United States Senate
Chaplain Barry Black
is our featured guest
today, and he comes to us
from nearly 30 years
of service in the Navy.
As a two star Admiral he was
the chief of all Navy chaplains,
the only African-American
to do so.
His academic career-- it's
simply too robust to list here,
but he earned master's degrees
in divinity, counseling,
and management.
His doctorates,
plural, were achieved
in ministry and psychology.
Chaplain Black became the 62nd
US Senate Chaplain in 2003.
And he weekly serves as a
pastor, a spiritual leader,
to 7,000 on Capitol Hill.
Seems like we could just pause
here and pray awhile when you
think about that, doesn't it?
Recently his ministry at the
2017 National Prayer Breakfast
drew bipartisan acclaim,
and I'm sure you saw that.
And today he and his
dear wife, Brenda,
have come to "The 700
Club" sharing wisdom
with Dr. Pat Robertson and
through our other media
Chaplain Black's latest
book is Nothing to Fear.
And that is just the way he
lives it, nothing to fear.
He's familiar here
at Regent University,
having preached here one day
outdoors-- right down here--
until the heavens opened
up, quite literally.
We want him and his dear
Brenda to feel the love
that we all intend.
Let's welcome the US Senate
Chaplain, Barry Black.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Praise the Lord.
Well anyone who preaches
with such ineptitude
that the heavens
weep we know you're
in for some trouble today.
Praise the Lord.
I'm going to ask
my beautiful wife,
Brenda, if she will stand
again so that folk can see you,
This is the kind
of beautiful woman
you can get if
you fast and pray.
This one-- can't just pray.
You got to fast and pray
to get a woman like that.
Praise the Lord.
I want to talk about
living for God's will.
And when I look out
at this audience,
particularly when
I see young people,
my heart is filled with
such passion and love
because you are privileged
to be the recipient
of a Christian education.
And I believe that
God is preparing you
right now to provide
prosperity to America.
He is equipping you to
be leaders and counselors
at the highest level.
And so I am feeling you,
literally feeling you,
and asking that the Holy Spirit
would use me to say something
from my experience that
will hopefully change
the trajectory of some life.
So that you can maximize
the possibilities God
has placed in you and
live, not for your desires,
but to literally--
this has been such an epiphany
for me in my sojourn--
live for God's will.
Now I don't know about you--
I won't even ask for
a show of hands, but--
has anyone here
ever run from God?
You know, OK.
All right.
Well, as I've said in
some of the interviews,
my mother became a Christian
when she was pregnant with me.
And one of the Bible
verses that was
used in the evangelistic
meeting was about Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 1:5, while you
were in your mother's womb,
I knew you and set you apart.
So as my mother,
fourth grade education,
daughter of a South
Carolina sharecropper,
was immersed in the
watery grave of baptism--
as we would say in my tradition,
in the watery grave of baptism,
she asked for a special
anointing on her unborn child.
And she never told me this
story until as a child,
I was showing
special inclinations
toward the spiritual,
which is not exactly
the norm in my family.
We do not have those
natural proclivities.
But I would gather
my older siblings--
I was number four--
together to play church.
I was, of course,
always the preacher.
A monosyllabic message-- my
favorite sermon was on sin.
It was called Dirt--
powerful word, by the way.
Dirt, dirt,dirt, dirt,
dirt,dirt, dirt, dirt,
dirt was the beginning of it.
And they had to say amen,
they had to lift holy hands.
They had-- you
know, they would--
so I knew the call of
God was on my life.
Now this may sound strange.
I used to hide in church.
We had a very large church,
a sanctuary larger than this.
Hide in church until the janitor
would leave and lock the door
because I actually felt, as
a child, even in the dark,
more at home in the House
of God than anywhere else.
I would kneel and pray,
that was the way it was.
But every preacher
I knew was po'.
I did not say poor.
They were po'.
They could not afford the O
and the R. They were po', OK?
And used cars, beat up,
the whole nine yards.
And you know, poverty
is an acquired taste.
I said, the devil is a liar, if
this is what being a preacher
is all about.
I'm headed for Tarshish.
I'm getting out of Dodge, OK?
All right.
In my freshman year
at a Christian college
in Huntsville, Alabama, I
changed my major five times.
Anything but go to
Nineveh, all right.
I am not going to be--
I know what God is thinking--
didn't want when I was young--
not firemen, not policemen.
I knew there was not a rival
in my affection for this.
And in my junior
year I finally was--
as C.S. Lewis said-- one of
the most reluctant converts.
I said, OK, God.
I will be a poor preacher.
I added the O and
R by that time.
And I felt something
in my spirit say,
who said anything about poor?
Now I did not know
the journey that God
was going to take me
over, but I knew that I
wanted to be in His will.
Because the will of God is
not always happy-go-lucky,
you know.
It was the will of God
that Paul and Silas
be in that jail at Philippi.
And that their praises would go
up until the blessings of God
and the power of the
anointing would come down,
and the warden would say,
what must I do to be saved?
It was the will of
God that Joseph would
get a free ticket to Egypt.
Remember that?
Those homicidal brothers of his?
Joseph looked like
the beautiful Rachel,
and they looked like Leah,
her cross-eyed sister.
And so here you
got somebody-- you
know Joseph had it going on.
Genesis chapter 37-- no Genesis
39 I think it is-- says,
and Joseph was handsome
and well built.
Now when the Holy Spirit gives
you too much information,
you had me at handsome, OK?
What is the Holy Ghost saying?
Now Barry, I want you
to read [INAUDIBLE].
"And Joseph was handsome."
And I said, OK Lord,
now let's move--
no, no, no, I'm
not finished yet.
"And he was well built."
And daddy's got the nerve to
give him a coat of many colors?
I mean, you're going
to give Denzel Armani?
I mean, what's going on here?
But it was the will of God.
Joseph said it was
the will of God.
Genesis 50:20, you
meant it for evil.
Oh, I feel something
pushing me now.
Somebody better come get me,
I'm trying to be dignified.
I know I'm the
chaplain of the Senate.
Praise God.
You meant it for evil, but God.
I was in the circle of his will.
And God takes my
stumbling blocks
and makes them stepping stones.
Oh yes he does.
So that a setback for someone
in the circle of God's will,
is really set up for a comeback.
Oh, I feel the Lord
in this place now.
Now we do not want--
let's be honest about it.
We do not always want
to live in God's will.
One of the first reasons
why we don't want to
is because of the 51st Psalm, we
are born in sin and shapen how?
In iniquity.
I tell people I
was a skillful liar
before I took a single
lesson, never had a lesson.
I was good at it.
Once I mauled a
coconut cake my mother
had prepared for
my father and she--
there were five of
us, so you don't know
who did it, praise the Lord.
And she called us
in and lined us up.
And we knew what that meant.
For in my home judgment
followed the evil deed,
as the shadow follows
the substance.
And my mother said, Beverly, did
you-- no ma'am, I didn't do it.
Gloria, did you do it?
No ma'am-- no.
Catherine, did you do it?
We go, no, no, no.
Barry, did you do it?
And of course I had
spiritual proclivity--
the devil is a liar!
Skillful liar and
never had a lesson.
So we are not naturally
drawn to the will of God.
Plato described the human
will as a charioteer
with two headstrong
horses, each pulling
in the opposite direction.
The poet cried out,
there's a little bit
of bad in the best of us
and a little bit of good
in the worst of us.
So it behooves
the best of us not
to talk about the rest of us.
And then there's a second
reason why we don't
want to live for God's will.
And that is because we
are too exterior focused.
Remember Samuel in 1 Samuel
16, going to the home of Jesse,
successor for King Saul.
Saul was probably
about 6'10", 6"11".
The Bible says he was head
and shoulders over all
of the people in Israel.
And when Eliab promenaded
before the prophet
he said to himself,
surely the Lord's anointed
is before me, let me get oil.
The Spirit of God said to
the prophet, never mind
how he looks.
You folk who are courting, you
better hear the preacher today.
Never mind how she looks.
Never mind how he looks.
The Lord sees not
as human beings see.
We are exterior-- we are
focused on the exterior.
God looks at the heart.
31St chapter of Proverb
says, charm is deceitful
and beauty won't last.
Help us Jesus.
But a woman who fears the
Lord will be greatly praised.
They get more
beautiful as time goes
by with that interior beauty.
In fact, your
redemptive possibilities
are actually in that
which you do not see.
The things that you
see are temporary.
The things that are
unseen are eternal.
In fact, even Jacob
discovered-- he
thought that Rachel was all
of that and a bag of chips.
But he discovered his
redemptive possibilities
in cross-eyed Leah.
You remember.
You got Beyonce
and Shanaynay, OK?
All right.
That's what it says
in the Aramaic.
You got to know these bibli--
Are you teaching them
biblical languages?
You got to know the
biblical languages, you see.
So you can't pull that out
without the biblical languages,
praise God.
What he discovers
in cross-eyed Leah--
Reuben-- Leah gives him
Reuben, Levi, and Judah,
out of whom comes Moses,
David, and Jesus Christ,
the Son of the living God.
You must learn, my friends.
You must learn to
appreciate interior beauty.
Now, God may bless you
like me and you get
the exterior and the interior.
Praise the Lord for that.
But major in interior
and minor in exterior.
Can you get that?
Can you write that down?
You need to know
that, all right.
And so, in the scripture
that I've chosen, 1 Peter 4.
If we can get that up.
I hope we can get
it up, otherwise
I'll have to pull
out my smartphone.
1 Peter 4, beginning
with verse 1.
There it is.
Oh, look at this.
I need to come here.
This is going to be my new
church home, praise the Lord.
So then, since Christ
suffered physical pain,
you and I must arm ourselves
with the same attitude he had,
and be ready to suffer too.
I don't hear a lot of people
volunteering to suffer.
For if you have suffered
physically for Christ--
hear it-- you have
finished with sin.
Now, we battle with sin.
But here, God is providing
us with a strategy.
You won't spend--
this is key-- you
won't spend the rest of your
lives chasing your own desires.
That's what we do.
We chase our own desires.
Freud, ID, ego, super ego.
But you will be anxious
to do the will of God.
God, am in your will?
You have had enough in the
past of the evil things
that godless people enjoy.
Been there, done
that, got the t-shirt.
Their immorality and lusts,
their feasting and drunkenness.
And when I was
coming up, you had
to work at getting into sin.
I mean, you really did.
And particularly at
a Christian school,
you had to labor long and hard
to find some transgression.
Now all you need
is a smartphone.
Which will bring the most
lurid pathology right up--
you are living in
tough times, my friend.
Immorality and lust, their
feasting and drunkenness,
and wild parties, and their
terrible worship of idols,
and we are still idolaters.
Of course, your
former friends are
surprised when you
no longer plunge
into the flood of wild and
destructive things they do.
So they slander you.
So let me drop this on you
and then I'm out of your way.
If you're going to
live for God's will,
first, make Jesus your
model in suffering.
Particularly, let me
add something that.
Make Jesus your model
in undeserved suffering.
I went to see The
Passion of the Christ.
I must be honest, I
thought it was over
after Pilate's beating.
I had to leave the theater.
I said, you've got
to be kidding me.
Had a young man call me on
Capitol Hill as I was preparing
this message-- you don't
want to call a preacher when
he's written up--
he's preparing a message and
is all in the Word of God--
Chaplain Black, something
terrible has happened.
But I said, wait a minute.
Before you tell me what
terrible has happened--
I'm all in 1 Peter.
I said, anybody driven
nails in your hands lately?
Well, well, well, well, no sir.
Anybody place a crown
of thorns on your head
lately until the herbal spikes
were driven beneath the skin
and along the shell
of your cranium?
He said, it's a bad time to
be talking to you, isn't it?
Used to sing a hymn
where I come from,
I've got a long way to
go to be like my Lord.
Got a long way to
go to be like Him.
I haven't been spat upon,
ridiculed, wounded in my side.
Life's no bed of
roses but still I
can't deny I've got a long
way to go to be like the Lord.
Not that's first thing.
Make Jesus your model
of undeserved suffering.
Matthew 16:24, if anyone
would come after me,
let him/her deny--
I wonder, do we have biblically
literate people here?
Deny self, take up--
--and follow me.
Second thing God told me to tell
you is, suffer in your body.
Most of us in
temptation, we really
don't know how to
suffer in our body.
We haven't experienced
any pain at all.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians
9:27, I keep my body under
and make it my slave.
Most of us are
slaves to the body.
But when you living for God's
will, you make your body slave.
You do what I tell you to do.
Lest that any time after
I have preached to others.
I myself will be disqualified.
Are you doing that?
Do you have that
kind of discipline?
In order to be in God's
will-- my wife and I
were in St. Louis,
and a friend of ours
took us out to this fancy
schmancy restaurant, high up.
Look down and see the Arch.
And I was doing
fine with my meal.
The devil is a liar.
Just looking into-- all
this great food coming.
And then, finally they
said, now, Dr. Black, we've
got to give you
the dessert menu.
And something said,
avoid that, Barry.
Don't even go near that.
You don't need to do that.
And I say, the devil is a liar.
I can-- No, no.
I'm not going to be
intimidated by Satan.
I can at least look
at the dessert menu.
Let him know, you talkin' to me?
You want some of me?
Greater is He who is in me?
I'm quoting scripture today.
Bring the dessert
menu on in here.
You don't know-- no.
No, no sirree bob.
If you think you're
going to intimidate me,
mighty man of God, 62nd Chaplain
of the United States Senate,
bring it on in here.
Brought it on in there
and somebody said--
know my wife was there--
you got to try the
Italian cream cake.
Chaplain, have you ever
had the Italian cream cake?
No, as a matter of
fact, I haven't, but--
Bring a couple of troughs
of that Italian cream cake.
And bring in some--
a wheelbarrow worth of ice
cream over here to the Chaplain
of the Senate.
Got bring the thing--
So I said, the devil
is a liar, if he
thinks I can't take
one fork of that cake.
Who am I?
I mean, you know-- let's
be not righteous over--
you can find a scripture
when you need it--
be not righteous over
much, Praise the Lord.
I think that's in the Bible.
But anyhow-- I was quoting
it in here, I know.
Must've got a nickel
from it some time.
Here they bring it out and
my wife will tell you--
she's here to testify--
I lifted holy hands.
That Italian cream
cake was off the chain.
I think I got my prayer
language at that meal.
Lord have mercy.
My God.
It wiped me out.
And then-- as the young people
tell me when I'm counseling--
and then I don't
know what happened.
I was gone.
Man down, man down.
You've got to suffer
in the body, folks.
1 Corinthians 10:12, let
those who think they stand
take heed lest they fall.
And the final thing God
told me to you is focus--
could we get verse 3 of
1 Peter 4 back up there?
Because this is so critical.
But remember that
they will happen--
nope, that's not
what I'm looking for.
Go up another one.
Is it-- that's too far down.
Of course your former
friends-- no, up again.
You have enough?
Up again.
You won't-- there it is.
There it is.
Please hear me.
You won't spend the rest of your
lives chasing your own desires
but you will be anxious.
Hallelujah To do the will of
God wherever it takes you.
I'm so glad that
even though I'm born
in sin, in shape, and iniquity.
Even though my natural
proclivity is for evil.
Even though I'm exterior
focused when I shouldn't be.
Even though there
is a demonic element
that I have to deal with.
Ephesians 6:12, we wrestle
not against flesh and blood.
I've got a champion who just
loved to do the will of God.
He said in John 4:32,
my food, my meat
is to do the will
of Him who sent me.
And finish it, that's my food!
[INAUDIBLE] woman at the well.
You want something to eat?
No, no.
I'm full because of my encounter
with the woman at the well.
He left the chants of cherubims
and the songs of seraphims.
He left unpolluted breezes
and undarkened days.
He left the Father's presence
and a rainbow encircled throne,
in a land where
night never comes,
to have a breakthrough at
Bethlehem to do the Father's
The incarnation would be
analogous to someone asking
you and me to become members of
the canine family to save dogs.
The kenosis, he divested himself
of the prerogatives of deity.
omniscience, omnipresent.
Now I would have negotiated--
got to be honest with you.
OK, Father.
I'm ready-- I'm willing
to go, but could I
please skip puberty?
I mean, let me start at 30.
Running start, that give
me extra time-- no, no.
He starts as a baby
to do the will of God.
Isaiah's sword, who
hath believed our report
and to whom is the arm
of the Lord revealed?
If we grew up among us as a
tender plant and a root out
of the dry ground.
Look at God's will.
Look at where God's
will will take you.
He hath no-- this was not
Denzel or Morris Chestnut.
He hath no form nor comeliness.
And when we shall see him,
there is no beauty in him
that we should desire him.
He is despised and
rejected by humanity.
John 1:11 says, he
came unto his own
and his own received him not.
And in the Garden of Gethsemane
he looked into the cup.
Remember, he saw
what would happen.
He was able to predict how many
times Peter would deny him.
He said to Judas, what
you got to do, do quickly.
He knew what would happen.
He looked into the cup
and said to his Father,
regarding the will of God,
you have got to be kidding me.
You have got to be kidding me.
Nails driven through
my hands until my blood
gushes out like a
ruptured water line?
You have got to be kidding me.
Abba, Daddy, if it's possible,
I don't want to drink this cup.
Father, all things
are possible to You.
Let this cup pass from me.
Nevertheless, I'm
not living for me.
Oh, my Father, let
Your will be done.
Our blessed Lord knew,
they may take my life
but I choose how I will die.
I am the star of this drama.
This is my show.
Matthew 26, Peter, I'm
in the will of God.
Put away your sword.
For do you not know
that right now I
could speed dial
heaven and my Abba,
my daddy, would
send 72,000 angels--
that's what 12 legions are.
But if one angel can destroy
185,000 soldiers and Isaiah 37,
I'm glad--
Go ahead and drive the
nails through my hands.
Laugh at me where you stand.
Go ahead, say I'm dead and gone.
While I'm in my
father's will, you
will see that you are wrong
because I'll rise again.
There is no power on
earth can tie me down.
I'll rise again.
Death can't keep
me in the ground.
Now, that passage talked about
judgment and our accountability
to God in the judgment.
One of the most frightening
passages of scripture to me
is Ecclesiastes
12, 13, and 14, let
us hear the conclusion
of the whole matter.
Fear God-- that's
reverential law--
and keep His
commandments, for this
is the whole duty of humankind.
For God shall bring every work
into judgment-- oh, oh oh,
here it is--
with every secret thing.
Everyone has a
skeleton in the closet.
Truth of the matter
is, some of us
have bodies in the
closet on life support.
With every secret thing--
and then the Bible says,
it is appointed unto
all wants to die, and
after that the judgment--
but because my champion
was in the will of God.
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
When God gets to the name of
the 62nd Chaplain of the United
States Senate, and Barry
Black's name comes up,
God is going to say, OK,
we need Barry's record--
all I see, he was
born in Bethlehem,
all wrapped in
swaddling clothes.
He was baptized by John
the Baptist in the Jordan.
Oh, yeah.
Look, he did my will every day.
In fact his food
was to do my will.
That's what the hymnist meant
when he said, look upon Jesus.
Sinless is He.
Father impute his life unto me.
My life of scarlet.
My sin and woe covered--
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God--
covered with his life
whiter than snow.
So when you live for
God's will, you cry out,
have thine own way Lord.
Have thine own way.
You are the potter,
I am the clay.
Mold me, make me
after your will.
While I am waiting yield it and
still have thine own way Lord.
Have thine own way.
Wounded and weary,
help me, I pray.
Power or power, surely is
thine as in thy presence.
Humbly, I bow.
Have thine own way, Lord.
Even if my crazy brothers
sell me into Egypt.
Even if it means that being
at a jail at Philippi.
Even if it means being
single or divorced,
or a woman with
an issue of blood.
Mold on-- hold on my being,
absolute sway, filled with thy
spirit till all shall see.
Christ, King of
kings, Lord of Lords,
heart-fixer, mind regulator,
bridge over troubled waters.
Christ only, always,
living in me.
I delight to do thy will.
Oh, my God.
Yea, thy law is within me.
God bless you and keep
you, is my prayer.