After more than 20 years of delivering furniture, Carl was left with unbearable back pain. With only temporary reliefs, he prayed for healing so that he could enjoy a pain-free retirement.
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Retired furniture mover,
76-year-old Carl Wisniewski,
is back to being active.
Not too long ago, years of
heavy lifting at his job
caused him to have
chronic back pain.
The more expensive
the furniture was,
the heavier it was.
A very severe throbbing
was come upon me,
like a flash of light,
excruciatingly painful, while I
lay on my back and pray.
Carl took over-the-counter
medication and visited
a chiropractor.
But the relief was short lived.
Maybe three or
four days later,
you're back at the
chiropractor's office again.
That's the way it was.
Carl watched the
700 Club every day
and prayed for his healing.
He also prayed for other
viewers along with the hosts.
When you pray for others, it
takes your mind off yourself.
And it does something
to you inside.
I love to pray.
That's just me.
On July 22, 2016,
Carl was watching,
and praying, when he heard a
Word of knowledge from Terry.
I'm eating in my
recliner, listening intently
to what they're
saying on television.
There's someone else.
You have an issue
with your back.
It doesn't allow you
to actually stand up
straight, a lot of
pain in the lower back.
That's-- just lift up now.
God is setting you
free from that.
I raised my arm.
I said, that's me, Father.
God, I claim the healing.
When Terry prayed, and as I
was getting up off my knees,
the pain was gone, totally
gone, subsided completely.
I never had a bit of
backache pain since that day.
What could I do, but
praise God as best I could?
There were no words
to say thank you.
How do you say thank
you to God in words?
It's all in here.
It was time for
Carl to be healed.
God says I am going to
do something for the boy.
That's the way I look at it.
Now pain free, Carl enjoys the
retirement he always hoped for.
I enjoy my life
more than ever before.
In my 76 years, I have never
felt such peace of mind,
and such physical joy.
Now I do my housework,
and my artwork,
in great detail and great ease.
No pain.
And I can shovel snow.
I can do anything today.
And the satisfaction, and joy,
when you look at your results,
man, that's from God.
Thank you, Father.