Read Transcript
We've got a few questions
before we say goodbye.
We do.
Let's bring it on.
This first one comes
from Carol, Pat,
who says, "My sister asked
me to go on a trip with her.
We'll be staying in a motel.
She just informed
me that we'll be
staying one night with her
son and his boyfriend, who
live in the area.
Is it wrong for
me to stay there?"
Now, wait a minute.
You're telling me the son is--
TERRY MEEUWSEN: It's her nephew.
--a homosexual.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Mm-hm, right.
He's a nephew?
It's her sister's son, mm-hm.
Sister's son, and he's
living with this guy,
and they're having a--
it's not just like
friends, but it's--
No, it's his
boyfriend, it says, yeah.
Is it wrong to stay there?
I think you would be crazy
to stay in that environment,
frankly, if you're a
dedicated Christian.
I think it will put you in
a compromising situation
that you don't want to be in.
That's awkward.
It's awkward.
Extremely awkward.
Your sister, yeah.
All right.
"Dear Pat, does God want us
to take care of ourselves
first, or put others first?
Well, let's see
what the Lord said.
"Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you."
And if you don't
love yourself, if you
don't have any kind
of self-esteem,
you have a real hard
time loving anybody else.
So I really think that
it isn't self-love
like you want to look
at yourself and say,
I'm just the greatest.
But if you don't have some
kind of self-esteem yourself,
you have a hard time
reaching out to others.
That's what the Bible says.
"Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you."
So, you know, if you don't
feel you are worth anything,
you won't do anything for them.
So that's the rule.
All right, next question.
Debbie wants to know
what you eat for breakfast.
Healthy baby, healthy.
No, I eat berries.
I have mixed berries
and I eat blueberries.
And I eat nuts.
I have mixed nuts,
which I like a lot.
And then I have either oatmeal--
you know, not cooked oatmeal.
I just stick to dry oatmeal.
You eat dry oatmeal?
Oh, you just mean you
put milk or something--
I put milk on it--
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh, thank you.
--or orange juice on it,
or water, or something--
I was going to start
whinnying if you--
No, I don't eat--
but I eat that, or maybe
some bran, Raisin Bran.
And that's very healthy.
But those nuts and
berries are the answer.
Microorganisms there
that are so good for you.
All right.
Micronutrients, I should say.
This is Lorraine.
She says, "Does God forgive
us of all our sins--
past, present, and future?
And can a Christian
reach the tipping point
of no return for a sin?"
If you are concerned
about things,
then you haven't reached
any tipping point.
And I really think
God will forgive
70 times 7, is what the Lord
said, over and over again.
He is so good.
He's so kind and so loving.
So the answer is, yes, God
will forgive us our sins.
But the Bible says
you're not supposed
to keep on-- if you've
been born again,
you do not continue in sin.
And if you keep on doing the
same thing over and over again,
you'd better question
whether or not
you've really been born again.
You've got to, you
know, sooner or later,
if you have been born
of the spirit of God,
you will start
living for the Lord
and you won't be
sinning all the time.
This is Richard, who says,
"Pat, my wife and I have been
saved for 39 years and always
tithe 10% of our gross income
as well as any financial
blessing to the Lord.
We are retired now and only
living on Social Security.
Does the Lord require tithing
10% on our Social Security
check, when we already tithed
on the gross income for 39 years
We want to do the right
thing before the Lord."
Well, look.
God isn't some
Philadelphia lawyer,
and He isn't some
New York banker.
He's not keeping score
of all that stuff.
But the answer is, you have
built up a substantial credit
with the Lord and
I think that He
would want you to live your
retirement years in peace.
And if you're happy giving a
part of your Social Security,
by all means, do it.
But we're not under obligation.
That's something for
the Old Testament.
We're to give out of the
heart as we love the Lord.
And so everything we
have belongs to Him,
and we keep what
He lets us keep.