In the midst of running her multimillion dollar business, entrepreneur Emily Ley discusses how she lives by a standard of grace, not perfection.
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many women, Emily Ley
has felt the pressure
of trying to do it all,
and do it all perfectly.
She's an author, the founder
and creative director
of a multimillion-dollar
and a busy wife
and mom of three.
After awhile, the pressure
of juggling everything
became too much
for Emily to bear.
decided that I'll hold myself
to a standard of
grace, not perfection,
that I was going to just be
the best I could be, and make
the important stuff happen.
NARRATOR: In her new book,
"Grace, Not Perfection,"
she shares Biblical wisdom
in practical steps that
will help you
simplify your routine
and make room for
what really matters.
Emily Ley is here today.
We welcome you to the show.
Thank you.
Simplify sounds good.
Thank you, it does.
A breath of fresh air.
You know, my daughter-in-law--
one of my daughters-in-law--
and I were talking just this
past week about perfectionism,
because if it's something
that you struggle with,
we say it's a curse, but we
kind of feel OK about it.
It's one of those curses
that seems like maybe there's
a good side to it.
Well, I think that we have
all gotten to this place where
we feel like it's the norm to be
comparing ourselves, and trying
so hard to keep up, and to
portray the image that we have
it all together.
How did you get
out from under that?
I mean, you share
in the book that you
can get pretty frazzled trying
to be on the top of the heap
all the time.
Oh, all the time.
You know, I think I
just had to implement
routines that worked for us.
Real tactical systems, like
doing our laundry every day
so that we don't have a
giant pile on Sundays.
Now, that still
happen sometimes.
That's where the grace comes in.
It's OK.
But finding ways that
work for our families
so that we can keep
the wheels moving.
You've got great little
tidbits of wisdom,
like, use what works for
you, let the rest go.
I mean, sometimes
as women, we almost
need permission to do that.
I totally agree.
You know, I really
feel like we need
to support each other as women.
We do.
As a sisterhood,
and say it's OK!
We don't have to have it
all together all the time.
It's exhausting.
And sometimes-- you're
talking about exhaustion,
and then you talk in the book
about the peril of trying
to draw from a dry well.
How do you keep from
letting your well get dry,
so that you can savor life
in the moment in the chaos?
We have to continually fill
our well with the good things.
With truth, with
rest, with good food,
with the things that
inspire us, like reading.
That's very important.
So often we make sure
our kids or the people
we love have everything they
need, and we forget ourselves.
You know, I laughed
as I was reading your book
when you talked about getting
your closet organized.
And you were talking about
getting rid of things,
and you said, get rid
of those things that
are two sizes smaller
than where you are now.
Because it's a constant
judgment of your present state.
You don't even think-- you
think you're being practical.
You know, what if I
lose, then I'd have to--
Think of-- I mean, those are
the kind of practical things
that you say, make
it OK to be you.
And when there are
less distractions,
I don't want to
walk in my closet
and remember the size
I was in college.
I want to walk in
my closet and feel
confident in who I am right
now, who God made me to be.
It's also hard when
most of the hangers
are the ones that you're
waiting to go back to,
and then there are three or
four at the end that are today.
Absolutely. [LAUGHS]
Every woman, I think,
needs a support system.
You know, I'm sure
men do too, but they
don't seem to congregate
with friends like we do,
in the same way.
But friends are
really important.
How do you utilize
friendships in your life,
in a way that makes you a
blessing and blesses you?
I really feel like
we need a village.
They say it takes a
village to raise a child,
but I think it takes a
village to do life well.
And that means having friends
who support and encourage you.
Friends that you can
pour into, as well.
And when you bring
that tribe around you,
and you all have similar
hearts, that's beautiful.
You know?
And it just empowers us.
So you have a
successful business,
you have three children--
I do.
--a busy household.
How do you keep all the plates
spinning at the same time?
And I'm sure there are
moments when they don't.
EMILY LEY: Oh, absolutely.
I give myself a lot of grace.
And I bring help
in when I need it.
I'm not afraid to outsource.
I also have just found
systems that work.
And for me, I use our
simplified planner
to keep track of my days.
Talk about that, because
you really did simplify it.
Sometimes I open
those planners up,
then I just close them
again, going, it's
one more to-do list, you know?
Right, right.
I needed a place
that would allow
me to spill everything that
felt overwhelming in my brain
and heart onto paper.
I needed a place to
get everything out.
And I also needed something
that felt like a fresh start.
So we designed a
simplified planner,
very minimal on purpose, so
that every woman can use it
to her needs and to fit her
circumstances and her seasons,
TERRY MEEUWSEN: And you've kept
the focus on four key things.
Talk about that.
So, our daily pages-- we have
a daily and a weekly edition--
but the daily pages focus on
your schedule, your to-do list,
what's for dinner, and notes.
And that's it.
There's nothing else.
I felt so released when
I heard those four areas,
because every night when
I get home from work, everybody
that happens to be at my house
goes, what's for dinner?
They want to be fed every day!
Like, why don't
you people decide?
[LAUGHS] Another
thing you say that I
think is so key-- it's key
to life in general-- is,
savor the circus.
You know, you can
be frustrated by it,
you can lose energy over it,
you can rail on about it,
but if you don't learn to
savor it, you miss the joy.
I believe that there
are seasons of life
that are not changeable.
So, I have three
very small children.
That's what it is.
There it is.
And so I have to
sit in the mess,
sometimes, with a
screaming toddler or two,
with a messy house.
I have to learn to sit in
the mess and let it be.
Let it be OK.
And sometimes, then, I'm sure
you have deadlines in what you
do with your business.
Sometimes you've got to
put the deadline on hold
because somebody wants to read
a book, and that's the memory.
And I have a good friend,
Rachel Shingleton, who said,
you can be juggling balls in
the air and there will always be
one ball that you cannot drop.
You decide what that ball
is and you never drop it.
But be OK if the other ones
have to fall down sometimes.
So much wise counsel
in Emily's book.
I just want to say that
it's a book for every woman
to read, no matter what
season of life you're in.
Emily, we thank
you for being here.
Thank you!
The book is called--
it's just out, hot
off the press-- called
"Grace, Not Perfection."
Love the title.
It's available in
stores nationwide.
The subtitle is "Embracing
Simplicity, Celebrating Joy."
Who doesn't want to do that?
Great to have you here.
Thank you very much.