Author and actress Robia Scott shares about how Christ set her free from her battles with food and self-image.
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When Robia Scott was 12 she
saw the movie "Flashdance"
and knew exactly what she
wanted to do with her life.
Within years, she was starring
on TV and in music videos.
And while she was
successful, Robia soon
realized she was chasing
counterfeit comforters.
Take a look.
REPORTER: Robia Scott
rocketed to success
as a professional dancer
and actress in Hollywood.
Her big break came when
she toured with Prince,
and then landed a
role in TV shows,
including "90210" and
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
But Rubia's excessive
spending and obsession
with a perfect body
left her unsatisfied.
I was always trying to
look for that thing that
would make me feel at
rest inside of myself.
REPORTER: In her book,
"Counterfeit Comforts,"
Robia shares what happened when
she gave up material things,
and what she realized
was the one thing
money could never buy.
Robia Scott is
here with us now.
And we welcome you
to the "700 Club."
Thank you so much.
I don't think you were alone
after seeing "Flashdance"
and deciding you
wanted to be a dancer.
Oh my goodness.
Did you see those
pictures of the perm?
Everybody who
saw it was so taken
with the gift of dancing
that I think we all wished
our feet moved like that.
But you made it a reality.
I didn't realize,
until I saw that movie,
that you could actually
do that for a living.
I was just a little girl like
so many little girls dancing
around the house.
And I saw that movie
and I thought, oh wow,
I could do this.
So, I started with
a big old perm,
and I did that and cut
up all my sweatshirts,
and got leg warmers, and
then started training
to be a dancer.
And I went professional at 16.
And you really did make it.
I did.
I mean, not just
in the dance world
but eventually after dancing
for a number of years
you went into the acting field.
Tell me about that.
Well, yes, I
danced with Prince.
I was Pearl of his
"Diamonds and Pearls" album,
so that was kind of my
final hoorah as a dancer.
I retired after that
and started acting,
and again just
trained very seriously
like a dancer would train and
started working right away.
I did a number of shows,
"Beverly Hills, 90210."
I actually got saved while
I was working on "Buffy
the Vampire Slayer."
WOMAN: Now, you
know here you are.
You have these dreams.
And you have accomplished
what most people
do only dream about.
But what was going on inside
of you at that time, Robia?
Well, that's just it.
I really had
reached the pinnacle
that people strive their
whole lives to achieve,
and I was there in my early 20s.
But even though I
was very successful--
and it was wonderful.
I was traveling the world
and it was really fantastic.
But where I was living on the
inside just-- I was struggling.
You know I was struggling.
So, was it a struggle
just to find who you were?
Was it a struggle
just to find something
that you were able-- you
already were doing something
you loved as part of your job.
What were you thinking?
Did Christ or faith ever
come into your heart or mind
at that time?
Well, I was really
just looking for peace.
I was a chain smoker.
I was just nervous, and anxious,
and uncomfortable in my skin,
really dealing with
body image issues.
Being a woman, we women struggle
in that area in general,
but then being a
dancer and an actress.
So, just inside I was
just tormented with--
and I was seeking God.
I grew up in
Southern California,
so when you're seeking
God usually there
you really find the
New Age movement.
So, I got very involved in that.
But as I pursued that more,
I realized that it just
wasn't changing my life.
I was still chain smoking.
I was still tormented.
So, something inside
of me knew that when
I connected with God in a real
way that my life would change.
And food had become
an issue for you
in your life in a very big way.
I mean, it was something that
you used to control body image.
And was that kind of
helping you to feel
in control of everything
that was out of control
in your life?
A little bit.
I mean, I don't know if it
would help me feel in control.
It just really reflected
how out of control I was.
I was just tormented about what
I would eat, what I would not
eat, how much I would eat.
I was either not eating at
all, or binging, or purging.
So, you really had a bulimic
rhythm going in your life?
I did.
And interestingly enough,
once I became a Christian
it actually got worse.
Sometimes that happens
for people, because we
have to get to the root--
--cause of it, right?
And that's what you found.
But it all started when you
met somebody at-- were you
at an audition, I believe, and
you saw a girl that had "I am"
tattooed on the
back of her neck?
I was seeking God and
I was in the New Age,
like I said, and I just was
waiting in the waiting room
and I saw this girl and
she had I am tattooed
on the back of her neck.
So, I said is that the New
Age positive affirmations,
I am the light, I am this.
And she was like oh, no, no.
You know that's I am, the
great I am of the Bible.
She pulled her Bible
out of her purse,
started talking about Jesus.
Everyone in the room
is uncomfortable
because as soon as you start
to talk about Jesus everyone
gets uncomfortable.
But I was fascinated
because she was dynamic
and she brought
me to her church.
And that's where I
started to know the Lord.
She really grabbed hold
of you and walked you
through the beginnings
of the process.
Talk in your book-- I think
it's such a great title,
"Counterfeit Comforters."
I mean, I think we all
do that in our lives,
especially until we come to
the place of surrendering
to the Lord we're busy
trying to make ourselves
satisfied, and
happy, and at peace.
Where did the title come from?
"Counterfeit Comforts"
came from a moment in prayer
with God.
You know I'd been a
Christian for a couple years
and I was getting healing
in other areas of my life,
but like I told you the
area with food got worse.
And I felt like the Lord
spoke to me and said,
you know now that you
are in the kingdom,
now that you're really moving
forward in your destiny
and calling, the enemy--
whose job is to steal, kill,
and destroy, John 10:10-- now
he's going to turn up the heat,
which he does with all of us.
He finds our vulnerabilities
and he goes after them.
So, into my Christianity I
was struggling more than ever.
So, I cried out to God and I
said, God what is going on?
Why can't I get free
in this area of food?
And in my spirit-- I didn't
hear an audible voice,
but I had an impression.
I heard you have too many
counterfeit comforts.
And I had never
heard that before.
I hadn't heard someone
preach that, so that was--
I just really felt
it was God, because--
Did a knowing
of what that meant
come into you at the same time?
Yes, the Lord
started to reveal it
like the Holy Spirit will.
And as soon as I heard
"Counterfeit Comforts,"
I was reminded that in
the Bible the Holy Spirit
is called the comforter.
Ah, yes.
And then God showed me that
food wasn't really the issue.
That's when I tried to diet
or cut out food groups.
I wasn't getting anywhere.
He said food is not your issue.
It's the fact that when feelings
are coming up-- abandonment,
disappointment-- you don't
know how to process
what's going on
with you, so you're running to
a counterfeit food for comfort.
And so, food is really just
a fruit of an unhealthy root.
And that counterfeit could
be so many things for people.
So many things.
So many things.
And so, getting to
the root is really
what your book is all about.
I want you to know you can
hear more of Robia's story
by getting her book.
It's called
"Counterfeit Comforts."
It's available in
stores nationwide.
And really everybody
ought to read this book,
because for all of us we run
somewhere other than to God
until we decide to
let God really go
to the heart of the matter.
Also, Robia sat down earlier
with our social media team
for an exclusive interview.
You can watch that by going
Great to have you with us today.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.