After Yannik lost both parents to AIDS, resentment and anger pushed him into drug addiction and gun trafficking. He knew what he did was wrong, and offered God a chance to get him out of his life of crime.
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Because my father worked for
Delta, it was nothing for us
just to hop on a plane, fly to
Hawaii, Bermuda, the Bahamas.
We were like The Cosby family.
People always
referred to us as you
know that quintessential,
perfect family.
NARRATOR: Yannik McKie
grew up in a loving home
with all the luxuries his
father, an airline executive,
could afford.
Though not religious,
his parents
sent him to a Christian school
where he heard the gospel
for the first time.
I remember going home that
night getting into my room
and kneeling at
the side of my bed
and telling Jesus that I
wanted a relationship with him.
And at 6 years old, I received
Jesus Christ into my life.
NARRATOR: Yannik continued
to flourish taking
frequent trips with his family.
But then his parents started
going away on their own
for weekends.
Yannik was 11 when his father
sent him and his sister down
and explained the
trips were to hospitals
for experimental
medical treatments.
When he told us
that he had HIV,
I didn't know what that
was, but I certainly
knew what no cure meant.
It meant no more fancy trips.
It meant no more fun and games.
And eventually, it would
mean no more mom and dad.
I can't really tell you how
long I cried at that moment,
but it was a while.
NARRATOR: Yannik's
father admitted
to an affair with a woman.
But a short time later, his
mother told him the truth.
My mom looked at me and said,
"Yannik, it wasn't a woman.
Your father's gay."
I really didn't grasp
what was happening.
My father wasn't the
man that I thought
he was because if he contracted
a disease that they didn't have
a cure for and then
gave it to my mom
my father was going to
be guilty of murder.
NARRATOR: Although he
was angry at his father,
Yannik also blamed God.
In my mind, it
was God's fault.
I believed that
God was in control.
So you're going to allow my dad
to contract a deadly disease
and then give it to
an innocent person.
Oh yeah, I was hot.
NARRATOR: When Yannik was
13, his father died of AIDS.
I remember my
father dying, but me
feeling like that was a
consequence of his choice.
And so why should
I feel sorry when
he's getting what he deserves.
NARRATOR: Yannik's mother
died of AIDS two years later.
I loved mom.
I was a mother's boy, and I
felt like she was innocent.
And she died a slow death.
And that ate at
me because if you
see my-- had seen my mother, she
was beautiful, healthy, young,
brilliant, but AIDS
ate away at her.
NARRATOR: He and his sister
were adopted by family friends.
Devastated by the
loss of his parents,
Yannik started using drugs.
It started with
the wrong crowd, hurt
people attract hurt people.
I began to hang around
teenagers with problems, people
who didn't have
strong father figures,
young men who liked to do
drugs and hang out and party,
and so that's what we would do.
NARRATOR: Yannik soon
began selling drugs.
And when he went
away to college he
discovered he could make a
bigger profit buying guns
and selling them illegally.
He and a friend started
running guns to drug dealers
in New York City.
I knew that I was wrong.
I knew God was real.
I would hurt myself to hurt him.
I was-- it was almost
like I was trying
to get his attention
some way, somehow.
To get him to pay
attention to me.
To see if he cared because
I didn't know if he did.
continued running guns
for the next few years.
But the guilt he felt for
having put hundreds of them
on the street began
to weigh on him.
I remember one night
praying, God, almost like
I'm going to give you a chance.
If you want me to
change, I'm going
to need your help because I'm
too deep in this to just stop.
time later, Yannik
was arrested when a
gun buyer gave him up.
He faced five years in prison.
I remember almost being happy.
I wasn't angry with the
police for doing their job.
I got in that van
and I went to sleep.
And I remember thinking,
you're answering my prayer.
And they took me to a
federal prison in Savannah.
awaiting trial, Yannik
says he had an
encounter with God.
I began to see that
the situation I was in
wasn't God's fault,
it was my fault.
I'm guilty of making the
same detrimental decisions
that my dad was in a
different way, all still sin.
And it was at that moment
I forgave him because I
realized I was just like him.
I mean I felt it, literally,
like a weight lift off of me.
I was in prison, but I was free.
NARRATOR: Once able
to forgive his father,
Yannik rededicated
his life to the Lord.
Out on bond, he began
attending church.
One Sunday, he had a chance
encounter with a prosecutor
there who wanted to
know more about him.
Yannik told her about
losing his parents
and returning to God
after years of rebellion.
Then, he had his day in court.
This is a big case,
college students
involved in gun trafficking.
I mean they want us in jail.
Now this is a federal
prosecutor and she defends me.
I was guilty.
But because of what she did for
me, the judge showed me grace.
She did such a good
job, my attorney
says, "I acquiesce to the
argument of the prosecution,"
and sits down.
I mean it was amazing.
It was God.
NARRATOR: A charge was
dropped and instead
of five years in prison
Yannik was sentenced
to five years probation.
He began working
with the prosecutor
teaching hundreds of
at risk kids to read.
Today, he is married and
has a family of his own.
And he owes it all to the God
who both forgives and restores.
We forgive because
we realize if it wasn't
for the grace of God
we could all be guilty
of the grossest sin.
I believe there's a direct
correlation in the grace
that I showed my father and
the grace that was given to me.
You can not believe
you've been forgiven
of an eternal debt
of sin and not
being willing to forgive
someone who sins against you.
And I experienced
true forgiveness.
And so when I felt that
weight lift off with me,
that was a weight, not
just for that moment,
but a weight for
the rest of my life.