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CBN Helps Purify Water After Peru Floods

9-year-old Rocio and her mom and siblings were caught up in recent flooding where they live in northern Peru. CBN provided water purifiers that clean hundreds of gallons of water per hour. Read Transcript

REPORTER: For the past two months

almost constant rain has caused massive flooding

in Lima and northern Peru.

Nine-year-old [INAUDIBLE] home was swept away

in the swelling river.

TRANSLATOR: At first, the river overflowed.

I was afraid that my brothers and sisters

were going to drown.

REPORTER: [INAUDIBLE], her mom, and siblings

are living here in shelters assembled just last week.

About 400 families are struggling

to survive in this temporary refugee camp on higher ground.

A muddy pond below is their main source of water.

We learned that some people have been without clean drinking

water for up to three weeks.

TRANSLATOR: My mom walked to the road.

She asked a lot of people to give us water to drink.

We were so thirsty.

After a few days she came back with only one small bottle.

REPORTER: Meanwhile, the rains fell.

Mudslides and flooding made life miserable.

[INAUDIBLE] said she prayed.

TRANSLATOR: I asked God to keep the river

from overflowing again.

And God listened to me.

My brother, Manuel, and I were really thirsty.

And we asked God to send water.

REPORTER: Just one day after her prayer for water to drink,

CBN came to her community.

We set up water purifiers, which cleaned

hundreds of gallons of pond water in just a few hours.

A grateful Rocio and her brother satisfied their thirst.

TRANSLATOR: God heard me.

And he send me water to drink.

REPORTER: But the need for fresh water continues across Peru.

And CBN is trying to reach as many people as possible

in the coming weeks.


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