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Well, we want
to take some time
to bring it on with
some of the questions
that you all have sent in.
And Pat, this first one comes
from, interestingly enough,
Grace who says, "My
mom says that I'm
at the age where I
know right from wrong
and that I need to ask
for forgiveness from God--
but I don't feel that way.
What do you think of this, Pat?"
We used to have a big
discussion in the Baptist
church about when
somebody reached
the age of accountability.
Until they reach that age, the
stuff they did was unknown.
If there is no law, you
don't understand the law,
and therefore you're not
accountable, you're not guilty.
So at what point is it?
Age six?
Age seven?
Age eight?
So Grace, I don't
know how old you are,
but if you're that
old, you're old enough,
if you're in your
teens absolutely.
But I don't think you need
to, at age five or six,
go into a big penance
and be [INAUDIBLE].
I don't think that
is appropriate.
But if the stuff that you're
doing that you know is wrong,
ask God to forgive you.
But you say you don't
feel like it, well maybe
you don't have any sense that
you've done something wrong.
That's what the occasion
of accountability is.
If there is no law,
there is no offense.
That's what the Bible says, OK.
This is Amy who says, "15
years ago, I attended a church
for a while and I was baptized.
But after so long, I
stopped attending church,
and I denied God.
Is it possible to come to
Christ again after I repent?"
Well, of course it is.
God is always
willing to receive.
We get these questions
over and over again,
because so many people know
the Lord, and they fall away.
But I don't know in your
case whether you really
were saved, whether you
really came to the Lord.
And I don't know.
I don't know enough about you.
But I do know this.
Whatever is going
on in your heart,
God will welcome you home.
It's like a child who's has
wandered away from his parents,
and has left the house.
Look at the prodigal son,
he wasted his substance
on riotous living,
but he came home,
and the father gave a
feast and welcomed him.
That's the description
of God Almighty.
He opens his arm and actually
runs to you to love you.
This is Eric Patrick who says,
"How can I get respected?
My brother and sister-in-law
moved into my mother's house
again for the third time
in the last five years.
They don't do chores, they leave
messes, and use me as a slave.
I'm tired of bailing
my brother out of jail.
He and his wife are
using my mother and me.
I lock myself in my room,
and know it's not healthy.
I want help."
Man, I need to
know more about you.
How old are you?
Are you a teenager,
are you an adult?
What is your status?
Your brother and sister-in-law
have moved into your mother's
house, and they've taken over.
I'll tell you, the
mother, if she wants to,
could get a court order,
a restraining order,
and throw those people
out, and they need to.
They're free loaders
and they're evil,
and they need to be
made accountable.
I don't know what
else to say, but I
don't know whether you have
the opportunity to do that.
You need to talk to your mother.
But you and your mother
need to be in agreement
that what these people
are doing is wrong.
All right.
This is Julianne who says, "The
Book of Revelation mentions
that there will be," quote, "'a
new heaven and a new earth.'
Who will live on the new
earth, or will people
be given a choice to live in
heaven or on the new earth?"
I think it'll all
be so wonderful,
you'll want to enjoy all of it.
The earth will be marvelous.
I was reading today,
and I remember
Speed Wilson, Colonel
Wilson, brought this up,
and he was absolutely right.
We think of the rapture as the
good people being taken out
of the earth, and
the earth being
left for all the bad people.
But that's not
what Jesus taught.
He said, in the latter day, the
angels will come, and take out
of my kingdom all
those that offend,
and cast them in
the outer darkness.
And then the righteous
will shine forth
as stars in the kingdom
of their father.
I think this earth that's set
up here is a pretty good place,
and God will renew it,
but, nevertheless, this
is going to be the place where
the righteous are going to be.
And you say, where we live,
I mean, we've got an
awful lot to learn
about the solar system, about
the universe we live in,
and I don't know it.
I'm asking for wisdom on
it, because it's so vast.
But you said, where
will you live?
You'll live in the
middle of God's kingdom,
and if you are part of the
chosen who accepted him,
it will be the most wonderful
thing you could ever imagine.