Have I been committing a sin by celebrating Christmas and including Santa Claus? I believe the love is gone from our marriage; what is your advice?
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Well, it is time
to bring it on.
And we've got an
interesting question
from Larry, who says,
"I'm a Christian
and read the Bible
daily and trying
to obey the commandments of God.
All my life, I was
always brought up
celebrating Christmas, which
included Santa Claus, Christmas
trees, presents, et cetera.
My son tells me that
I am committing sin
because Christmas
is a pagan holiday
and Jesus does not approve.
He also says Jesus was
not born on December 25,
and I am worshipping
a false idol.
I'm confused about how
to celebrate Christmas.
My son says when he-- my son
says when he has children,
he will tell them there
is no Santa Claus.
Have I been committing
a sin all my life?"
No, you haven't.
You know, the Catholics--
I guess, wise or something,
but when they came
into the culture,
they found out what is
the predominant worship
of this culture.
And what they did was
Christian-ize it, you know.
So they found the
winter solstice
and the Teutonic things.
And they had yule
logs and all that.
So they said, OK,
let's Christian-ize it.
And that's what happened.
The same thing with Easter.
I mean, Easter is
Eostre for Astarte.
And you know, that was
a pagan holiday too.
And they had the
winter solstice,
and they had the vernal equinox
and all this other stuff,
and that they
Christian-ized them.
So you know, God is
interested in your heart.
What is your heart?
Do you have evil in your heart?
Do you bear malice
toward your fellow man?
Are you filled with
slander and anger?
I mean, that's what
he's looking at.
Does that make sense?
The fact that you've got
a Christmas tree, I mean,
like who cares?
And if you want to
have Santa Claus-- you
know, you go back to Saint
Nick, he was a Christian saint.
So we have changed
him quite a bit.
And sure, Christmas now is
a commercial pagan orgy,
there's no question about it.
But you can also worship Jesus.
But for your kids coming
up, what I did with mine,
you tell them what Santa is.
You know, I tried to tell my
son that Santa was a myth,
and they wouldn't buy it.
I said, we've seen Santa.
I said, look, there's a
bunch of really old drunks
on the street out there.
They picked a bunch of them
and put red suits on them.
I mean, these are--
And they wouldn't buy it?
They wanted to believe.
Oh yes.
So I finally had to
say, OK, Jesus is real,
and Santa is make believe.
They did go along with those.
OK, Santa is make believe
and all the reindeer and all
that stuff.
And Jesus is real.
And that's the way you
get through to them.
All right, what else you got?
All right, that's a good one.
All right, well, "Dear
Pat, my husband and I
have been married for 34
years and have two grown sons
and a new granddaughter.
I've been a Christian for the
last 17 years, but he is not.
A year ago, after much
badgering from him,
I told him of an affair
I had eight years
into our not-so-good marriage.
He had a couple of
one night stands
before that which he
confessed years ago.
I have lived through a living
hell ever since I told him.
Things are slowly getting
better between us,
but he still verbally
abuses me, especially when
he drinks too much.
I pray every day for his
forgiveness and his addictions
to no avail.
I regret the affair to my core.
I believe the love is
gone from our marriage.
What is your advice?"
Um, my advice is something
that you've already done.
I really don't think you need
to have this breast-baring kind
of stuff.
I think what you've done
is under the blood of Jesus
And it's your secret
to tell a spouse look,
I had an affair while we
were dating 8 years ago,
10 years ago, 15 years ago.
But they were married.
Ah, so they were married.
So who cares?
I mean, it's one of those
things, so you did it.
So you committed adultery, so
you repent it and you're sorry.
That's between you and the Lord.
But I don't really think
that-- sometimes, it's
important to bring
these things out.
But more than in your case,
it's ruined your marriage.
What would you do?
You need marriage counseling
in the worst possible way.
And it may be-- I mean, you
both have grounds because he's
been cheating on you, you
both have grounds for divorce
if you want it.
But I just-- I don't know
what else to say, except it's
a tragic situation.
We are human beings,
ladies and gentlemen.
And human beings have failings
and God gave us appetites.
We have appetites for
food and for drink
and for sexual activity.
And unfortunately,
some people give
yield into those a little
bit faster than others.
So God is willing to forgive
if you will repent and come
to him.
And we should be willing
to forgive others.
But you know, you remember
that "Scarlet Letter"?
It was Hawthorne's famous book
that this woman had committed
one act of adultery
and they made
her go around with
a big A on her dress
for the rest of her time.
And that colony was just awful.
So I mean, we
forgive these days.
God is a God of
forgiveness, but just don't
keep doing the same stuff.
Amen, learn from your mistakes.