many times, we just need to
ask God to give us the power--
the persevering power
to endure wherever
we're at-- and at
the same time, asking
God to fill us with
wisdom so we're
learning from whatever we're in.
Why don't you stand?
I'm going to pray for you.
I'm just telling you.
I'm not even asking you.
I'm just saying I am
going to pray for you.
But I actually
would like it if you
put your hand over your heart.
I just do this I think
it's very important.
The enemy is a thief.
And he loves to steal
God's word from within us.
And many times, God will
speak something to us,
and the Lord will remind
us a few weeks later.
And we've got to hide God's
word deep inside of us.
And so let's just pray together.
Lord, we thank you
for your word today.
We thank you for the
power of your word.
We thank you, Lord, how
your word sharpens us.
We thanks you, Lord, how
your word challenges us.
We thank you, Lord, how
your word encourages us
in lots of different ways.
And Lord, we also
want to thank you
for the promises
of your word, Lord.
We want to consider your word.
We want to take an inventory,
Lord, of the things
that you've spoken to us.
And, Lord, I ask, Lord,
that the promise, Lord--
that the persevering
promise of your presence--
would be with us, Lord.
The enduring power
of your promise
would be sealed over
our heart again today.
Lord, that you are so faithful.
Lord, you are the one
who never leaves us.
You never abandon us, Lord.
You are Emmanuel.
And no matter what we walk
in, Lord, you are so present.
And Lord, I thank
you for that truth.
I pray, Lord, that you seal that
truth over us today no matter
what we're facing, no
matter what we feel,
no matter what we see,
that you are in control,
that you're fully aware,
and that your promise is
to be with us.
I just think it would
be really good--
those of you that
are in a situation--
Can I do this?
Those of you that
are in a situation
right now where I
can feel you're just
a bit tired, a bit weary--
you just feel like, "Man I don't
have any endurance right now,"
and just feel like
you're at sort
of the end of your robe
in some things-- plus,
I'm also feeling
some of you where
you're very frustrated
at where your life is.
It just has turned
out a bit different.
And you're kind of realizing
some things about saying yes
to the Lord and the
cost involved in that.
And I feel like we should
pray for you today,
So if that's you, can
you just come forward?
So can we do that?
Well, I already
did it, didn't I?
Let's pray for you.
I think it's really important
that, if you need prayer--
I'll just say this.
I say this in my
church every week--
if you need some ministry, get
it, because you'll regret it.
You'll just regret it.
Yeah, there's this woman here.
You have two sons.
One of your sons is not
walking with the Lord.
It's a very heavy
pressure on you--
very concerned for his
life and some of the things
that he's walking in right now.
I just feel like to pray for
you and just to encourage you
today, if that's you, just
to come forward for prayer.
And then I think,
do we just want to--
Jason, do you have
a ministry team--
people that can come up
and pray with us, as well?
Those of you that come and
pray, why don't you come
and pray for these--
encourage these people.
Just come alongside.
This is very important.
This is the body at work.
It's sort of,
sometimes you receive,
and sometimes you give.
But I probably need a little
bit more helpers to pray.
Yeah, Lord, so we just
thank you for your presence.
We ask, Lord, that you would
bless these people, Lord,
that came forward, Lord--
that you would give them
what they need, Lord.
You know what they need more
than anybody else, Lord.
So we ask right now, Lord, that
you would just give them hope.
Some of you need hope
in your circumstances.
I pray hope--
God's hope-- into you
right now, in Jesus' /
I pray, Lord, that
those that feel week--
somebody that's been
in lots of trials--
it just feels like it's ongoing,
and there's this weariness--
I pray, Lord, that your
strength would fill them, Lord.
You are the God
of strength, Lord.
You cause us to rise up, Lord.
You put a strength within us.
Lord, would you do that today?
Lord, would you give
strength to your people?
Lord, would you
remove the weariness?
Lord, you have this ability,
Lord, to lift things off
of us-- lift burdens off of us.
I pray, Lord, that you
would lift burdens off
of people today in Jesus' name.
I just need a couple more
women to pray over there.
Can I get that, actually?
That'd be great.
And I just want to pray
against discouragement.
I keep feeling this
deep discouragement.
So if you're
feeling discouraged,
I just pray-- just
pray right now.
You can actually just put
your hand over your heart.
Lord, I pray, Lord, that you
remove this discouragement,
Lord, where the enemy's causing
so much of their life to feel
like it's never changing.
Lord, I pray that you'd remove
this discouragement now.
In the name of Jesus
Christ, I break the power
of discouragement over their
hearts, over their minds,
over their bodies, and I pray,
Lord, that once again, Lord,
that you would fill
them with that hope.
And we just pray mercy.
I just ask for God's
mercy towards you.
God's mercy in you--
God so loves you.
He is so with you
God is so with you.
You need to know
God is so with you.
God is for you.
Some of you in your families and
what you're walking through--
I just pray God's presence
to be there with your family.
Some of you, you're the only
believer in your family.
And you've been
praying for years
for your family to get saved.
I just pray, Lord,
that you would, Lord,
move on their
family, Lord-- even
cross over the oceans, Lord.
Do what you need to do, Lord,
to reach those people for you.
Now, Lord, we bless
your presence, Lord.